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Meaning of livro A Arte da Guerra

To Arte da Guerra It is a literary work of the Chinese thinker Sun Tzu, written by volta do year 500 a. C.

The work works as a strategic manual for armed conflicts, rather than being able to have various applications in other areas of life.

To Arte da Guerra It is two classical books of oriental culture and transcends the category of simple war treaties to transform a universal lecture on planejamento and leadership.

Find below a summary of the work and have access to a detailed analysis.

Book summary To Arte da Guerra by chapters

Chapter 1

Tackles Importance of assessing and planning, I have knowledge of five factors that I can influence: road, terrain, stations (climate), leadership and management.

Furthermore, seven elements have been addressed that show the results of the military invested. A war is something that has consequences for the state or country and therefore should not be started without any consideration.

Episode 2

This chapter or author expresses that The event of war depends on the ability to end a conflict quickly.

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It is possible to understand a little about the economic aspect of war, and how many times it is to win the war and it is necessary to know how to reduce costs related to armed conflict.

Chapter 3

A true military force of an army is in its union and not its size.

There are five essential factors mentioned to win any war: attack, strategy, alliances, army and cities. A good strategist identifies the strategy of his inimigo, attacking his most part fails. For example: or more recommended is to dominate or inimigo sem to destroy or its environment, obrigando-or to be rendered.

Chapter 4

The tactical position of the army is decisive for a victory: the strategic points must be defended against all custodians.

A good leader only advances ground to conquer other positions when he is certain that or that he has already been conquered is in certainty. Or reader can also learn to I do not create opportunities for myself.

Chapter 5

Or author explains to importance of creativity and do timingto help you force and motivate the army. Uma boa leadership awakens or potential of the army.

Chapter 6

Or chapter 6 is dedicated to forces and fraquezas of a military unit. The characteristics of the environment (such as relief from landscape) must be studied so that the army does not obtain conflict.

Sun Tzu also indicates that it is possible to present a "feigned fraud" to deceive and attract or inimigo.

Chapter 7

São addressed to military manobras, or perigo to enter into a direct conflict and to obtain victory in cases in which this type of confrontation is unavoidable.

Chapter 8

São revealed the different types of terrain and the importance of adapting to each type. It is given high importance to the ability of the military unit to adapt to variations in circumstances.

Chapter 9

Movement of troops: in this chapter or author explains how the army should position us different types of terrain of the same territory.

Chapter 10

Sun Tzu indicates the different types of terrain and the advantages and disadvantages that are the result of the positioning of 6 types of terrain.

Chapter 11

9 types of situations are described in which an army in war can face and which should be the focus of the leader in each situation in order to achieve victory.

Chapter 12

This chapter addresses or uses what to do to attack us or what is necessary to make use of that element. Furthermore, adequate responses are mentioned in the event of an attack with these and other elements.

Chapter 13

Focus on relevance of ter espiões as a source of information about or inimigo. São described five sources of intelligence (five types of spiões) and how to fazer to gestão dessas sources.

Analysis do livro To Arte da Guerra

O Livro is divided into 13 chapters, each one thematizing different aspects of war strategy.

Neste treatise on war, or conflict is approached as an inseparable characteristic of a human being. A war itself is mentioned as a necessary evil, but it must be avoided whenever possible.

An interesting detail: To Arte da Guerra It was introduced in Japan around 760 AD. C. It quickly became popular with Japanese generals. Or I will play a significant role in the unification of Japan once you ficaram samurai become honored by the teachings of this work. There are also accounts that the French Emperor Napoleon had studied the military writings of the Sun and used them effectively in the war against the rest of Europe.

Sun Tzu, a military strategist, highlights the importance of knowledge, indicating that it is essential or self-knowledge forces and fraquezas), or knowledge of the inimigo and or knowledge of the context and the surrounding environment (political, geographical, cultural, etc).

To Arte da Guerra These principles inspire several other authors in the area of ​​economics, arts, sports, who create books using Sun Tzu's strategies.

As the original work was written in Chinese, some authors affirm that certain translations cannot faithfully convey the intended meaning of the author. Also, several of your phrases can give you different interpretations.

Famous quotes do livro To Arte da Guerra

A supreme art of war and defeat or inimigo sem lutar.

Or that it is of supreme importance in war and to attack inimigo strategy.

At the speed of warfare. Throw it out of fear of the inimigo; travel through unexpected breaks and atinja-o where I did not take precautions.

All war based on not deceit. Therefore, when able to attack, we must appear incapable; to use our forces, we must seem inactive; When we are dead, we must prove that we are long, when we are long, we must show that we are long.

Treat your homens as you foster your own loved ones. And I will go on no deeper, okay.

Documentary To Arte da Guerra

The long metragem produced by the History Channel has two hours of duration and traces the history and the most important details of Sun Tzu's book.

As a way of illustrating the teachings of the oriental sage, or a film that refers to the most recent great wars (the battles of the Roman Empire, the American Civil War and the Second World War).

A production is available in full:

A Arte da Guerra - Full (DUBLED)

Historic context

Sun Tzu lived in a troubled period in Chinese history. During the Zhou Dynasty (722-476), the central power was enraged and the principalities entered into unconciliated conflicts, generating small states.

These minor societies coexisted from a tense coexistence and it was relatively frequent to the establishment of wars between these communities. For this reason, the theme of war was so expensive in Sun Tzu's contemporary years: for small states to be able to stay alive, we must learn how to control or inimigo.

To determine an idea of ​​the value of To Arte da GuerraIt is worth underlining that it consists of the six main surviving works written before the unification of China.

About or author

Sun Tzu is estimated to have lived between 544 and 496 BC. C. In China, I have been an important general and military strategist. I suppose that Sun Tzu was a native of Ch'i e teria nobre origin: he was the son of a military aristocrat and net of a war strategist.

At the age of 21 or young, he migrated to Wu for professional reasons, Sun Tzu had been chosen to be King Hu Lu's general and strategist. His military career was deeply succeeded.

Statue of Sun Tzu.
Statue of Sun Tzu.

To his most famous work of him is To Arte da Guerra, which brings together not only warlike conselhos as well as philosophies that can be considered for everyday life. From its first edition or book, it was translated and distributed internationally, initially in military schools.

His work was very popular especially during the XIX and XX centuries, when the society Ocidental began to think about applying the warlike conselhos of Sun Tzu for other horizons that did not war.

There is no doubt that Sun Tzu was the author of To Arte da GuerraHowever, some philosophers confirm that, apart from two writings by the author, the work also contains comments and clarifications from later military philosophers, such as Li Quan and Du Mu.

Uma curiosity: To Arte da War This is a list of the Professional Reading Program of the North American Naval Army Corps and it is recommended to be read by all the officials of the Military Intelligence of the United States.

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