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As pombas, by Raimundo Correia: complete poem and analysis

Or sonnet As pombas, authored by Brazilian poet Raimundo Correia, is two highlights of Brazilian Parnassian movement.

A specialized critic considers the poem as a author's first workThrough it, it is possible to make the most expensive elements known to the group of Parnassian authors.

Analysis of the poem As Pombas na whole

Vai-se a first pomba awakened ...
Vai-se outra mais... mais outra... enfim ten
You give pombas vão-se dos pombais, just
Fresh bloody raia at dawn.
E à late, when a rigid nurture
Sopra, aos pombais, de novo elas, serene,
Ruffling the handles, shaking the sorrows,
Voltam all starting and being revoked ...
Also two hearts onde abotoam
I dream of you, um a um, céleres voam,
As voam as pombas dos pombais;
No blue from adolescence as handles alone,
Fogem... More years pombais as pombas voltam,
E eles corações não voltam mais.

Or theme do sonnet and initially or revoking the pombas that ends up establishing a comparison with the phases of human life.

A pomba, an animal escorted by Raimundo Correia to star in his sonnet, and a symbol of purity, peace and spiritual elevation.

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Also, like all of you, it can be read as a synonym of freedom and connection to the land, since you often have two environments.

As pombas, we acima Parnassian verses, trazem also tona a life event e o feeling of temporary tempo.

The two initial quarters are barely descriptive of the two steps:

Vai-se a first pomba awakened ...
Vai-se outra mais... mais outra... enfim ten
You give pombas vão-se dos pombais, just
Fresh bloody raia at dawn.

E à late, when a rigid nurture
Sopra, aos pombais, de novo elas, serene,
Ruffling the handles, shaking the sorrows,
Voltam all starting and being revoked ...

I hear you first verses that are basically illustrative of the movement of the pombas, they began as awakening two animais, or I am together for the exterior, and or later return to the child too side.

The two final triplets, for the same time, were directed to a different approach.

Also two hearts onde abotoam
I dream of you, um a um, céleres voam,
As voam as pombas dos pombais;
No blue from adolescence as handles alone,
Fogem... More years pombais as pombas voltam,
E eles corações não voltam mais.

The last six verses, or author face an association as or unbuttoning the human being and the movement of going and coming das pombas.

Or sonnet carrega uma strong existential concern, and demonstrates verses composed from a psychological depth. Or you saw it written, sem shadow of dúvida, pessimistic (Inasmuch as pombas effectively voltam for you pombais, human hearts seem not to return to or local of origin).

In relation to the structure of the composition, Raimundo Correia chose to add a form to or to which movement it belongs. Or sonnet is a fixed form of Italian origin. A structure two sonnets and imutável, composed by four stanzas (as two first stanzas carry four verses - são os quartetos - and as two last three - three triplets).

In synthetic thermos, or poem and chained from enjambement (In Portuguese encavalgamento), ou seja, the verses follow each other sem pauses not at the end of each um. This type of breeding is quite common among Parnassians.

Or symbolism da pomba

A pomba is an animal dear to Christianity because it symbolizes Virgin Mary. Na art cristã, a pomba and many times a representation of Espírito Santo.

Na Bíblia also has passages that give prominence to the pombas. Apos or dilúvio, Noé libertou três pombas. Uma dessas três returnou for Noé tracing the bouquet of an oliveira, which was a sign of reconciliation with Deus. For that reason, a pomba tornou-se peace symbol.

More or Christianity was not the first to choose Pomba as a special pass. In Asia Minor, it was associated with the fertility of Ichtar in Phenícia as the cult of Astarte. Na Grécia, a pomba was consecrated to Aphrodite. Or Islam sees it as a sacred bird because it supposedly protects Maomé during her escape.

Or Parnassianism not Brazil

Or Parnasiano style teve start no Brazil no year of 1882, with the publication of the work Fanfarras, by Teófilo Dias.

O nome Parnassianism was originally from a French magazine Contemporary Parnassus (Le Parnase Contemporain), a literary magazine that summarizes the ideas of the School and where the Brazilian poets to drink.

Le Parnase Contemporain
Le Parnase Contemporain.

The name of the Brazilian group influenced by French authors was was:

A Arte pela Arte.

The motto of the group underlines the idea that art should be um fim em si mesma, and not be in a function of morality, of religion or of any other external value.

You are adept at the literary movement to achieve perfection through the use of verses like metric and rhyme, there is a formal obsessão nas produções as well as a preference hair use of order indirect. Or classical model of composition, many times with cassyllabic verses, we were favorite writers hair. Or sonnet, the structure of a poem with rigid contours, was one of the most popular forms among the Parnassians.

OR perfectionism It was a key element for the succession of the poem, as well as a richness of vocabulary that seeks to illustrate or beautiful, or sublime and nature.

Precision, clarity and objectivity were very expensive to poets, as well as the observation of the world around the world and total impassibility and emotional control, a total containment. Essa was clearly uma reaction against or romanticism, movement that or antecedeu.

OR objective lyricism, like assim or chamavam, he advocated a descriptive poetry of the real, and not analytical.

Quem foi Raimundo Correia

Raimundo da Mota Azevedo Correia, known as a literary universe just like Raimundo Correia, born on May 13, 1859, aboard the Brazilian ship São Luís, which was anchored in Maranhão, and died in the French capital on September 13, 1911.

It was filho de disembargadora and had access to the school melhores. In 1884, he married Mariana Sodré.

Portrait of Raimundo Correia.
Portrait of Raimundo Correia.

Among his consecrated compositions are As Pombas, A Cavalgada and Mal Secreto. As his main literary works by him are:

  • First Sonhos (1879);

  • Symphonies (1883);

  • Verses e Versões (1887).

The poem As pombas he rendeu made the great success that in life Raimundo Correia happened to be identified as "O poeta das pombas".

Besides being a literary writer, he collaborated with a series of journals and magazines, was a promoter of Justice, Juiz, Secretary of the Presidency of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, Director of the Secretary of Finance of Ouro Preto. Depois da proclamação da República, Raimundo Correia saw to be imprisoned more, logo depois, ganhou freed.

Ouça a leitura de As pombas

As Pombas - Raimundo Correia | Poetry Canal Romeu e Julieta

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