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Trem de ferro, by Manuel Bandeira: poem, analysis and biography of the author

Or poem Ferro trem It was written in 1936 and is the two most consecrated works of the modernist poet Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968).

With a lot of rhythm and musicality, the verses marked by oralidade são or portrait of a time of Brazil.

Poem Ferro trem

Coffee com pão
Coffee com pão
Coffee com pão
Virgin Mary, what was this machinist?
Agora sim
Coffee com pão
Agora sim
Voa, fumaça
Run, close
Ai seu foguista
Fogo boot
Na fornalha
What do I need
Muita força
Muita força
Muita força
Oô ...
Foge, bug
Foge, povo
Come on ponte
Passa poste
Passa pasture
Passa boi
Passa boiada
Passa galho
By ingazeira
No stream
What vontade
To sing!
Oô ...
When i turn on
No canaviá
Each pe de cana
It was an office
Oô ...
Pretty girl
Do green dress
Give me your mouth
Pra matá minha headquarters
Oô ...
Vou mimbora vou mimbora
I don't like daqui
Nasci no Sertão
Sou de Ouricuri
Oô ...
Vou depressa
You're running
Vou na todo
That I only wear
Few people
Few people
Few people ...

Analyze Ferro Trem

Com um fast pace, mimicking the barulho of a trem, Bandeira registers a dinner of a collective journey, and or poem, given some details, manages to provoke identification with us readers at the days of the page.

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A typically Brazilian portrait

The creation of Bandeira begins with the image of coffee as a whole, which starts from day to day of the traditional food of two Brazilians.

Or eu-lrico is identified as tendo nascido no sertão ("Sou de Ouricuri") and we see or record of his fala marked pela oralidade. Ele affirms that não gosta de onde is justifying or using as an argument or his place of origin.

I don't like daqui
Nasci no Sertão

To add to that poetic subject, a language like the poem that was built in the face of reference also to a more popular literature, closer to everyday experiences of people.

Regardless of the speed of the movement, not the poem

The writer portrays a trip from a steamy trem to an electrical system (see the verses "Voa fumaça", which discreetly reveals this most archaic condition of the vehicle). You verses, som hair, allude to a trem desse genre em movimento, against you trilhos.

As we pass two verses we observe fast images that crossed janela. É, however, from the third stanza that o trem ganha velocidade (note the verbs used, for example, "Foge"). Or eu-lrico descreve a paisagem que vê da janela. At speed and or we are scared, you are encouraged that my hair appears.

Envelope a linguagem used em Ferro trem

A creation of Manuel Bandeira is especially marked by musicality. The short and fast verses transmit the idea of ​​speed, containing a lot of repetition and a free pontuação.

Em Ferro trem We find an everyday linguistic very characterized by the presence of the orality of a falante do interior (note the escolha of the written words "Vige Maria", "prendero", "officiá", "imbora").

Historical context of the creation of the poem

It is interesting to note that the industrial revolution in Brazil began at the beginning of the 1930s. Or coffee, chosen by Bandeira to appear logo not the beginning of the poem, foi or product of note in Brazilian production, being very exported.

The trens have a crucial importance in this context because it was responsible for choosing the production of two production centers rumored to cities in the port of Brazil.

Além de ser um belo lyrical exemplar that cativa or leitor, or poem Ferro trem It is also a portrait of the society of the poet's tempo.

About a publication of the poem Ferro Trem

O poem was originally released in 1936, inserted not released Estrela da Manhã.

A, seventy-page work, was published when Bandeira was 50 years old and had previously published four works that had been consecrated. Ainda assim, or writer did not get an editor who or published and counted as the support of fifty friends who will finance his work.

Estrella da manhã

A publication, which contains only fifty exemplaries, reunited twenty and many poems and the last layer on the page. from the face of an illustration of Santa Rosa as well as a reproduction of a design by Manuel Bandeira feito by Portinari.

O title do livro é inspired no poem Estrela da manhã, included in the work. The poem contains love verses inspired by Maria Henriqueta Barrozo do Amaral, on the occasion of the writer.

As musical versions of Ferro Trem

You verses of Ferro Trem Foram musicados two times, first by Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) and, later, by Antônio Carlos Jobim (1927-1994).

Next to Villa-Lobos, or the first musical partner of Bandeira, you will develop fifteen compositions, many of which are not engraved. Outras, not therefore, eternalized ficaram like this or case of Debussy,O anjo da saves and Ferro trem.

Jobim, for your time, musicou or poem much later. Depois da morte do writer, Olivia Hime, in 1986, developed a project to music the verses of Bandeira. Foi nessa occasion, to treat, therefore, that Jobim musicou Ferro trem.

A brief biography of Manuel Bandeira

Born in Recife, not on April 19, 1886, Manuel Carneiro de Souza Bandeira Filho became one of the two largest names in Brazilian literature.

O young man moved to São Paulo and, in 1903, took an Architecture course at the Polytechnic School. Because of a tuberculosis, one year he needed to interrupt the studies and moved to Rio de Janeiro, having gone to stop in Switzerland to discuss the doença.

Manuel Bandeira

Bandeira returned to Brazil in 1914, not the beginning of the war. From volta a terra natal, he approached two modernist authors and fez barulho as Poem Os sapos, Lido hair friend Ronald de Carvalho during the Modern Art Week of 1922.

Or first book of the author, Poetry, was launched in 1924. Depois Bandeira ainda lançou a series of works and criou great poems that became classics like Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada.

Conheça also

  • You memorable poems by Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem O Bicho, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Poem Pneumothorax, by Manuel Bandeira
  • Analysis of the poem Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada, by Manuel Bandeira
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