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15 smart films for everyone to enjoy on Netflix

Intelligent films are capable of awakening our attention to topics that we did not know or invited us to mergulho in matters that we never knew, but we do not eat a deep life.

Awarded, celebrated for criticism - and many times it is consecrated by the public - these great works of cinema are available on the Netflix streaming platform.

1. I lost my body (J'ai perdu mon corps, 2019)

Lost my Corpo | Official trailer | Netflix

Are you losing your own body? This is the curious premise of the award-winning French animation J'ai lost mon corps.

Apart from being technically an impeccable production, or a mysterious entanglement or spectator who wants to know more about the history of what was lost from his dono and agora vague sozinha pelas ruas.

Or a film, full of poetry and detail of details, traces as the protagonist a very humanized person, or that face as we create empathy for his particular adventure. As a linguagem nova, I lost my body é uma award-winning animation turned for adults and invited or public for a deep journey in search of respostas.

instagram story viewer

Director: Jérémy Clapin
Category: animation
Duration: 1h 21min

2. History of a casamento (Marriage Story, 2019)

History of um Casamento | Official trailer | Netflix

How many love stories do you já assistiu? As romantic comedies fed the cinema industry decades ago and History of a casamento It is an innovative film to begin with the theme: long and based on part of the history that little contam - or divorce.

With a realistic and honest tom, Noah Baumbach escolheu narrate the last tempos of a marriage that is taking place at or fim. We see the perspective of the husband, the woman and the consequence of his decision to break up his life, two two and the only family in the house.

Marriage Story é um longa-metragem original What makes us think about the love relationships, about the ruptures and about the emotional, practical and financial repercussions in the life of each family member.

Director: Noah Baumbach
Category: drama
Duration: 2h17min

Read or complete article about or Filme História de um Casamento (Marriage Story).

3. Birdman ou (A Unexpected Virtude da Ignorância) (Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), 2014)

Birdman | Official Legendary HD Trailer | 2014

Birdman Give them films that leave you intrigued, restless and, many times, anguished. Uma coisa is certain: this is a film that made you think and that reverberates us days to follow.

Either the protagonist of the story or Riggan Thomson (lived by Michael Keaton), who played the famous super-hero Birdman. Or treat was at the same time or boom gives his career and or reason for his ruin.

Or work that or impelled you to leave deep scars not ator, that happened to suffer a severe crisis of identity alternating enter ficção e a reality.

Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu
Category: drama / comedy
Duration: 1h 59min

4. What do you want to be a millionaire? (Slumdog Millionaire, 2008)

I wanted to be a millionaire

Or longa-metragem that you receive or Oscar and o Globo de Ouro as a film of the year and give them films that summon you for a deep social reflection.

The historical protagonist, Jamal Malik, is an 18-year-old orphaned who has a terrifying childhood in a favela in Mumbai marked by poverty and violence. He had a chance to change his life to or participate in a famous TV show.

The drama shows us the whole life course of young Jamal and, through his personal history of him, we have a realistic portrait of the poorest litter of India. A story also narrated in a curious way, alternating dinners between the present and the past of Jamal.

A hard film, more than it mobilizes us, that is Slumdog Millionaire, A false work about social injustices, inequality, religious persecution and preconception.

Director: Danny Boyle
Category: drama
Duration: 2h

5. Absorbing or taboo (Period. End of Sentence., 2018)

Absorbing or taboo

An award-winning documentary exhibited by Netflix chegou to receive an Oscar for portraying a true revolution that an absorbent machine provided when chegou to small villages in India.

Rayka Zehtabchi tells us, through his sensitive lens, or taboo faced with Indian meninas that we live when we menstruate. These sentences are shameful and, many times, it is necessary to abandon the school, becoming financially dependent on two homes.

A silent history of figure when or inventor Arunachalam Muruganantham raised his breeding for these small communities. A machine that produces biodegradable absorbents is transferred to lower custody, all of the group dynamics a year or deliver dignity and freedom to these women.

You are interested in questions related to or feminism I was curious to discover new cultures Absorbing or taboo It is a film not to lose.

Director: Rayka Zehtabchi
Category: document
Duration: 26min

6. American beauty (American Beauty, 2000)

American Beauty - Trailer

Or film American beauty ganhou five statutes for tecer um accurate and cross social portrait of a typical North American family.

Os Burnham is a traditional and apparently perfect family that represents the typical American way of life. However, when we forget more from time to time, we see how dysfunctional it is as dynamics of the house.

Personagens lacking, lost, anxious and ethically questioned, you see, lead a life normal - Lester, o pai, tem uma rotina regrada marked by um bom emprego, um casamento estavel e uma filha. Therefore we see the emergence of a superficial normality, an unusual entanglement.

Director: Sam Mendes
Category: drama
Duration: 2h02min

7. To social network (The social network, 2010)

Official Trailer Português - A REDE SOCIAL

On a large day, two human beings in the world are connected in some way online, for isso is also interesting understand the origin of the phenomenon of social networks.

The social network It shows us the meanders of the creation of Facebook, the largest social network on the planet, created by North American universities. Bem made, or film was awarded and ends up reaching an unbeatable combo: it tells a boa story and in an attractive way for the viewer.

Ao narrate the primordios of Facebook, David Fincher fala nas changes that will happen no só na vida two young programmers as well as all of us who choose to partilhar we are given private.

Director: David Fincher
Category: drama / biography
Duration: 2h 01min

8. Two potatoes (Two popes, 2019)

Two potatoes

A Catholic religion is the highest and most traditional in the world and not to be scared that the world has been surprised as an announcement of the resignation of its maximum authority, or Pope Bento XVI.

O long metragem of the award-winning filmmaker Fernando Meirelles narrates this transition between resignation or old father, who decided Willingly be in charge, and to ascent of the most recent and improvavel successor, or Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

As a precise olhar, or Brazilian director mixura realidade e ficção (or film and "inspired by real fatos"). The work leaves us to think about or humanize the priests, revealing to the public natural sentiments such as those we can all relate to (such as anxiety, or half and guilt).

Director: Fernando Meirelles
Category: drama
Duration: 2h06min

9. Rome (Rome, 2018)


A delicate portrait e hard, feito a preto e branco, do Mexico during the 70s - Rome It could also be defined in a phrase.

Or film, which narrates a reality of class media, local, family that lives on Rua Tapeki, ends by Failing about childhood, the difficulties and the dilemmas that we all fear winning, assimum a character universal.

Not by chance, the work-prima was indicated to Oscar in ten categories. I have won three statutes (among them Melhor Filme Estrangeiro and Melhor Direção).

Long ago we thought about social inequality, conflicts between classes where ethnic origins end up being very important and where people are in society.

Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Category: drama
Duration: 2h15min

Leia o full artigo do Film Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón.

10. Democracy em vertigem (2019)

Democracy in Vertigem | Official trailer [HD] | Netflix

You are going to be political gosta to attend Democracy em vertigem. O feito documentary for Brazilian filmmaker Petra Costa has missed two recent years troubled by Brazilian politics, with many ascents and remains of weighty politicians.

Democracy em vertigem This is a film about a fragile, recent democracy that invites you to understand meanders of Brazilian politics These are the circumstances that will allow extreme direct growth.

O olhar da filmmaker, despite being partial, is capable of presenting political dramas in a panoramic way portraying a polarized and divided country over the last decades.

Or film, which entered for the ranking two melhores of the year of the New York Times, chegou to concorrer ao Oscar.

Director: Petra Costa
Category: document
Duration: 2h02min

If you are curious, we recommend reading the complete article Documentário Democracia em vertigem.

11. American industry (American factory, 2019)

American Industry | Official trailer | Netflix

Or very interesting American industry narrates or culture clash between American and Chinese workers who go to coexist a factory in Dayton, Ohio.

A huge warehouse of General Motors in the city of a series of jobs for local workers and, as a date, 10 thousand civil servants who stop on the road. Many of them were rehired by a Chinese glass company to Fuyao, which they bought locally.

Despite narrating a pontual case, or a document of a universal drama of understanding (or lack of understanding) between very different povos. It touches on the question of immigration, of xenophobia, of difficulties of adaptation, both of those who are burned and that of those who are strangers.

As the world becomes more globalized every day, this type of encounter tends to occur with much frequency and for the case of the old General Motors and an interesting starting point. Or film face we wonder who we are, how we should treat or another and how we expect to be treated.

Director: Steven Bognar, Julia Reichert
Category: document
Duration: 1h55min

12. A 13th emenda (The 13th, 2016)

A 13ª emenda (The 13th, 2016)

Or the issue of racism never stay on the day of the A 13th emenda This is an essential film to make me want understand more about the North American social context.

Or title face reference to the amendment of the constitution that is released from the United States for years. However, despite its historical reference, or documentation, it offers a rigorous panoramic view of the segregation of the United States over the days of the page.

Or a film, the fruit of intense research, and full of data, statistics and facts that help us understand how we manage the current state of social tension.

Director: Ava DuVernay
Category: document
Duration: 1h40min

13. O som ao redor (2013)

O som ao redor

Or only fiction film on the list, O som ao redor It passes to the Brazilian Northeast and addresses the daily questão em meio to a country that keeps very deep social inequality.

You come when people from a condominium in a rich area of ​​Recife fear that they have to deal with a security militia. For some, the presence of individuals gives a feeling of security, for others this intervention was translated in half.

From this meeting, a series of conflicts broke out between people of different social classes, tracing a deeply fragmented Brazil.

Director: Kleber Mendonça Filho
Category: drama / suspense
Duration: 2h11min

14. Or truman show (The Truman Show, 1998)

Or truman show

A film very in front of his tempo, Or truman show It was over 20 years old and it showed a reality that seemed distant, but in the end it became possible as two reality shows emerged.

Truman Burbank, or protagonist of history, had a perfect life at first: a good job as an insurance agent, a loving wife, a great friend, a good home.

His life, however, began to crumble when the barnacle that ended the personage of a television program and each watched passage. Please note that no year after the release of the film emerged in the first edition of Big Brother on television.

Or truman show face us questioning You limit yourself between reality and fiction e worries us as his portrait of the future that ended up becoming a portrait of our present.

Director: Peter Weir
Category: drama / comedy
Duration: 1h43min

15. Power boost (The founder, 2017)

Power Building | Trailer

A cadeia Mc Donald's is back hairs quatro cantos do mundo e o longa metragem The founder It helps us to understand a little of the history of successes permeated by traições.

We attend almost two hours a year as Maurice and Richard leave for you to create a small fast food barrack. in Arcadia, in Califórnia, and how will we end up losing or business that would transform its symbol gives America.

Among the first hamburgers sold for 10 cents to 40,000 units of the network much history passed, and that is the American sonho lição that Power boost I saw us tell.

Director: John Lee Hancock
Category: biography
Duration: 1h55min

Go to the full article of the film Fome de Poder (The Founder), a history of Mc Donald's.

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