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Os melhores livros da Brazilian literature that you need the same to know (as a summary)

To Brazilian literature and an ocean of works-firsts and due to the lack of possibilities we list eleven works-firsts that you can not leave.

The list below was compiled in chronological order and contemplates the great names of literature from our country since the nineteenth century until the days of the book.

1. O cortiço, by Aluísio Azevedo (1890)

Or cortiço

Or cenário do romance de Aluísio Azevedo é o Cortiço São Romão, located in Rio de Janeiro, during the nineteenth century. Or owner of the establishment is João Romão, a Portuguese who moves to Brazil in search of a better life and manages to set up his own establishment.

Not the principal or owner has just three houses, you should be able to buy houses next to each other in just a few years by building new rooms.

Nothing escapes them, just as you climb two stones, you cavalos de pau, or bank or ferramenta two marceneiros. It is the fact that those three casinhas, which are energetically built, are the starting point of the great Cortiço de São Romão. I see four braças de terra, amanhã six, depois mais outras, ia or vendeiro conquering all or land that extends hairs found in his winery; e, in proportion that or conquered, reproduziam-se four e or number of inhabitants.

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João Romão was called Bertoleza companheira, a fugitive escrava. I want to expand more and more businesses, or Portuguese face a company like vizinho Miranda, and, to seal a união, propõe or marriage with Zulmira, a filha do sócio.

She knows what to do with her Bertoleza companion, João Romão intends to denounce her as a fugitive. O romance by Aluísio Azevedo narrates, with details, or daily miserável daqueles that vivem no cortiço.

Read to detailed analysis of the book or cortiço.

2. Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis (1899)

Dom Casmurro

A question that this page remains in Brazilian literature remains semi-responsive: Capitu traiu ou não traiu Bentinho? O classic Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis, tells the story of a love triangle composed of the narrator Bento Santiago, his wife Capitu e pelo melhor friend of the narrator, Escobar.

An inveterate city, Bentinho made a gesture to us from his wife, who could say that she would have a case as his childhood friend. Even after the death of his friend, Bentinho was astonished by his mistrust. Ainda did not watch him interpret or sing from Capitu em direção ao morto as um olhar apaixonado.

Enfim, chegou at the time of the commission and departure. Sancha wanted to say goodbye to her husband, and I am desperate for him to throw him in dismay to everyone. Muitos homens choravam também, as mulheres todos. Só Capitu, protecting Viúva, seemed to conquer himself. She was comforting another, she wanted to start the dali. A confusion was general. No meio dela, Capitu olhou some instants for the corpse so fixed, so dull fixa, that does not admire it, it leaps some few tears and soaked ...

A suspeita da traição ganha more força when Ezequiel is born, filho do casal, a baby that the narrator affirms to carry the traces of my friend, in no case of him.

Read to detailed analysis of Dom Casmurro's book.

3. Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma, by Lima Barreto (1915)

Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma

Policarpo Quaresma is the protagonist of the romance of Lima Barreto past Rio de Janeiro not the end of the XIX century. Considered a pre-modernist work, or free, it tells the story of a patriot patriot who turned out to be louvar or who is national.

Polycarp achieves the position of undersecretary of the Arsenal of War and becomes more and more radicalized, more em nome da sua paixão: start to eat only typical Brazilian foods, learn national modinhas not violão and decide to communicate with tupi-guarani.

There was a year to this part that was dedicated to the Tupi-Guarani. All as manhãs, rather than to "Aurora, with her pink fingers abrisse caminho ao louro Febo", he gets stuck até ao almoço com o Montoya, Art and dictionary of the Guaraní language or rather Tupí, and estudava or jargão caboclo com afinco e paixão. Na repartição, you little empregados, scribes and screventes, I have news of your study of the Tupiniquim language, deram no one knows why em chamá-lo - Ubirajara.

Or extremism begins to cause problems and Polycarp moves-he eat to go to the field. A move, not so much, not because the conflicts disappeared, the disagreements between the vizinhos not interior trazem to tona novas questões.

Conheça também or artigo Livro Triste Fim by Policarpo Quaresma: summary and analysis of the work.

4. São Bernardo, by Graciliano Ramos (1934)

São Bernardo

Paulo Honório is the central personage of the modernist romance written by Graciliano Ramos, and through him we get to know the harsh realities of the Brazilian Northeast. Raised sem pai nem mãe, sem nenhuma species of affection, or raptor wraps-it in a confusion by contact of a namorada and vai stop na cadeia. He spends three years and becomes even more cold and violent.

You have to draw a plan to get the land of São Bernardo, a property where he has already worked, Paulo Honório manages to concretize or seu desire and become a latifundiário.

In order to expand the fazenda, he orders the killing of the vizinho, Mendonça, as he has problems of relationship, and expands even more or territory.

Sunday afternoon, from volta da election, Mendonça received a shot on the coast of mind and battered boots ali same on the road, from BomSucesso. There is no place to go through a cross with a lesser arm. At the time of crime in this city, I spoke as a vigário in respect of the church that I wanted to raise up in São Bernardo. For the future, you were business corressem bem.

- What a horror! exclaimed Father Silvestre when he came to the news. Ele tinha inimigos?

- Se tinha! Ora se tinha! Inimigo as Carrapato. Let's go to rest, Father Silvestre. How much does it cost?

Or narrator, Paulo Honório, marry-se with Madalena e tem um filho. Madalena does not aguenta pressão de viver as that homeme commits suicide. Solitary, Paulo Honório decides to save a livro to tell the story of his life.

Read to detailed analysis of São Bernardo book e veja like that Main works of Graciliano Ramos.

5. Morte e vida severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto (1944)

Morte e vida severina

A creation of João Cabral de Melo Neto is the first list of composts exclusively in verses. Considered without criticism as a regionalist and modernist work, or free to tell the story of a retreat from the Northeast called Severino.

O meu nome é Severino,
as I do not have another of pia.
As there are many Severines,
that is a saint of Romaria,
deram então de me chamar
Severino de Maria;
as there are many Severinos
with more chamadas Maria,
fiquei sendo o da Maria
late Zacarias.

The dramatic verses narrate a journey of the little boy rumo to vida nova, fugindo da seca. Depois de pasar por imenso sophrimento - fome, solidão, miséria, preconceito - Severino resolves to commit suicide. Or the birth of a child or that or demove of such a severe decision.

A poetics by João Cabral is a strong social criticism that resisted in time.

Read to detailed analysis of Morte e vida severina.

6. Grande sertão: Veredas, by Guimarães Rosa (1956)

Layer of the first edition of Grande sertão: Sidewalks

Or narrator of the history of Riobaldo, a jagunço of the interior of the northeast that accompanies a side in struggles with sertão hair. Riobaldo turned off for Diadorim, a two members of the side, and it was clear that he was delighted by a home.

O nome de Diadorim, who has failed me, remains with me. I hugged him. Mel sat down all lambent - "Diadorim, meu amor ..." How could he say it here? And how is it, or love?

O jagunço represses that love for those who claim to be a homeme, a year long six hundred pages of books, reflect on life, on or enchantment, on solidão, on war.

7. A hora da estrela, by Clarice Lispector (1977)

At the hour of the star.

At the time of the day, there are some beautiful composites for the writer Clarice Lispector. Or narrator Rodrigo S.M, tells the story of Macabéa, a Northeast who lives in Rio de Janeiro. She is especially qualified as pretty, Macabéa is a 19-year-old Alagoan girl who is always unheard of.

Not Rio de Janeiro, she works as a date writer, lives in a room, eats a puppy-quente almoço with Coca-Cola and, for a few hours, ouve radio. A beautiful day, she also became an Olympic immigrant, and began to fall in love. Or rapacious, metallurgical, treats very badly, and, finally, in exchange for a colleague, Glória.

Desperate, Macabéa seeks a fortune-teller, who says that the destiny of the young will change after knowing a rich stranger. Assim that she is a fortune teller, full of hope, Macabeia crosses a street and is run over by a Mercedes-Benz. No one offers help to a girl who is morre na hora, na calçada.

Então ao dar o passo de descida da calçada to cross a rua, or Destino (explosão) its swift and guloso surrou: é agora é ha, chegou a minha vez!

And huge as a transatlantic or Mercedes will love it pegou-a - at this very moment in some unique place in the world a dig as a response empinou-se em gargalhada de neincho.

Read to detailed analysis of the book at hour of the star.

8. Or Lori Lamby Pink Notebook, by Hilda Hist (1990)

Or cute pink from Lori Lamby.

Or Lori Lamby é, de longe, or a more controversial title from the list. Written by Hilda Hilst, it was not the beginning of the nineties, or a romance that was the protagonist of a young woman who has been a prostitute for years, and we know that she practices.

O leitor was accessorized to or suspected of daily menina, where Lori Lamby confesses the obscene details two she encountered as clients and a negotiation after the sale of her own corporation. It is worth noting that supposedly you are the country of her own menina.

I am very old. Eu vou tell tudo do jeito que eu sei because mom and dad will tell me to tell you do jeito que eu sei. E depois eu phallus do começo da historia. Agora eu quero falar do moço that I saw here and that mommy told me that he is not a boy, and then he deitei me in my walk that is very pretty, all pink. And mommy can only buy this truck depois that you started to make isso that you will tell.

9. Cidade de Deus, by Paulo Lins (1997)

Or romance Cidade de Deus foi or book of the writer Paulo Lins. A story told is passed into the Cidade de Deus favela, one of the two largest housing complexes in Rio de Janeiro.

Violence is a constant over the course of the narrative that feared as protagonists the residents in the middle of the year, crossed fights for power between the criminal factions and the police.

O romance was adapted for a cinema in 2002, by filmmaker Fernando Meirelles, and has seen a huge succession of critics and audiences.

Cidade de Deus 2002 Complete Film

10. Eles eram muitos cavalos, by Luiz Ruffato (2001)

They were very much cavalos.

O book by Luiz Ruffato has the data and the premises have been demarcated: the narrative is passed in São Paulo, not on May 9, 2000. In writing it contemplates micro stories of people from more diverse social classes that feared the megalopole of São Paulo as a home.

São sixty-nine independent histories, portraits from different angles shot in the same day, in the same place.

Ajendo no nose os oculi de massa preta, a thin cast with tape, as glass lenses torn off, a woman penetrates like wandering in a small cozinha, Directs-se à pia, twisted with difficulty to turn atypical with elastic and beard entwined and lava a copo-de-requeijão, Frajola persegue or Piu-Piu no decal. Or husband, who sitting at the table raises his mouth a coffee xícara with a direct hand, when it comes to esquerda Segurava Aberto um light, slightly inclined to provide focus to astigmatized view, assusta-se, eleva os olhos, Aconteceu alguma coisa?

11. A chave de casa, by Tatiana Salem Levy (2007)

A chave from home.

A main personage of the inaugural work of Tatiana Salem Levy received a key from the old family house in the city of Smyrna, in Turkey. This is the premise of romance that looks like a person from Rio de Janeiro is looking for the history of two antecedent names.

As a strong autobiographical paste, or romance, it tells viagem that it is, at the same time, physical and subjective, a caçada in the direction of the roots of the protagonist, her family genealogy.

At this height, I have already been moved by certainty, it is not a port, certainly dated. [...] Why essa chave, essa missão descabida?

Leia na whole

  • O cortiço, by Aluísio Azevedo
  • Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
  • Sad fim by Policarpo Quaresma

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