Casa-grande & senzala, by Gilberto Freyre: abstract, about a publication, about or author
The book of intellectual Gilberto Freyre is considered the classical major of Brazilian sociology. Longe to romanticize or Portuguese colonizer, or sociologist exalts the importance of miscigenação and mix of the three races that will form or nosso povo.
Casa-grande & senzala is considered a two fundamental books to understand the history and composition of Brazil.
I summarize
A work conceived by the sociologist Gilberto Freyre is a classic that deals with the formation of the Brazilian Povo, highlighting its defects and its qualities and the peculiarities of its origin.
O livro sublinha o quanto a Brazilian society was patriarchal, highlights aspects of daily life in colônia (For example, we know from Freyre that there were no schools, as crianças were servants not kill).
The author also differs in his work or style of Portuguese colonization by looking at Spanish and English colonization.
Casa-grande & senzala addresses especially aspects related to miscigenação, or corrida with so much intensity, potentially because there were few brancas women available in the colônia. To the Catholic Church, due to the lack of scarcity, incentivou or marriage of Portuguese with indigenous (jamais with black).
Freyre also investigates the origin of the myth of Brazilian promiscuity, of exacerbated sexuality mistakenly attributed to indigenous and Scratch people. The intellectual also talks about the origin of oppression against women, as homens cultivate a feeling of posse in relation to their years.
In Casa-grande & senzala, he comments on the influence of the Catholic Church in the decisions of the colônia, frightening or fate of being forbidden or access to the priesthood for blacks or mestiços.
Now sit down, the words of the sociologist were explained about the description of two habits of the origin of Brazil and of your social parents carried out by different layers of the population.
Formou-se in tropical America an agrarian society in structure, escravocrat in the technique of economic exploration, hybrid of indium - and later of black - in composition. Sociedade that would develop defended less by conscience of race. Quase nenhuma not Portuguese cosmopolitan and plastic, that hair religious exclusivism unfolded in a system of social and political prophylaxis.
Leia Big-house & senzala In full for free, in pdf format.
About a publicação do livro
Launched in 1933, or released Casa-grande & senzala was the most important publication of the author Gilberto Freyre. The work was translated and published in numerous countries: Argentina (in 1942); United States (em 1946); França (em 1952); Portugal (em 1957); Alemanha and Itália (em 1965); Venezuela (em 1977); Hungary and Polônia (em 1985).
In respect of the critical reaction, or intellectual Antônio Cândido, who considers Casa-grande & senzala one of the works of the XX century of Brazil, states:
It is difficult for you to assess the impact of your publication. For a true earthquake, with the most favorable reactions you see on the part of two readers, above all you are more enlightened, even the communists. More houve muita restriction on the part two conservative elements and gives direct. You need to outline the later criticisms of Gilberto Freyre's conservative court of many positions, because numa perspective of history of ideas or I free it as a radical force, due to its great burden of demystification.
(Interview granted to Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais.)
![Big house and senzala](/f/ba6bac01a06e53392d6bfabe9042e30e.jpg)
Edição em quadrinhos
In 1981, it was published by the Editora Brasil-América an adaptation in quadrinhos made in black and white for the work of Gilberto Freyre. You are responsible for the work of Estêvão Pinto (that assinou or text) and Ivan Wasth (that assinou as illustrations).
![Big House and Senzala](/f/b85099e926ad1209bd0859811fbcc06d.jpg)
A second adaptation of the classic for the quadrinhos, made in cores, was made in 2001 by the publisher ABEGraph.
![Big house and senzala](/f/0a6c2caf11d898a46dedd77ec69fe250.jpg)
What was Gilberto Freyre?
Or from Pernambuco Gilberto Freyre was born on March 15, 1900. He was the filho of a professor and direct judge (Alfredo Freyre) and of a house donor (Francisca de Mello Freyre). He attended a school in Recife and left, in 1918, for a higher year in the United States.
He attended a Bachelor of Arts in Liberation at the University of Baylor and completed a degree in Political, Legal and Social Sciences at the University of Columbia. He returned to Brazil in 1923.
After ten years living in his native land, he published his most famous book-Casa-grande & senzala-essential for understanding the Brazilian social formation.
In 1946, Freyre was elected as a constitutional federal deputy, or the most important feito during his mandate, was created by the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation.
The sociologist received numerous literary awards and was considered Doutor Honoris Causa by various Brazilian and foreign universities. He also received the title of Cavaleiro do Império Britânico da Rainha Elizabeth II.
He died in his native city on July 18, 1987.
![Gilberto Freyre](/f/6cb5f23b7d8928481fb3f70023c5b2ed.jpg)
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Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).