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Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke: 6 books two winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2019

In October 2019, the Nobel Prize for Literature continued with a double award. Due to the scandal of the previous year, which resulted in no cancellation of the ceremony, this time two awards were awarded: either 2018 for Olga Tokarczuk and 2019 for Peter Handke.

Explore some works of two authors and discover a few serious literary universes.

Quem é Olga Tokarczuk?

Olga Tokarczuk was born in Sulechiow, na Polônia, in 1962. O his love for literature arose even at school tempos, where he took advantage of or access to the library to read works of various genres.

Embora she has studied psychology and has gone to exercise, she ended up embracing the literary career. In 1993, she published or her first book, A Jornada do Povo-Livro, a work that took place in Spain in the seventeenth century.

Portrait of Olga Tokarczuk.
Portrait of Olga Tokarczuk.

Wrap up nas sociopolitical questões In her country, Tokarczuk is also known for being an activist, an ecologist and a defender two direitos das mulheres. With her works, she reflects on significant historical and cultural events.

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Apart from romances, she also writes poetry, essays and roteiros, thus having her works translated into thirteen languages. Appointed as one of the two greatest literary names, it gives her birth, a recipient of the author or Nobel Prize in Literature, 57 years old.

The Swedish Academy awarded the work of Tokarczuk for the "narratives cheias de imaginação that com paixão encyclopedic represents travessia das fronteiras as a way of life".

1. Os Vagantes (2007)

Os Vagantes é um fragmentary romance composed of 116 short narratives that vary in length, being able to occupy just one line or several pages.

Some of the stories, narrated by a traveling woman, are purely fictional and others are based on true events.

Or original title, Bieguni, face reference to an old setor of the Orthodox Church, "the fugitives", which proves that they must always be traveling and moving to avoid or badly.

Com isto em mind, a work is also uma philosophical reflection on the modern lifestyle, in constant movement. No Brasil, o livro was published in 2014, by Tinta Negra publisher, with a translation by Tomasz Barcinski. Currently, the romance is out of the national books.

2. About os Ossos dos Mortos (2009)

The work tells the story of Janina, a woman from the middle age who lives in rural Polônia. Solitary, she lives with her spirits of esteem and dedicates herself to astrology and the translation of poems. When the serious puppies disappear, the protagonist distrusts the vizinho, that she does not like to be a hunter.

From this time on, you must appear dead, a woman has come to be seen as a suspense of crime. During the investigation, more than four hunters were assassinated in the region, in rather strange circumstances.

I do not give up all the confusion, Janina also found love, wrapping herself with a stranger who arises to investigate awed species. In this way, o light combines elements of mystery and romance police com quite atuais themes like or environmentalism e direitos dos animais.

In 2017, a narrative was adapted for a cinema, as a title Spoor e direction of Agnieszka Holland. Conheça or trailer:

Spoor - Trailer - SFF 2017

About os Ossos dos Mortos It will be edited in Brazil in 2019, but still, with a translation by Olga Bagińska-Shinzato.

3. Jaco deeds (2014)

More recently this list, Jaco deeds (ou Books of Jaco) It is one of the most well-known works of the author, but it has not been translated into the Portuguese language. Thanks to ela, Tokarczuk ganhou or second prize Nike, a major honor for writers from your country.

O free is passed to Polônia do seculo XVIII and se seals em Jacob Frank, a historical figure desse period. Frank was the leader of a curious seita judaicawhose members Teriam converted to Catholicism and Islam. The work accompanies the movements of his followers and also asks them to oppose the group.

Na Polônia, ideological conflicts are also quite present in the literary scene. Assim, embora or romance has received a positive response from criticism, calling attention to nationalist movements and is extremely direct.

Because of her writings, the author became the target of hate and persecution of these groups.

Quem é Peter Handke?

Peter Handke was born in Caríntia, in Áustria, no year 1942. Its literary collection is quite vast and includes works of romance, poetry, theater and essays, among other genres. Or writer also works in the field of visual arts, as a roteirista and director of cinema.

Handke began to study directly more, during a college, he entered into contact with the world of literature and discovered his vocation from him. Na verdade, depois to publish your first work, Ace Vespas (1966), or the author ended up abandoning his studies to dedicate himself to writing.

Portrait of Peter Handke.
Portrait of Peter Handke.

His life history was marked by sociopolitical and family events with tragic contours, such as to World War II that vitimou split two serious relatives and or suicide da mãe, during the seventies.

Some of these events are narrated in his literary work, mainly not a semi-autobiographical romance. Uma sadness além two dreams (tradução livre), 1972.

Awarded 76 years, Peter Handke was faced as one of the two most influential writers of his time. During the award ceremony, the Swedish Academy declared that the author was being honored for "ter explored the periphery and the specificity of the human experience".

4. To Mulher Canhota (1976)

Ainda sem tradução no Brasil, To Mulher Canhota It is indicated as one of the most notorious works of the author. A narrative follows Marianne, a 30-year-old woman who is divorcing her husband. Mãe de uma criança, she decides to leave or companheiro and go live as a filho in another place.

Um sad portrait of um relationship in ruins, the story illustrates the feelings of helplessness and solidão da protagonist, beginning a new life. The end of love and separation from families is also themes explored by the author.

In 1977, just one year after publication, or book was adapted for the cinema, a film of the same name directed by Hawke's own hair. Trust or trailer:

A Mulher Canhota - (Legendary Trailer in Portuguese PT)

5. Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo) (2007)

Don Juan (Narrated by Ele Mesmo) There are some works by Peter Handke that are not yet available in Brazil. O livro was translated by Simone Homem de Mello and published by the publisher Estação Liberdade.

Ao contrarário daquilo that the title affirms, here the narrator gives work é um homem solitário, that he works as a cozinheiro and dedicates himself deeply to reading. When he suddenly decided to abandon your books, he was confronted with an unexpected surprise: Don Juan appears, from nothing, not his garden.

Passado na França, or romance reinvent or personagem lendário e o situation in contemporary reality.

6. Os Belos Dias de Aranjuez (2012)

Os Belos Dias de Aranjuez It is a piece of theater that premiered at the Vienna Festival, staged by Luc Bondy. Embora or free still in circulation in Brazil, it was translated into Portuguese by Maria Manuel Viana and published by the Portuguese publisher Documenta.

A peça que tem or subtitle A dialogue of Verão and isso himself: uma longa talks between a casal. Anonymous, a woman or a homem demonstrates the great fulfillment of mutual confessions about love, relationships, sexual involvement and related issues.

Little years, or dialogue is expanding for questions that are increasingly varied and profound: nature, reality, or meaning gives life. Through two failing two people, Handke gives us a vision that is closely linked to the past, but also attentive to small details of the world.

In 2016, it was sometimes adapted for the cinema, directed by Wim Wenders. Assista ao trailer below:

Os Belos Dias de Aranjuez - Legendary HD Trailer

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