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O Quinze: analysis and summary of the work of Rachel de Queiroz

Or Quinze It was the first book of writer Rachel de Queiroz. Published in 1930, it narrates the historical story of 1915 by a teacher who lives in Fortaleza and who visits a family farm during his fairs. Or romance face part of the Northeastern cycle with some characteristics of neorealism.

Summary of the work

Or did I find two cousins

Conceição is a 22-year-old single teacher who passes her fairs on a family farm. For two months she coexists as residents of the farm and with her relatives who live in the region. Um deles é Vicente, a vaqueiro filho of a landowner, and the Conceição flertam as another.

She is always tired, emaciated hairs from ten months of teaching; and she will turn more fat as a força ingested leite, a response from the body and spirit, thanks to the carinho careful da avó.

A dry begin to advance and, with lack of grass for or gado, some farmers resolvem release it in a lot. This is what happens on the Dona Maroca farm, in Quixadá, where Chico Bento trabalhava.

Or aggravation of dry day

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Be at work, your family is forced to leave Quixadá. Sem dinheiro for a passagem and sem support of the government, a family that fazer or course of Quixadá attached Fortaleza to pé.

During the trip, we constantly encourage, with little food that they have not enough for the whole trip. I did not walk to Fortaleza and I found another group of retirees who are eating a deadly boi na beira da estrada. Shocked with food, Chico Bento resolves to divide as little food as they can.

By isso não! There are still loads and I have the rest of the breeding left that gives us. Rebolem essa Porqueira pros urubus, que já é give them! You are going to leave um cristão eat bug rotten de mal, I have a bite no meu surrão!

Or way to a big city

A fome of Chico Bento and his family of him grows. Na estrada, they found an animal that Chico kills to give to his family. Mas o dono do animal arises from longe and vindicates its possession of it. Constrangido e com fome, or vaqueiro pede clemency and a little meat to give to his family. O dono do animal lhe dá a little guts.

As a lot of encouragement, a couple of houses in the house eat a raw wild cassava, and die poisoned. Another filho, or more velho, is lost during a night and follows with another group of immigrants. A sorte da mute family um little n this moment. Desperate behind the criança, the procuram or delegate of the village.

Chegou to desolação da primeira fome. Vinha dry and tragic, emerging without founding two empty sacks, a stark numbness of scraped cans.

Or delegate was a friend of Chico Bento. Besides receiving him for an appropriate reference, he also places the family in a trem in the direction of Fortaleza.

A luta do homem against a seca

No interior, continuous dry. Vicente works hard to try to save or win. A concern and a fight against adverse conditions are or focus of the narrative.

Or relationship of Conceição and Vicente começa to ficar more abalada. Conceição does not fully understand Vicente's obstinação as non-field work and Vicente does not understand Conceição's lack of freedom and equality.

Or cigar or wrap em branco nevoeiro; Vicente was remembering his life of uninterrupted work, for fifteen years - work from dawn to dusk, with rest and quase with reward ...

As a result of the dry season, Conceição managed to convince his avó to go to Fortaleza.

To life born city

In the capital, Conceição begins to pass through the concentration camp all or day, and the logo volunteers to help refugees. On a few visits, she meets Chico Bento and his family. Vicente's family deixa to farm by dry day, but he continues working to try to save or go.

Conceição buys a passage for Chico Bento and his family moved to São Paulo just like in Fortaleza, the family did not find many entrepreneurial opportunities. As she is madrinha da criança mais nova, she pede to sign as Dunguinha e criá-lo. Chico Bento and his woman did not want to leave or filho, but depois accredit that the item has the best chances of surviving as a madrinha.

It deals with the feminine questão, the situation of women in society, two maternal direitos, of the problem ...

Conceição believes that Vicente has a relationship as a cabocla called Mariinha. She is chatted as a cousin, and her love is trying to convince her that she is home to me that she shouldn't matter. Já em dezembro, when chuva finally chega, a bird of Conceição returns to a farm, more Conceição fica na cidade still chatted with Vicente, happier in raising or being affiliated.

Historic context

The concentration camps

A great dry of 1915 levou fome e miséria for the interior of Ceará and a migration in mass. Thousands of sertanejos deixaram or field and foram in the direction of the capital Fortaleza. In response to crisis, the government installed concentration camps to shelter refugees. O cenário nos concentration camps was of extreme misery and poverty. It is estimated that 150 people per day die in our fields. The refugees are dry ficavam prisoners, surrounded by the army and receiving some supplies of food and medicine.

Concentration camps

Rachel de Queiroz addresses the situation of Alagadiço, or the largest concentration camp that ficava us from Fortaleza. A misery and observed by the main personagem, a progressive teacher who lives in the capital of the state, rather than visiting a farm of her family in Achievement of the fairs.

A dry one also approached not interior of the state. A narrative is divided between the field and the city, tending to dry as a background and element of link between the two realities. No interior of Ceará, or that prevails in the field against dry, persistence of home or his work against adverse situations imposed by nature.

Countryside versus city and nature versus homem

Or romance has two different narrative poles. Um tells the history of the relationship of Vicente, a land owner who fights against the dry, and his cousin Conceição, a progressive teacher who lives in Fortaleza. O outro polo narrates Vaqueiro Chico Bento and his family, who lost their livelihood on the ground and part of the capital of Ceará. In both poles, the basic confrontations are between the field and the city and between the nature and the homem.

Conceição e Vicente

Um two cores of Or Quinze é a relationship between Conceição and Vicente. Conceição is a 22-year-old teacher, who lives in Fortaleza, does not think of marriage, and her readings include feminist and socialist books. Já Vicente, a land owner, who works in the fields, doing a little bit of work on the farm of his family.

Remembering Labuta do dia, or that the dominance of the past was an infinite question of life, gives eternal struggle like sun, like fome, like nature.

Conceição visits the property of her family with her fairs and a little coexists with Vicente, who is her cousin. Not relating two two there is a constant flow, but also a tension, which warns of different views on the world. Conceição represents the city of progressism, mainly the ideias, the independent and cultured woman. Vicente is a home from the field, himself being the owner of the land, he dedicates himself to work with effort. Because of his irmão, who studied in the city and became pedantic, the great item mistrusts two city dwellers.

Já Vicente links to prima who, I surrender, dance proudly of the cavalheiro, enquanto, na su ponta de sofa, to poor senhora sentiu os olhos cheios de Tears, and she appears with hair filho so beautiful, so strong, that does not feel ashamed of the difference that fazia do irmão doutor and teimava in not wanting to "be people"...

This mistrust is reflected in his relationship with Conceição. He understands that some attitudes of his cousin are a kind of snobbery, that he responds with indifference. Thus, the differences between the two of you end up making a love relationship impossible to happen.

Chico Bento and his family

A narrative of Chico Bento é o portrait do retreat. He was a cowboy on a farm, but he lost his job dry. Sem alternatives, he is forced to emigrate to the city. Or vaqueiro and his family try to get help from the government to go to Fortaleza, but not get or ticket from trem and time to do or go to Pé.


O long way I attained Strength and I struggle to do home against nature. To aridity, or strong sun and to fome são constant ameaças to família do vaqueiro. A narrative of the lost seals that the family suffers over a long period of time and does not portray the misery of other retreats that they find their hair walking.

In a slow and tired voice she vibrated, she stood up, seemed another, encompassing projects and ambitions. And hopeful imagination flattens difficult roads, saudades, fosters and anxieties, penetrates na Green shadow of the Amazon, comes to brute nature, dominates as feras e as visagens, fazia del rico e victor.

Já em Fortaleza, Chico Bento and his family are installed in the concentration camp of Alagadiço. When the interior does not offer more to subsistence, the city emerges as the only solution, just as it leaves a life to misery. A situation is more complicated because of the promotion and death of those present in the concentration camp.

Neorealism and regionalist prose

A work by Rachel de Queiroz, with northeastern regionalist prose and neorealism, it has deep ties. Its writing style, quase chronicler, serves as the basis for a kind of denouncement of the social situation of Ceará. This becomes very clear with the descriptions about the human conditions lived within the concentration camp in Fortaleza.

What custody, to cross that atravancamento of people flood, of velhas cans, and dirty rags!

O neorealism was very influenced by Russian prose, by Marxism and by Freudian theories, apart from rescuing some precedent of naturalism and realism. Or interest in the social and marked situation in Rachel de Queiroz, who uses dry as a starting point to show the non-Northeast non-Northeast life system.

Looking for the survival of Chico Bento and his family or about the condition of two animals. Or being human is reduced to the most primordial instincts. It is through this approach that the writer achieves a pertinent social criticism.

Across the river near Arame, the ranches appeared scattered to or perhaps. I tied to misery my fantasy and I will create the most bizarre kinds of rooms.

A great difference between naturalistic and neorealist prose is suitable, in a certain way, for a solution to two social problems that are exposed in the work. In Rachel de Queiroz, the Marxist proposals are placed in a very timid way and are more explicit about the actions and the formation of the personagem Conceição.

Personagens principais


She is a 22 year old single teacher. Independent and cultured, her readings include books on feminism and socialism. As your advanced ideas of her são seu ponto forte de ella.


He is a cousin of Conceição, a little rough man and a very hard worker. He is suspicious of people in the city.

Bento Boy

He is a vaqueiro, but loses or works because of a dry day and becomes a retreat.


She is a boy from Chico Bento.

Mão Nácia

She is avó de Conceição.

Conheça also

  • Rachel de Queiroz: biography and works
  • Works by Rachel de Queiroz to meet the author
  • Livro Vidas Secas by Graciliano Ramos
  • Auto da Compadecida, by Ariano Suassuna
  • Livro Capitães da Areia, by Jorge Amado
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