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The 30 free fantasy melhores that are true classics

The reality that we live may not be enough for readers who are like new worlds populated by magical beings. Also, fantastic literature is quite popular, occupying a special place, not the heart and not the imagination of many people.

Confira these two songs free of fantasy, wines from different times and parts of the world, that you need to read:

1. A Sociedade do Anel (1954)

A Sociedade do Anel (1954)

Bred by J.R.R. Tolkien, English professor and writer, this is the first book of the saga O Senhor dos Anéis, composted by three volumes. One of the two most important classics from fantastic literature, a work was adapted for a film trilogy of enormous international success.

No initial livro, we discover that there is um To which I contemplated incalculable power e, so that it would not fall further wrong, it must be transported to Montanha da Perdição, where it will be destroyed. A missão is led by the hobbit Frodo, who gathers a group capable of carrying out a difficult and difficult journey.

It is also formed into Sociedade do Anel, composed of elements with different characteristics and modes of action: four hobbits, one magician, one elf, one year and two humans, who

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join me to do what is necessary for o bem comum.

2. A War of Two Thrones (1996)

A War of Two Thrones (1996)

Or North American George R. R. Martin has been two more remarkable names than contemporary fantasy. War of two Thrones starts a famous epic saga As Chronicles of Gelo e Fogo what inspired a television series game of Thrones, gives HBO broadcaster, arrecadando in numbers fãs novos for the world of high fantasy.

Crossed by Incontaveis hair battles Throne of Ferro e o domínio dos Sete Reinos, a narrative and influenced by various magical elements such as feiticeiras, dragões e até zumbis. Not first of all, we meet some historical figures.

In case of clã Stark, Jon Snow, or bastard that I sent to Muralha, or rei Robert Baratheon and his family of him, you terrify Lannister. I am also here that begins the adventure of Daenerys, herdeira two Targaryens, that manages to hatch three eggs of dragão.

Trust us analysis of the As Crônicas saga by Gelo e Fogo.

3. American Deuses (2001)

American Deuses (2001)

A work by English Neil Gaiman combines elements of ancient and modern mythology, and was adapted for a television series American gods, says station Starz.

A narrative is built second or presumed that you deuses old live between us and your existence depends on faith that humans deposit them.

As two deuses of modernity emerged, associated with the current lifestyle (such as technology, celebrities, etc.), ancient divinities began to lose their strength.

Assim, resolvem join and face the new deuses, numa battleha hair power. All history is assisted by Shadow, or protagonist who has just been released and was hired to work as Wednesday's security, a very strange figure.

4. Ace Mists of Avalon (1979)

Ace Mists of Avalon (1982)

A North American work Marion Zimmer Bradley is composed of four volumes: "A Senhora da Magia", "A Grande Rainha", "O Gamo Rei" and "O Prisioneiro da Árvore".

Past medieval times and based on no lendas do Rei Artur universe e seus cavaleiros, the narrative is based on the experiences of feminine figures of entanglement. This is the case of Guinevere, Igraine, Viviane and Morgana, whose life is told from childhood.

Assim, or famous book of fantasy treats questões related to paganism and or contributo das mulheres for the collective history, which has long been extinguished two secules.

Em 2001, Ace Mists of Avalon It was adapted for television by Uli Edel, through a miniseries shown on the North American broadcaster TNT.

5. O Nome do Vento (2007)

O Nome do Vento (2007)

A work of Patrick Rothfuss marks or begins the saga of fantasy and magic A Crônica do Matador do Rei, past medieval period.

Or protagonist is Kvothe, or donation of a host who save a chronicler when he is attacked by mysterious beings. As a gratitude for the gesture, or the author, he may or may not have told his life, so that he can save his biography of him.

This is how we discovered a youth of personagem, who belongs to a group of itinerant artists. Later, the entrance to our university, where study to become a magician. An enigmatic figure is revealed as a hero, but also hides dark sides.

6. O Leão, A Feiticeira e o Guarda-Roupa (1950)

O Leão, A Feiticeira and o Guarda-Roupa

O Leão, A Feiticeira and o Guarda-Roupa It is the initial work of uma das maiores fantasy sagas of all tempos: As Chronicles of Nárnia, from English C. S. Lewis.

A narrative and starring four children, we go to Pevensie, and it happens in the middle of World War II. During os attacks that we were running in London, the garotos are hiding in the house of an old professor.

Lá, we found a wardrobe that open the door for a different reality girl Nárnia. From this point on, the characters venture into the new world that faces a long and rigorous winter, raised through magic.

7. O Magical Wonder of Oz (1900)

O Magical Wonder of Oz (1900)

Lembrada mainly for the film adaptation of 1939, O Magical of Oz, by L. Frank Baum is a timeless event with the children's audience.

Dorothy, the main character, is an 11-year-old girl who lives on a farm in Kansas. During an early morning, at his house is swept away by a tornado I'm going to stop in a strange and colorful world called Oz.

Nessa nova realidade, garota crosses with bruxas and munchkins, the inhabitants, and precise find the great Wizard of Oz to be able to return. Pelo caminho, I'm raising friendship ties with a leão, a scarecrow and a tin home, which will become his serious adventure companions.

8. Eragon (2002)

Eragon (2002)

Eragon It is the first of four books that make up the infant-youth series Herança Cycle by Christopher Paolini. Or protagonist who gives me a work and a garoto who finds a strange blue stone when he is passing through the mountain and decides to keep the object.

Later, the barnacle that is about um ovo that hatches and gives origin to a dragão. Eragon e the creature, whipped from Saphira, became inseparable companions.

Not so, there is evil forces tempting to capture that is fantastic. O livro was adapted for the cinema in 2006 and also from its origin to a videogame.

9. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)

Two major international successes of the last decades, or first book of the saga Harry Potter, by English J.K. Rowling, is the gateway to that universe of adventure and fantasy.

Or protagonist, Harry, um garoto orfão who lives like negligent uncles. No day when he completes 11 years, I received him a letter as a treat to study a great thing Hogwards School of Magic.

Potter discovers that he is a feiticeiro and left behind to learn how to use his powers. Embora he faces many friends in Hogwards, discovering that, além do Dom, he also hurt you some powerful inimigos.

A literary series was adapted for the cinema between the years 2001 and 2007, with seven films that were great bilheteria hits.

10. A Cor da Magia (1983)

A Cor da Magia (1983)

This book that starts the saga Discword, by Terry Pratchett, an extensive literary series of fantasy and comedy, marked pela satire that face to the own genre.

Here, there is a planet in the shape of a disk, inspired by Hindu mythology, supported by the shores of four elephants that, for their time, are perched on top of a gigantic tartaruga.

To work too recria various common-places gives fantastic literature, based on figures of great authors such as Lovecraft: witches, vampires, monsters, among others. Em A Cor da Magia, or protagonist is Rincewind, a misguided magician who serves as a guide for Twoflower, a naive visitor.

11. As Chronicles Martians (1950)

As Chronicles Martians (1950)

Or a book by Ray Bradbury, who has passed no space, I eat for ter some excerpts published in scientific fiction magazines. However, the author himself declared that this is also a fantasy work and that, by itself, it would be striking: "the myths have the power of permanence."

A history occurs in a dystopian future, not qual o planet Terra would be on the risk of destruction, Ameaçado by an atomic war. Anyway, humans decide colonize mars, where we restore few local beings.

Spanning a long period of decades (from 1999 to 2057), the narrative covers several important events of the colonization process, also illustrating the changes that the planet is going to slow down as time.

12. O Feiticeiro de Terramar (1968)

O Feiticeiro de Terramar (1968)

Written by Ursula K. Le Guin, Or Feiticeiro de Terramar This is another classic fantasy work that was conceived for a child audience but ended up conquering criticism and the attention of readers of all ages.

Passada nas ilhas imaginárias de Terramar, a narrative tells the story of Ged, um garoto that nasceu with powers e is studying to become a magician. Despite being very talented and intelligent, or also undisciplined and prodigal.

During a brigade with a colleague from the school, he launches a feitiço, the more he makes a mistake and just summon a monster perigoso. Next, Ged needs to learn how to deal with him and solve the problem he created.

13. A Bússola de Ouro (1995)

A Bússola de Ouro (1995)

To Bússola de Ouro opens to renowned saga of fantasy and scientific fiction Fronteiras do Universo, from English Philip Pullman.

Here as well souls two individuals are represented by animais that accompany you, designated daemons. The protagonist of the story is a young girl called Lyra who leaves for the Arctic because Roger, her best friend, disappears.

With Pantalaimon, your daemon and faithful companion, the segue or trace of the garoto that was sequestered by a shady religious organization, or Magisterium. O livro was adapted for the 2007 cinema by Chris Weitz.

14. A Viajante do Tempo (1991)

To Viajante do Tempo

To Viajante do Tempo the first book of the notorious saga of historical fiction, fantasy and romance, Outlander, written by Diana Gabaldon. A false narrative about viagens no tempo He is close to Claire Randall, a former English army nurse who lives in the 1940s of the twentieth century.

During her lua-de-mel in Escócia, she fainted and agreed in the 18th century, sem nenhuma explanation for or return to the past. Even so, I know that I have passed that day, a woman needs to continue living this other reality and she is approaching Jamie, a Scotsman who turns off for her.

Introducing herself as a British widow, Claire was received with curiosity, but also with distrust. A literary series was adapted for television in 2014 by Starz broadcaster.

15. Alice in the Wonderland (1865)

Alice in the Wonderland (1865)

A classical unconventional, Lewis Carroll's nonsense work incorporates various elements of fantastic literature, such as animais and objects that falam e behave like humans.

Alice is a very intelligent and curious garotinha that I will stop my unfamiliar world, or País das Maravilhas, where it all seems absurd. Because of her, she knows funny creatures and both loucas, but also very powerful faces.

Adapted many times, to a story that is mainly sown by the animated version of Disney that is part of our childhood.

Conheça também a nossa detailed analysis of Alice in Wonderland.

16. Dune (1965)

Dune (1965)

O book of scientific fiction and fantasy written by Frank Herbert long influenced these literary genres and great records of bands.

Or entanglement is passed in another galaxy, a long future no which is lived um feudal regime. A society is dominated by three names: you Corrino, you Harkonnen and you Atreides.

Here, the protagonist is Paul Atreides, or a young herdeiro whose family is sent to take an account of Arrakis, a desert planet, also known as "a Dune". Besides dealing with political and social relations, the work also reflects on questions such as philosophy and religion.

17. O Last Kingdom (2004)

O Last Kingdom (2004)

Written by Bernard Cornwell, this treatise of the first book of the saga of fantasy and historical fiction Saxon Chronicles, which inspired a television series The last kingdom (2015).

Passed in 872, or entanglement follows Invasion of the British Island hairy vikings, vindos da Denmark. O protagonist é Uhtred, um garoto cujos pais foram assassinated invader hairs I ended up being raised by them.

The same is beginning to fight alongside two Danish women, or young people are not on the ground where he was born and wishes to return. Also, while the saxophones are struggling to re-energize, Uhtred questions his identity and the side to which he belongs.

18. Uma Dobra no Tempo (1962)

Uma Dobra no Tempo (1962)

Or fantasy book NOW (Young Adult, ou seja, for young adults), by North American Madeleine L’Engle, is a fundamental work for your style. Appointed as a Manichaean story, a narrative follows a luta travada between o beme o mal.

The protagonist, Meg, is a bright and complex adolescent who lives with me and irmão newer, Charles, depois do pai ter disappeared while working on a secret project. The scientists of the scientist resolve to leave in search of him and, with the help of three celestial guides, begin travel no time and no space.

The work was adapted for the cinema in 2018, directed by Ava DuVernay.

19. Or Assassino's Apprentice (1995)

Or Assassino's Apprentice (1995)

Or Robin Hobb's book, Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden's literary pseudonym, tells Fitz's story, or filho bastardo do principe two Six Ducats.

Aged six years, or less than two years old and raised for court, where he went on to be raised by a member of Cavalaria. Living among the plebeus and running several perigos, it began to be Treined to be an assassin, commanded by rei.

When the Six Ducats became the target of looters, Fitz received the first missão and needed to defend his land from him. A work of epic and imperdível fantasy mainly for readers who gostam adventure and real intrigue.

20. Or Last Desire (1993)

Or Last Desire (1993)

Or last wish é o first light day Saga do Bruxo Geralt de Rívia, written by Andrzej Sapkowski, which became popular through the television adaptation The witcher (2019).

A work of fantasy and magic brings together seven stories that revolve around Geralt de Rívia, um bruxus who kills monsters as profissão.

Depois de ser ferido during uma luta, or protagonist repousa e Releases various episodes of your course, that you form different adventures and narratives that will be told a long time ago.

A literary series has also happened that also originated works of quadrinhos, card games and taboo games, as well as videogames that will conquer adoration of two fãs.

21. Or Pistoleiro (1982)

Or Pistoleiro (1982)

Considered one of the first works of Stephen King, To Black Tower It is a saga of scientific fiction and high fantasy with elements of far-west and terror, written over more than three decades.

Or Pistoleiro, book that opens to a literary series, was initially published by chapters in a North American magazine The Magazine of Fantasy & Science FictionRoland de Gilead, or protagonist, is a gunman who cross or desert behind your inimigo, "o homem de preto".

During this journey, he was approaching more and more to his final destination, materially represented by the Black Tower. A literary series was adapted for the cinema in 2017 by Danish director Nikolaj Arcel.

22. O Power of the Sword (2006)

O Power of the Sword (2006)

Or Power of the Sword é o livro that starts a trilogy A Primeira Leiby English Joe Abercrombie, a celebrated adult fantasy author. A history happens num world that is in war, assuming a medieval and violent atmosphere.

Enquanto a military group, in União, is organized to combat external ameaças, arises um outsider claiming to be Bayaz, or Primeiro dos Magos.

A chegada did it suppose to be fantastic, that it would have returned after secles of disappearance, see influence or fate of various people involved in conflict, such as Glokta, Jezal dan Luthar and Logen Nove Fingers.

23. O Ladrão de Raios (2005)

O Ladrão de Raios (2005)

Or Ladrão de Raios It is the first work of the saga of fantasy and adventure Percy Jackson & the Olympians, written by Rick Riordan for young audiences.

Taking as inspiration Greek mythology, a literary series starring Percy Jackson, a garoto who was attacked by a Fúria while visiting a museum. From that moment on, he goes on to find various fantastic creatures linked to that universe, such as the Fates, or Minotaur and Medusa.

It is also that it begins a youth day that discovers to be um "meio-sangue", filho de um deus Grego as a mortal figure. A history was adapted for the cinema through two longas-metragens released in 2010 and 2013.

24. Or Buried Giant (2015)

Or Buried Giant (2015)

Kazuo Ishiguro, or Japanese author who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017, has known about all the hairs of his romances and works of historical fiction. Com Or Buried Giant, or writer ventured for the first time in the fantasy field.

Or entanglement happens num passado longínquo, povoado by magical creatures like ogres and dragões. The protagonists of the event are Beatrice and Axl, a home of the idiosyncratic that sets out in search of a filho that has not seen many years.

Through a difficult and time-consuming journey, the people need to fight against it, sailing também pelas lembranças and emotions.

25. As Lies of Locke Lamora (2014)

As Lies of Locke Lamora (2014)

The first book by Scott Lynch conquered the attention of the world public, with his fantasy and crime narrative, starting the saga Os Nobres Vigaristas.

Or main character, Locke Lamora, é a famous thief Known as a species of Robin Hood, who rouba two rich and help the poor.

Na verdade, a charismatic figure uses his strength in his favor and tells many lies, keeping all the profits for himself, the Cavalheiros Bastardos. Contudo, when the city of Camorr finds itself in the iminência of a conflict, the bandits need to fight to survive.

26. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (2004)

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (2004)

English writer Susanna Clarke começou a sua carreira com Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, a work that has been recognized as indispensable for admirers of fantastic literature.

A history passed in England, during the Napoleonic invasions, in a reality in which it existed magical powers that will eventually disappear. This is where two protagonists emerge, Strange and Norell, dois rivais who made an effort to recover magic.

The work was adapted for television in 2015, as a homonymous series launched by the British broadcaster BBC One.

27. Jogos Vorazes (2008)

Jogos Vorazes (2008)

A work of dystopian fantasy, adventure and scientific fiction written by Suzanne Collins from its origin to a homonymous trilogy and a series of films.

Vivendo numa realidade post-apocalytica de scarcity and inequalities extreme, Panem is a country whose population is divided by districts. As for Metropole had total domination, the youths two doze precise districts compete até à morte nos Jogos Vorazes, which are broadcast on TV.

This is a remarkable work among literature with female protagonists: a main personage, Katniss Everdeen, a courageous garota of sixteen years, who goes to the Jogos representing the poorest region of country.

28. A Rainha Vermelha (2015)

To Rainha Vermelha

The fantasy book for young adults was first written by Victoria Aveyard, beginning a literary series as the same name, and several awards for the author.

In this world, you individuals live separated pela cor do seu sangue: Those who carry the pratered liquid that you see are an elite that is served by the rest of the society, "os vermelhos".

A protagonist is Mare Barrow, uma adolescent "vermelha" of insurgent personality That charges incomuns powers and traces a plane of flight.

29. A Scarlet Weapon (2011)

A Scarlet Weapon (2011)

Renata Ventura, or first national name on our list, is a writer from Rio de Janeiro who won international admiration with a literary series Hugo Escarlate.

A saga and inspired no magical universe of Harry Potter, more here to ação happens in Brazil. Hugo is a garoto who lives in the community of Santa Marta, not Rio de Janeiro, when discover that he is a feiticeiro.

Na work of urban fantasy, inasmuch as we attend adventures in the magic school that or less happens to frequent, we are invited to reflect on the Brazilian reality and its asymmetries.

30. O Vilarejo (2015)

30. O Vilarejo (2015)

Or Vilarejo It is a work by Brazilian Raphael Montes, past sixteenth century, in an isolated place. Or free gather seven dark fantasy stories, each uma associated with a capital sin.

The stories seem to be something in common: um damn that father Peter Binsfeld tries to fight, numa luta enters to light and to escape.

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