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12 popular Brazilian contos commented

1. A raposa e o tucano

Certain time a raposa convidou or tucano to or jantar. A meal was a mingau served on top of a stone. Or poor tucano you have difficulty eating and machucou seu long bico.

Com raiva, or tucano wanted to fuck. Assim, he invited a girl for a refeição at his home. Ele disse:

- Fox friend, as you invited me to celebrate another day, chegou minha instead of giving back. Come até minha home, at a time to find out that it will serve a good refeição.

A raposa quickly became animated and said that sim.

Or tucano then preparou a delicious mingau and served in a purchased jug. A bitch, faminta, I can't eat the mingau, licking barely a little that will fall at the table.

Enquanto isso or tucano was delighted with food and disse:

- Raposa, a senhora teve or that she deserves, pois she fez or the same I eat. Fiz isso to show you that I should not want to be more awaited than others.

A raposa e o tucano is a Brazilian story that, using the figure of animais, reveals to us about human behavior.

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She treats sentiments like a superb and a raiva, when she shows us unpleasant attitudes you are close to.

To raposa, she is down very much, fez a "brincadeira" as a tucano, but she did not expect that she too will pass the same situation.

Esse é um conto that alerts us: Não faça com o outro o que não gostaria que fizessem com você.

2. Malazarte cozinhando sem fogo

Chegando à cidade, Pedro Malazarte had fun at parties and bars and spent his savings. But before saying anything poor, he bought some panela and a little bit of food, he continued to be rumored.

No way, he went to an abandoned house to rest. He ignited a fire and placed food with panela to cook.

Percebendo that chegava a troop, Pedro quickly extinguished or fired. A food was never burning and smoking. You homens will observe curious and ask:

- What a funny thing, are you cozinhando sem fired?

And Pedro logo responded:

- Sim, more isso because a minha panela is special, it is magic!
- And how is that? I do not need fire to cozinhar nela?
- Pois is how I am selling. Aliás, I'm thinking of selling it. Do you want to?

You homens will be satisfied and pay a boa quantia.

Later, when we were able to use panela sem fire, we could see that we were deceived, but at this height Pedro Malazarte was still long.

Pedro Malazarte is a very common person in Brazil and in Portugal. A figura é um homem very knowledgeable, deceitful and cynical.

Nesse said, he presented a situation in which he managed to confuse a group of homens and sell them an object for a much higher value.

From fato, to history reveals hope and misconduct do Pedro, but also evidences naive of various people.

3. Of how Malazarte entered no ceu

When Malazarte morreu e chegou ao ceu, he told São Pedro that he wanted to enter.

O holy responds:

- You're louco! Pois you have the courage to want to enter no ceu, do you think so many celebrations in the world ?!
- Quero, São Pedro, pois o ceu é two arrependidos, and all what happens is by vontade de Deus.
- But you do not have two fair and so you do not enter.
- But then, I want to be failing as the Eternal Father.

São Pedro left with that proposition. And he said:

- Não, to fail Nosso Senhor, you need to enter no ceu, and enter no ceu dele no more can leave.

Malazarte began to regret and asked that either holy year or stop spying or ceu, only pela frestinha da porta, for him he has an idea that fosse or ceu e lamentasse or that he had lost because of more Arts.

São Pedro, já amolado, opened a fresh door and Pedro put it on his head.

But suddenly he yelled:

- Olha, São Pedro, Nosso Senhor, let me see you failing with me. Eu did not tell you!

São Pedro voltou-se eats all or respects within the ceu, in order to render his homage to the Eternal Father who supposes a relief.

And Pedro Malazarte then pulou into the céu.

O holy I saw that he has been deceived. I wanted to make Malazarte for you, more to the contrary:

- Agora é late! São Pedro, I know that he told me that once entering, no one can do more. É a eternidade!

E São Pedro não teve remédio senão deixar Malazarte la ficar.

Thrown away The great popular stories of the world, by Flávio Moreira da Costa, this is a story that also traced the iconic figure of Pedro Malazarte as the protagonist.

He told us that he led us to imagine dinner and observe Malazarte's hope, that he managed to deceive the saints themselves.

Assim, it is possible to unwrap empathy andidentification as a personagem, that despite trickster present um humor and intelligence you admire.

4. A cumbuca de ouro and os marimbondos

A rich homem and a poor homem Viviam pregando peças um ao outro.

One day, or poor foi ate or rich and the pediu a piece of land to eat a plantation. O rich offer to ele uma terra bem ruim.

Or poor conversou with his mulher and you two foram to see or place. When he chegaram, or poor man he found a cumbuca de ouro. O poor man, he was honest and he was a rich man that you had some wealth from him.

Either rich man or poor embora and he was with his wife to see such wealth, but ao chegar, or that he found it was a great marimbondos house. I went home with my bag and went home to the poor. Leaving, he yelled:

- Compadre, date the doors of your house and leave it as a Janela Aberta!

O poor man obedeceu e or rich jogou to marimbondos house inside the house. Logo em followed, he said shouting:

- Date janela!

You marimbondos to enter the house logo will be transformed into fashion of ouro. Or poor and família ficaram very happy and começaram to gather wealth.

Or rich, perceiving with euphoria, I shouted:

- Open the door, compadre!

But he ouviu as a reply:

- Leave me here, you marimbondos are killing me!

And it was also that either rich passou shameful or poor rich man.

Or I tell a mixture of fantasy and reality to try questions related to honesty, superb and justiça. Another point of highlight and social inequality.

Or homem rich, pretending to be a friend of the poor, lhe dida a previous part of the earth, but because the poor man was um homem bom, he was rewarded with a lot of money.

Assim, or I have to suggest that when someone is heartfelt and honest, or bem virá.

5. O macaco e o coelho

Either coelho e or macaque combinaram or following: o macaque was in charge of killing borboletas and o colho of killing cobras.

Quando o coelho dormiu, or macaque chegou perto e puxou suas orelhas, saying that he had been confused thinking he was borboletas.

Or coelho I did not want anything and I will return to brincadeira.

One day, when he sleeps or macaque, or coelho lhe deu uma paulada no tail.

Or macaque acordou scared and com dor. E o coelho lhe disse:

- Agora, through dúvid days, I need to protect myself. Embaixo de folhas vou viver.

This short history also traces you as protagonists and shows a little jump with a grace between the macaque and the coelho. Nela, the physical characteristics of each one servem of apology so that another is unpleasant and unfair.

Assim, and a maid in a discomforting situation that trust and broken It is necessary for you to be attentive so that you do not feel bothered.

6. Or toad eat water

On a sunny day, two friends will resolve to rest numa lagoa.

Viram um dormindo toad e form mexer com ele. Seguraram or bicho e zombaram dele, chamando-o de disgrace e nojento. Resolveram então fazer mais maldade, combining de jogá-lo no formigueiro.

O toad in the midst of tremors, but be held back and deu um smirk. Percebendo that the bug did not show medo, um deles disse:

- Ah, no! Let's cut it to pieces.

O toad remains apparently calm and begins to assobiar. Meninos will see that nothing assustava or toad and then a falou for another to climb in a tree and play or top animal.

O outro ameaçou fazer um churrasco like sapo. But nothing will kill the bug.

I attached that um give them disse:

- Let's play that bug in the lake then.

Ao ouvir isso, or toad cried out in despair:

- No! Please, façam qualquer coisa, but don't joguem na lagoa!

You ficaram garotos satisfied by deixar or uncontrolled animal and disseram:

- Ah! Então é isso, let's play or toad in the water sim!

Or toad said that he did not know how to swim, but the children or atiraram na lagoa and deram laughter.

Or a bug in the water, swimming and laughing. The ficaram garotos in shame and the toad was saved!

This account exemplifies bem a damn e or sadism, assim like a strength and serenity. O toad, even being warmed up by the first steps, do not show despair, stay in peace and trust that something good will happen.

At the same time, the boys were eager to kill or sofrer animal, that we do not perceive that we end up releasing or bug.

7. A raposa e o homem

A raposa parou to rest on the road where a homem needs to pass. Wait, she was dead. Or homem appears and falou:

- What a fox! Fizeram um buraco, deixaram a raposa e foram embora.

Depois que o homem passou, to go away running de novo, foi faster than or homem e deitou-se mais in front I do not walk, pretending-to die.

Assim que o homem viu, he disse:

- What a coisa! Outra vixen is dead!

Assim, afastou or bug and placed folhas on it, continuing in front.

A bit more once fez or the same and pretended that she was dead on the road.

Or homem chegou e disse:

- Could it be that someone fez isso com so many foxes?

Or homem a afastou da estrada e Seguiu.

A raposa novamente asked mesma peça no poor homem, that checking and selling the same dinner, disse:

- What the hell so much dead fox!

He sure or animal hair tail and or jogou for the middle of the kill.

Then he concluded:

- We cannot abuse the people who faze or bem us.

A small popular story reveals a situation in which someone repeatedly suffers more than another, but only a few more intentions are given than is behind the behavior.

Assim, barely depois of innumerable occasions in which he feito de foo, or homem perceives something wrong. Finally, I said that Do not be zombified and take advantage of it, it gives goodness to Alheia.

8. A raposa e o cancão

Em uma manhã chuvosa, o passaro cancão was flooded and sad pousado on a road. Chegou a fox and pegou-lhe peels her mouth to carry filhotes years.

A fox was long from home and tired. I tied that he chega a vilarejo, where some men will come to zombar dela. Eis que o passaro fala:

- How can I oil a senhora puff these insults? Isso é um desaforo! Be fosse eu não ficaria still.

A raposa then opens his mouth to respond to the meninos and also song sai voando, pousa em um galho e ajuda os garotos a vaiá-la.

O tell, similar to Aesop's fables, he shows us an adaptation for Brazilian lands.

Na history, we see more time or topic gives hope. To get rid of death, either pass or assume a calm posture with a chance to escape, or get in a moment of carelessness and vaity.

9. Why or puppy and inimigo do cat and or cat for a while?

Havia um tempo em que animais, were all friends and burned governava era o leão. One day, Deus ordered you to read liberty and be encouraged, so that you can go. All happy ficaram.

Assim, or read, you gave the letters of freedom to cheer you up more quickly, so that you deliver more years.

Therefore, the deixou is like a cat on a letter from a puppy. O cat saiu running and not walking or found or while drinking mel das abelhas.

Or while perguntou:

- Cat friend, where do you go assim com pressa?
- You will deliver the letter to the puppy.
- Wait um little, come also drink this gostoso mel.

O cat agreed for a while, got tired of me and ended up dozing. O long time, very curious, resolveu mexer nas coisas do gato. He ended up gnawing all of you parents who or colleague took, plus deixou-os na bag. I sell what he fez, he resolves to run for a kill.

Ao agree, or cat comes out to deliver the letter to the puppy. Finding either cão, or cat, he delivered all eaten to the letter. It was not possible to read it, nem to verify to homem that it was a free bug.

Assim, or puppy passou to chase or cat. O cat, for the time, knowing that here was confusion for a while, I also went to chase him.

That is why you three animais até hoje do not understand each other.

This told a Brazilian version of similar stories in Europe. Um etiological conto, definition given when a history seeks to explain or emergence, characteristic or reason for being of some event or creature.

I do not tell the questão, or what is posto é a inimized between amimais. Além disso, evidence to domestication two cães hair being human.

10. O caboclo e o sol

A fazendeiro and a caboclo apostaram who would see in the first place or first ray of the rising sun. Foram at dawn for an open place on the farm. O fazendeiro ficou de pé, olhando in the direction that sun rises, waiting.

O caboclo sat on a coastal stone for him, smelling in the opposite direction.

O fazendeiro achou graça da burrice do outro. Então o caboclo yells:

Meu amo, o sol! Or sun!

Curious and scared that the caboclo visse or the sun was born not poetic, or fazendeiro was virou e, assim, a brightness of light brightened ao long, I saw a teacher above as nuvens piled up, as serras. It was the first raio de sol e o caboclo ganhou a aposta.

This old Brazilian story was written nessas words by Gustavo Barroso, national folklorist, and is not free Traditional Contos do Brasilby Câmara Cascudo.

Tell about a sagacidade of a simple homem that manages to deceive your chef, a fazendeiro that is very much ailing.

11. To preguiça

While I was there to give birth, I went to ask for the partira.

Setes anus depois she still achava em viagem, when she deu uma bumped. She shouted very harshly:

It is not that deu or diabo das pressas ...

At the end, when he chegou at home with a parteira, he found the net of filha jumping not quintal.

Essem is also present I do not free Traditional Contos do Brasil, compiled from histories feito pelo researcher Luís da Câmara Cascudo.

No small count, we fear a situation where um two seven deadly sins, to preguiça, and exhibited through the figure of the animal that bears the same name.

Here, the question took so long to resolve a situation, that when it arose with a "solution" it was still too late.

12. Or macaque perdeu a banana

Or the macaque was eating a banana with no galho de pau when the fruit was scurried from the tree. O macaco desceu e pediu que o pau lhe desse a banana:

- Pau, give me a banana!

O pé de pau não deu. Or macaque foi falar as ferreiro and pediu that looks like machado cut or pau.

- Ferreiro, swallow or mashed to cut or pau que ficou com a banana!

Or ferreiro nem was imported. Or macaque tried or soldier to ask him to ask him to turn or ferreiro. Or soldier I don't want. Or macaque foi ao rei to command or soldier on or ferreiro for this go like machado cut or pau que tinha a banana. O rei not pay attention. O macaque called for rainha. To rainha não ouviu. O macaque was a long time to gnaw on roupa da rainha. Or while I recused. Or macaque walks over to the cat to eat or hang out. O cat nem ligou. Or macaque was a puppy to bite or cat. Or recusou puppy. Or macaque procurou to onça to eat or cub. To onça I don't want. Or macaque was a caçador to kill onça. O caçador refused. Or macaque I was tied to Morte.

A macaco e ameaçou o caçador died when he died, this looked for onça, that chased or cub, that followed or cat, that ran or for a while, that wanted to gnaw at roupa da rainha, who commanded or rei, who ordered the soldier who wanted to turn on or ferreiro, who cut like machado or pau, from onde or macaco shot to banana and he eats.

Esse é um counted also present I do not release Traditional contracts from Brazil, by Câmara Cascudo.

This type of story is common in various parts of the American continent, not just Brazil. É uma "cumulative history”, Ou seja, which held an event as a starting point to unravel other situations.

Nesse case, we can interpret as an example of a "whim", uma teimosia do macaco, that face of tudo just to get to eat his banana, that the same deixou fall from his mão.

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