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Amar, Intransitive Verb analysis and meaning of the book by Mário de Andrade

Amar, Intransitive Verb It was the first romance of the writer from São Paulo, Mário de Andrade.

Published in 1927, I have some of the striking characteristics of modernism and the history of Elza, A 35-year-old German who was hired as a house governor to initiate an adolescent sexuality.

Summary of the work

A chegada from Elza

Souza Costa is the country of a bourgeois family from São Paulo. Since her filho is involved with women for family control, she hires a German woman who fears how to start the bourgeois boys with sexual activities.

Elza is, therefore, hired as a governant of the house and, in addition to her "special" job, she also performs the standard activities of a governanta.

To Fräulein, as he is treated by the family, he gives German and music classrooms for all the children. She is totally wrapped up in the house at home, for a few years she will seduce Carlos. In this case, family relationships are being ruined and presented in a bem banal way.

Family disagreements

A relationship between Carlos and Fräulein is becoming more intense than Dona Laura, my family, perceives something but not related to two dois.

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Souza Costa had not given his wife what was the real goal of the German home. A discouraged dissolution leads to a conflict between Fräulein, Souza Costa and Dona Laura. Num first moment, Fräulein decides to go home, but after a quick conversation with Souza Costa, she decides to go home.

To seduction of Carlos

Fräulein, now with the consent of the whole family, turned to hint at Carlos. After some invested, Carlos is beginning to advance for Fräulein. She suggested a theory about love to teach Carlos about relationships. By means of two of her methods, she began to fulfill the mission of initiating Carlos sexually.

Or relationship two dois and intense, and isso faz splits two planes of Fräulein's ensino.

Or term

A final lição is an abrupt break between the two of you.

Souza Costa pretends to hit you two flagrantly and "expels" Fräulein from home. Carlos passes a time in sofrimento após to separation, therefore, to overcoming the first love or transform into a homem.


Modernism and transgression

Mário de Andrade foi two pioneers of modernism in Brazil. Amar, Intransitive Verb It was written between 1923 and 1924, little depois da Semana de Arte Moderna. The modernist movement has already launched its bases and preceitos.

The 1st phase of Brazilian modernism was marked by transgression, both in form and not in content, and the romance of Mário de Andrade is a great example. Let's start with our own hair title of the work pois "amar" é, na verdade, a transitive verb.

O enredo do livro revolves around a rich and traditional family from São Paulo, which hires a German government to teach questions related to sex for their adolescent daughter. O theme was tabu numa time in which many countries sought prostitutes to initiate serious filhos.

Aesthetics gives work

Na form or romance also innovative. The writer talks several times as a reader, explains his characters and discusses how it would be in Elza's appearance.

Another formal aspect of the book by Mário de Andrade é o use of various popular and indigenous words. This vocabulary, typical of Mário de Andrade, will reach its apex in rhapsody Macunaíma.

No postfactual of Amar, Intransitive Verb Mário de Andrade escreve:

In the language I use. I saw listening to melodia nova. To be melodia nova não quer dizer feia. First, it lacks people to get used to it. I try to make myself feel like I am failing and now I am used to writing it, I love it very much and nothing makes me feel like it or out of sight. I did not want to raise nenhuma language. I barely tried to use the materials that a minha terra dava me.

Or urban cenário

The romance of Mário de Andrade was named the city of São Paulo as the main locality, more precisely at home to the family on Higienópolis Avenue. The ação center is located first for some cities in the interior of São Paulo. A expansion and feita by means of the car, or the maximum symbol of modernity. A family car ride with its properties.

Apart from São Paulo capital and interior, another locality is present, not romance: or Rio-São Paulo. On account of the doença da filha, the family goes to Rio de Janeiro for fairs, in search of a higher temperature. In the Cidade Maravilhosa, the city-countryside relationship is repeated when the family rides a car in Tijuca.

The twenties, or the Rio-São Paulo region, represents everything or what is more modern than the country. Two major sections of Mário de Andrade's romance are a journey from volta feita de trem. A rich family from São Paulo ends up going through various moments of hardship during their costume.

"Or car in fired rolling pelas ladeiras, the abysses were thrown down on the sea"

A machine has a special place in the vision of the first Brazilian modernist generation.

Em To love, intransitive verb, The typewriter appears in the urban area and in the league as a field. Or automóvel e o trem figures no romance not just as mere means of transport, but as symbols of modernity.

A Brazilian origin

One of the two most important points in all of Mário de Andrade's work is an attempt to understand the Brazilian and raise a national origin. Num country with an immense mix of races and cultures, understand what turns or brasiliro um brasiliro é um imense work.

In his first romance, Mário de Andrade constantly tackles questão das raças. Or Brazilian and described and analyzed several times by means of German Elza, who compares Latin as Germanic. Little years, other races are being inserted, not romance.

"Or Brazilian misturado does not lack more to raise trans-Andean theogonies, nem imagine descending from a jabuti notável ..."

Or a group of Brazilians, Portuguese filhos, mixed with Indians and blacks, as well as a series of recent foreigners from Brazil, such as Germans, Norwegians, and Japanese.

In a very discreet way, Mário de Andrade began to develop his theory of formation of the Brazilian povo that will be widely developed in Macunaíma.

Carlos, Freud and a personagem

Or central theme of romance and sexual initiation of Carlos. Mário de Andrade uses Freud's psychoanalytic theories to show the transformation of the personagem.

Moving from adolescence to adult life, however, involves other sexual relationships. Carlos's relationship with his family will be shaped by his character.

Regardless of Elza as a tutor, she gives her physical sexual initiation marked by the way that Carlos develops. Apart from Freudianism, Mário de Andrade also makes use of the doutrines of neovitalism, a theory that defends that life phenomena are the fruit of internal physical-chemical reactions.

Mário de Andrade explains:

Or biological phenomenon provoking the psychological individuality of Carlos is his own essência do livro

Leia (ou escute) o livro Amar, Intransitive Verb na whole

To work Amar, Intransitive Verb by Mário de Andrade is available for download in pdf format.

It is preferable to also be able to play this classic audio in audio format:

"Amar, intransitive verb" (Audiolivro), by Mário de Andrade "

Conheça also

  • Poems explained to meet Mario de Andrade
  • Livro Macunaíma, by Mario de Andrade
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