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21 melhores drama films of all seasons

Dramatic films are usually asked to see the story of mergulhar in exciting stories and are set in place of people.

Usually this genre of cinema draws deep narratives that involve existential dilemmas, drawing tears from the public.

1. Central do Brasil (1998)

Central do Brasil | Festival do Rio 2018

Two of the most exciting Brazilian films by major successors Central do Brasil. Feito em collaboration with França, at the address of Walter Salles e o launching foi in 1998.

The cast of weight counted with Fernanda Montenegro and Marília Pêra, além do young estreante Vinícius de Oliveira.

O longa-metragem has a very positive reception of the public and critics, being considered a work-first of the national cinema and receiving an Oscar award and no Globo de Ouro prize.

A history began in the Central Trem station, not Brazil, not Rio de Janeiro. Dora is a bitter woman who makes a living writing letters for illiterate people.

One day, life places Josué in his path, a garoto who just lost me. Assim, you two initiam uma Inner Hair Day of Brazil I'm looking for do pai do garoto.

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A true classic that exposes the reality of the Brazilian povo in a human and like manner.

Where to attend: Globoplay

For a film analysis, I read: Filme Central do Brasil, by Walter Salles.

2. Eu: Daniel Blake (2016)

Eu, Daniel Blake - Legendary HD Trailer

Eu: Daniel Blake is a co-production between the United Kingdom, France and Belgium launched in 2016 and directed by British hair Ken loach.

Or ator Dave Johns plays Daniel Blake, a 59-year-old senator who has a serious health problem and is oriented to medical hair at work.

In the meantime, Daniel has not obtained the authorization of the undertaking for the provision of the denied or financial benefit. Assim, or protagonist initiates a true saga in search of serious direitos.

The film was a bilheteria succession in the United Kingdom and won the important Cannes Festival, raising the highest prize, in Palma de Ouro.

Where to attend: Netflix.

3. Waiting for a miracle (1999)

Movie dinner waiting for a miracle

Based on Stephen King's homonymous book, Waiting for a miracle é uma produção norte-americana de 1999 directed by Frank Darabont that brings together drama, police and fantasy genres.

Starring Tom Hanks, tells the story of Paul Edgecomb, a former prison official he witnessed improvave and fantastic situations to accompany prisoners who are ready to be executed under penalty of death.

A plot and shocking hair seu potential to awaken empathy not public and provide an emotionally intense experience.

The film received various indications for Oscar and other awards of great recognition.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

4. Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)

Fried Green Tomatoes - Trailer (HD)

Fried Green Tomatoes fez happened in the 90s. A North American production was directed by Jon avnet It stood out for its dramatic character and it was humorous.

A story and narrated by Ninny, a senhora who lives in the face of idiosyncrasies with Evelyn, a housewife in crise not marriage.

It is a narrative that addresses various delicate issues, such as loss of a loved one and violence against a woman. More or great theme is the same amizade among women, girl hoje de sororidade.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

5. History of a casamento (2019)

History of um Casamento | Official trailer | Netflix

Released not final of 2019 on Netflix, History of a casamento Direção do Estado-Unidense Noah baumbach e traz Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson us parents of Nicole and Charlie, a family that is living a painful separation.

This is a film that shows us two sides of a divorce that, in the beginning, would be friendly, with interference from the adversaries. In the meantime, due to a complicated and emotional moment, so things don't saem exactly as or planned.

Different from other romance and drama films, here we can accompany how or love ends Between two people who will build an important history, we will need to restructure themselves in order to continue a relationship of friendship to raise or children in harmony.

Concorreu for important awards in various categories, winning either Oscar and Globo de Ouro by melhor atriz coadjuvante.

Where to attend: Netflix.

6. Dançando no dark (2000)

Movie dinner Dançando no Escuro

A film to finish chorar, assim é or musical drama Dançando no Escuro, launched in 2000. A big star of Icelandic production Björk, who would present us with a show of sensitivity and interpretation.

A direção é assinada hair famous Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier It tells the story of Selma, a Mexican immigrant who humbly lives in the US with her filho in the 1960s.

A girl works in a factory and hides a serious vision problem that will get worse over the course of her life. So that her filho does not develop the same doença, Selma saves money with a lot of effort to perform a surgery not garoto.

A hard life is the protagonist and crossed by hallucinations at all times, in which we encenam choreographies and sing at various times. As musics são de autoria da Björk.

O longa-metragem foi tão bem received that accumulates indicações e prêmios important as Palma de Ouro, além de ficar marked as two more sad and exciting films da history of cinema.

7. In the language of butterflies (1999)

Dinner of the film A language of butterflies exhibited by a group of children as an idoso professor

The tongue of butterflies é o nome original desse Spanish film by Jose Luiz Cuerda, launched in 1999.

There is no interior of Spain in the moments that preceded the Spanish Civil War, in the 1930s.

Nele we accompany the life of Mocho, a garoto who feared as a professor, a loving and sensitive senhor who teaches some important values ​​such as or respect the next year. Don Gregório, or professor, is a defender of democracy, as well as the country of Mocho.

You are going to be a small city, I added that fascism takes a few days or less to see your life transform.

A film like it presents political and social questões por uma otica sensitive and childish.

8. Return (2006)

2006 Return Official Trailer 1 HD Sony Pictures Classics

Or filmmaker that assina or longa-metragem Return é or spanish Pedro Almodovar, made up of his dramatic and intense films.

A premier production in 2006 and shows us the life of Raimunda (Penélope Cruz), a woman who works in various undertakings to keep an adolescent filha, enquanto or husband has problems of alcoholism and assedia to garota. The plot also explores other feminine characters of Raimunda's family, enveloping viewers in a narrative of segregated people.

This is the most brilliant work of Almodóvar, which deals with issues such as loss and trust between women. Tudo isso em meio to a vibrant and colorful atmosphere, just like the filmmaker's brand.

As a warm reception by critics and audiences, or film has intense participation in various festivals and awards.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

9. Um sonho de liberdade (1994)

movie dinner Um sonho de liberdade

A dream of freedom (The Shawshank Redemption, not original) premiered in cinemas in 1994 and was directed by Frank Darabont. This is more of a production based on a book from acclaimed writer Stephen King.

No longa-metragem, we attended Andy Dufresne's costume, a young banqueiro that é unjustly sentenced to perpetual prison Accused of assassinating his wife and lover.

Or drama passes into the Shawshank State Penitentiary, where Andy becomes friends with Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), a smuggler who also served in perpetual prison.

The same film did not manage to be a bilheteria succession at the time of its launch, at reception of The public and the critics were positive and the concorreu to seven categories of Oscar and also Globe of Ouro.

It has been recognized as one of the two most relevant films of its geração, gaining prominence among the public as one of the two most recent dramas.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

For a complete analysis of the film, I read: Film Um Sonho de Liberdade: summary and interpretations

10. 12 years of escravidão (2013)

12 Years of Escravidão - Trailer

Launched in 2013, 12 years of escravidão It is a co-production between the USA, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg and is in direct contact with Steve McQueen.

Based on the autobiography of Solomon Northup's mesmo nome, or film é um drama that tells real history of a black freedman The US has been sent to the XIX century, more than it has been sequestered and scrutinized for 12 years.

The film caused a great deal of non-public impact and had a very good critical reception. Indicated to nine categories not Oscar of the following year, win three, inclusive of melhor film.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

11. O pianist (2003)

The Pianist (2002) Official Trailer - Adrien Brody Movie

Filme by famous Polish filmmaker Roman polanski, Or pianist It was 2003 in a partnership between France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland.

The plot goes by at the end of the 30s in Poland, when the Jewish pianist Władysław Szpilman is confronted with the invasion of his country and the beginning of World War II.

The film is based on the autobiographical book of Władysław as a basis and tells his impressive story of how he faced various humiliations and torture and achieved escape from war, hiding in ruined properties in the city.

Or film concorreu ao Oscar in seven categories, saindo vitorioso em três. He also participated in other important film festivals and is considered a work-first of the dramatic genre.

Where to attend: Prime video

12. You Misunderstood (1959)

film dinner You misunderstood

This 1959 French film is a cult drama assassinated famous filmmaker François Truffaut.

Originally titled as Les quatre cents coups, or longa-metragem of 99 minutes narrates the life of Antoine Doinel, a 14-year-old adolescent who presents school problems, rebelling against the rigidity of the institution and also against the authoritarianism of two countries.

The film was indicated to Oscar and winner of the Cannes Festival. It became two classics of French cinema and brilliantly represents nouvelle vague, cinematographic style developed in the 60s.

Where to attend: Telecineplay

13. Taxi Driver (1976)

TAXI DRIVER - Official Portuguese Trailer

Directed by Martin Scorcese, a North American production from 1976 and featured as main artist Robert De Niro, in a number of his melhores interpretações.

Travis Bickle is a 26-year-old young man who is in the Vietnam War and will return to New York. lonely and disturbed.

As a sofre of insônia, he decided to work as a taxi driver for no period of time. Travis perambula pela cidade and rebels against the injustices that are present in the metropolis, taking controversial attitudes.

O longa-metragem was received with louvor critical hair, being indicated to Oscar and winning Palma de Ouro at the Cannes Festival.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

14. Paris, Texas (1984)

Paris, Texas - (Legendary Trailer in Portuguese PT)

Or longa-metragem Paris, texas é a co-production between França and Alemanha. Launched in 1984, it was assassinated by Wim wenders, standing out in the carreira of the renowned German filmmaker.

A narrative accompanies Travis, a homem who loses his memory and remains in a psychiatric hospital for four years, regardless of whether he was signed or found.

Travis is padded with irmão hair in his house, rediscovering or filho, that was abandoned pela mãe. Assim, you two are re-approached and part of my deserted Texas hair to look for Jane, my garoto.

The film is between the two greatest events of the 1980s, welcoming Palma de Ouro in Cannes, apart from other important awards.

15. Bagdad Cafe (1988)

Baghdad Café film dinner exhibits two women in desert scenery

Bagdad Cafe (Out of rosenheim, not original) is a drama with a comedy touch by the German filmmaker Percy adlon. Its premiere was founded in 1988, being received public and critical hair and becoming a cult film since its artistic and sensitive character.

Jasmin Münchgstettner is a German who has just joined as a husband when you two go to Las Vegas. She then decides to jump out of the car and leave her husband, who is going to leave her behind.

It is here that she begins her adventure. Sozinha, a woman walked on the empowered road and went to Bagdad Cafe, not a small establishment badly cared for on the road. She meets Brenda and other people with complicated lives. In the presence of Jasmim there is little place transform everyone's life and also her own.

It should be noted that I did not film the soundtrack, mainly the music Calling You, by Jevetta Steele.

Where to attend: Prime video

16. Um estranho no ninho (1975)

Movie dinner Um estranho no ninho exibe Jack Nicholson

1975 drama Um strange no ninho It is a film by the Mexican filmmaker Milos Forman. Or original title é One Flew Over the Cuckoo'sNest It is based on Ken Kesey's 1962 homonymous issue.

A plot shows the story of Randall McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a homem that about being a prisoner pretends to have psychological problems to serve sentence in a psychiatric institution, year inverse of fazer labors forced na cadeia. In the meantime, his costume at the institution follows an easy path.

A production had the last reception and was indicated to nine categories not Oscar of 1976, being victorious in five. I was also very awarded with the Globo de Ouro.

Where to attend: Google Play Filmes

17. To invisible life (2019)

A Vida Invisível | Official Trailer | Indicated Brasileiro ao Oscar

A 2019 Brazilian drama that has been conquered or made public To invisible life, from Karim Aïnouz.

Adapted from livro To the invisible life of Eurídice Gusmão, from pernambucana Martha Batalha, or film goes back to the 50's and exposes the history of duas irmãs that, due to a macho and oppressive system, end up distancing ourselves.

This exciting narrative that addresses sensitive issues such as psychological violence, sexual violence not marriage, motherhood, além da amizade between women and or love between irmãs.

Or film teve boa repercussão e chegou to concorrer a vaga no Oscar in 2020.

Where to attend: Telecine Play e Google Play Filmes

18. Machuca (2004)

Machuca film dinner exhibits children in protest

Or longa-metragem Machuca cam to assinatura do chilean Andres Wood It was launched in 2004.

It exhibits friendship among two garotos of different social classes in Santiago do Chile, in the 70s. Pedro Machuca is a poor garoto who gets a vague in an elite college and knows Gonzalo. You develop a close relationship, the same as the social abyss that separates you.

This is a film that treaty of the territorial pass of the Chilean military rank e transition of the government from Allende to Pinochet, recounting his story in a similar way to childish hair.

He received several awards and concorreu to a vaga ao Oscar for this foreign film.

19. The Sea Inside (2004)

Film | Sea Inside

A sensitive and exciting film about Escolha's life and direct, also Sea Inside, do Chilean-Spanish Alejandro Amenábar.

Launched in 2004, it presents a history based on real facts and narrates Luta de Ramón Sampedro pelo direito à eutanásia.

Ramón is an ex-sailor who, unhappily, is a tetraplegic or mergulhar and a drummer. Assim, he spends his whole life trying to find a way to die with dignity.

A produção was a successor and received the Oscar of a film in a non-English language and the Ouro Globe of a foreign film.

20. Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Cinema Paradiso film dinner exhibits menino olhando cinema negatives

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso é o original title of the 1988 Franco-Italian co-produção.

Assinado by Giuseppe Tornatore, or film can be seen as a pretty homagem to art of cinema and it was very good to receive public hair and criticism, winning the Oscar, Globo de Ouro and the Cannes Festival.

A narrative traverses the lembranças of Salvatore Di Vita, a successful filmmaker who receives news that Alfredo morreu.

Alfredo was a filmmaker in his small city and was an important figure in his childhood. The two of you will become friends with each other and develop your love hair cinema inspired by the figure of the designer.

21. As Hours (2002)

Nicole Kidman show dinner at the hour

As hours address of Stephen Daldry e é uma produção feita pelo UK and USA. Based on Michael Cunningham's same name, or film from 2002, it tells the story of three women who live in different decades and their lives lived through romance. Mrs. Dallowayby Virginia Woolf.

A work that is dedicated to investigate psiquê de mulheres totally different, more than carregam many aspects in common.

Or a film won several awards, among them or Oscar as the best actress for Nicole Kidman, played by Virgínia Woolf.

Where to attend: Telecine Play

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