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10 poems to understand concrete poetry

O Concretismo arose in the two 50s in Brazil and held as an official framework the exposição de Poesia Concreta no MASP (inaugurated on December 4, 1956). The show was raised by Augusto de Campos, Décio Pignatari, Ronaldo Azeredo, Ferreira Gullar and Wladimir Dias Pino.

You concretists aspire to a new literature, a new art, based on non-experimentalism. Breaking with long and discursive verses, the poets apostat na concisão, not rigor and na precision to or create visual poetry with images that allow multiple readings.

1. Lixo, Luxoby Augusto de Campos

Lixo Luxo Augusto de Campos

Um dos classicos gives concrete poetry or poem Lixo, Luxo, composed by Augusto de Campos in 1966.

In creation, highly visual, one word (Lixo) is constructed through another word on a small scale and in a repetition movement (Luxo). Apart from similar ones in graphic terms, as lixo and luxo words also have similar phonetics, differing only by a word (i and u).

Or poem composed with just two words raises a discussion about social issues and summons multiple interpretations possible.

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Or luxo lifts us up or lixo not feeling em that a superb wakes us up or pior? Do we live in a society that precedes the reproduction of luxo sem ver o grande quadro, here that a accumulation gera (or lixo)? A practice of esbanjamento, da accumulation (do luxo) makes us lixo (human beings ruins?).

Assim like other great concrete poems, Lixo, Luxo summons or leitor to mergulhar numa profound reflection.

2. drink cokeby Décio Pignatari


Raised in 1957, drink coke It is two of the most famous poems of the concretist movement and was published in Noigandres magazine number 4, in 1958.

No poem we see uma influence of linguistic propaganda One time that breeding refers to the popular refrigerant slogan. Nessa decontextualização (and recontextualização) feita by Décio Pignatari, or content of propaganda, removed from its original premises, passes to ter muita ironia.

Pulling out a unique sound created from vocabulary repetition, Décio plays with the construction of phrases (drink coca cola / babe cola / drink coca / babe cola caco).

Year will be appropriate to the announcement, Décio recria and deconstruct linguagem publicity and transforms or a poem invites you to criticize a consumer society.

3. Fiveby José Lino Grünewald

Five by José Lino Grunewald

No concrete poem Five, José Lino Grünewald (1931-2000) with a large face will jump between the numbers and the letters of the alphabet. O poet chama to care for the numerical signs and for the number of letters that make up a word five that, in this case, curiously coincide: a word five also has five letters.

Convém subline to form How to create and dispose of the page, not scan format. A concretist generation was quite concerned with the graphic questão, so the distribution of words on a sheet of paper is given in an innovative way.

The concrete poets, in a general way, will throw at the white space of the page, printing meaning at the disposal of the text. This incutiuous generation does not read the need to also know how to interpret the empty spaces of the page as a significant element in poetic creation.

4. Lua na aguaby Leminski

lua na leminski water

Or poem published in 1982 by Paulo Leminski (1944-1989) an image and text occupying or white paper in an original way, spelling as words, fazendo to refill or content two verses as well as an image of the lua is reflected on the surface of the water.

Considered um poem in motion, Leminski produced here a visual poetry that is not more than literature but plastic art. Fazendo anagrammatic and paragrammatic games, ha em Lua na agua A contested image, simulating spelhos in gradient format.

An important presence in the work of the breeder - and also present in Lua na água, é o element do haicai.

To search for a graphic effect, or poet, you need to abandon the traditional verses. A Leminski Estreia no mundo da concrete poetry occurred in 1964 in the Invenção magazine, directed by Décio Pignatari, where the poet published five poems.

Conheça também or artigo The 10 melhores poems of Leminski.

5. Peopleby Arnaldo Antunes

people of arnaldo antunes

People, by Arnaldo Antunes (1960), a typical exemplar of a concrete poem. Concise, made from a telegraphic and objective writing, or a poem presents a radical experimentation not at the level of a linguagem quase as a childish olhar.

Ao jump with the composition of the word "people", finding within the second syllable, word "et", or traditional verse and abolished giving rise to a unique word decomposta of a form original.

Or poem, composed by a word only broken into another, allows a series of interpretations possible: How are you inside the word people, are you between us? We are some like others who do not feel that we can be mysterious and unknown creatures? Or would a poem at the end be a critique of contemporary individualism?

Convém o leitor pay attention to the selected typology, to the cor, to the way the letters occupy almost all the available visual field emphasizing the word et. All these escorts are relevant to the concrete project.

6. Girassolby Ferreira Gullar

Ferreira Gullar

Not a poem by Ferreira Gullar (1930-2016) to the word girassol é decomposta de uma maneira quite original: a word tour, which remains half the page, has a function of fazer circular to word sol. A movement idea on the demand page, therefore, uma investigative stance by the leitor.

The simple, everyday words that are laid out on the page in an original way arouse curiosity about leitor and instigates to try to perceive which logic behind the escort of two nouns and of the disposição na page. O poem creates pairs that approach hair, sound effect and pela repetição (girafa-girassol) (lantern-lighthouse).

Ferreira Gullar (1930-2016) participated in the first phase of the concrete movement, being present at the inaugural National Exhibition of Concrete Art of São Paulo in 1956. Due to discord with Haroldo de Campos, no article published no Sunday Supplement, no Jornal do Brasil, he breaks up as a group.

Gullar responded or artigo that as much or uncomfortable in 1957 as artigo Concrete Poetry: Phenomenological Experience, published not the same vehicle. Motivated to mark or his place of failure and to other sympathetic colleagues, or Creole poet or neo-concrete movement next to Lygia Clark and Helio Oiticica. On this period of his life Gullar released in an interview:

Lembro-me who defended the fact that the fundamental questão da nova poetry was not 'create a new verse' and, sim, 'overcome or unidirectional character of linguagem, breaking with the verb phrase'.

Take advantage to know também or artigo The brilliant poems of Ferreira Gullar.

7. Post-tudoby Augusto de Campos

Tudo poster

Post-tudo He was raised in 1984, decades of concretism have emerged in Brazil. A poetic work, whose paper version is included in Despoesia (1994), was adapted for audiovisual purposes. This is an important trace of the artistic movement: concrete poetry incorporates many times sound elements, tateis, visuals and It defeats the barreira do livro being able to be found in art galleries, magazines, on television, through video clips, projections, etc.

The concrete poets, represented here by Augusto de Campos (1931), foram em search for uma nova linguagem That fosse capable of provoking or leitor and pull-gives it your comfort zone. Em Post-tudo, A self-contained poem, or author reflects on his own literary fazer, on his own poetic production and or his place in the world.

Or theorist Schwarz, ao analyze Post-tudo, He synthesizes and own an interesting interpretation for the poem:

[or poem] asks for an external chave interpretation - o que é "tudo"? - The same time as a deixa in open, functioning as an empty allusion. Or interpretive context é de livre escolha do leitor: a biografia do poeta, a historia do movimento concretista, or destiny of modern art, or cycle of revolution, all olive oil, embora nenhum tenha differentiated support not interior da composition

8. Pendulumby E.M. by Melo e Castro

Pêndulo, by E.M. by Melo e Castro

Included no livro Ideograms, released in 1961, or poem and raised with just one word. A single word of the poem - pendulum - is decomposed in a way to respect or suggested pendulum movement, in that way, or substantive content enters into it. Tune in to your graphic representation.

This poem is in consonance with the project of concrete poetry, which use mostly of nouns and tinha a concern of poetic condensation. Verbs and pronouns were habitually renegade, I had a desire to find essência das words.

Ernesto Manuel Geraldes de Melo e Castro (1932) outstanding Portuguese author, belongs to the movement of Experimental Poetry (PO-EX) during the 60s and two major international representatives do concretism.

9. A deconstruction of the verseby Haroldo de Campos

A deconstruction of the verse

Other important nome da poesia concreta foi o by Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003), which is not a poem A deconstruction of the verse It reflects on the literary breeding process, and, at the same time, on the natural cycle of life.

We also observe how or poet face use of a linguagem enxuta, concise, and the maximum amount of money for the thought no less possible space. In terms of shape, there is a concern with symmetry, attention paid not only to the verbais signs as well as to the não verbais.

A deconstruction of the verse It is a typical example of a poem-object, self-sufficient, a poem that is sufficient in itself. Não é um a poem about something, it is a poem in words, that provokes or is read and provides clues giving the opportunity to decipher or a poem and to work on it.

10. Speedby Ronaldo Azeredo

Velocidade by ronaldo azeredo

Um two most famous poems by Ronaldo Azeredo (1937-2006) é Speed, composed by a single word grafada of an original maneira. Nessa criação poética, a structure is of fundamental importance.

No poem we observe a word in its materiality - no specific project each word will gain a greater weight and a leading role, a linguistic awareness. It's about a form that informs. Among the concrete poets, each element of the creation matters: o white space of the page where it is inserted, as typographic fonts, o meio em que o poem é veiculado (free? cloth? sculpture? monitor?).

The concretists were very influenced by Gestalt psychology and em Speed We see this admiration present through the geometric-isomorphic, symmetrical construction.

Ronaldo Azeredo was introduced by the irmã, Lygia Azeredo (1931), or the poet Augusto de Campos, who saw himself become his brother. Around Augustus, Ronaldo became interested in innovative poetics and ended up participating in the National Exhibition of Concrete Art in the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (in 1956). O poet was also a contributor to concretist magazines Noigandres and Invenção.

Take the opportunity to read também or artigo Or that it is a visual poem and main examples.

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