O Alienista: summary and complete analysis of the work of Machado de Assis
O Alienista is a first work by the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis. Originally published in 1882 and divided into 13 chapters, the classic debate on the frontier between a rationality and a loucura.
I summarize
A history is passed to the town of Itaguaí and I am the protagonist or great doctor Dr. Simão Bacamarte. Or unbelievable narrator or doutor as or major doctor of Brazil, of Portugal and Spain. Trained in Coimbra, or Dr. Bacamarte returns to Brazil for thirty-four years.
Six years later he married-widowed Evarista da Costa e Mascarenhas. It is not perceived initially or because of the doctor's escort, one time that Senhora Mascarenhas was not pretty nem sympathetic. Dr. Bacamarte, rigorous in his science, justifies the decision:
D. Evarista met physiological and anatomic conditions of the first order, digested with ease, slept regularly, had a good pulse, and excellent eyesight; It was also suitable for giving sturdy, sãos and intelligent filhos. Be além dessas garments, —Only worthy of concern for a sábio, D. Evarista was a bad compost of feições, longe of hurt, she thanked Deus, because she did not run or risk to preter the interests of science in exclusive contemplation, little and vulgar of consort.
Or casal, no entanto, no teve filhos. Or doctor passou to dedicate everything or his time to study of medicine, more specifically the human mind.
Logo or Dr. Bacamarte can authorize the House to build a kind of hospice because the locus of até então ficavam locked in their own houses.
The project is approved and the construction of the house begins, located at Rua Nova. With fifty janelas on each side, a patio and cubicles for the guests, or a Casa Verde establishment and battered in homage to cor das janelas.
For seven days of public celebration on the occasion of the inauguration. At home I began to receive mentors and a doctor to study the cases of loucura - the graus, the particularities, the treatments.
As Casa Verde began to receive more patients than vizinhas cities, Dr. Bacamarte ordered the construction of new spaces. O hospício shelters all kinds of doentes mentais: monomaniacs, love doentes, schizophrenics.
or alienist proceeds to a vast classification of two serious patients. He divides you primarily into two main classes: you are angry and you are meek; Daí passou às subclasses, monomanias, delírios, various hallucinações. Isto feito, começou um estudo aturado and continuous; It analyzes the habits of each louco, the hours of access, the aversions, the sympathies, the words, the gestures, the tendencies; Inquiry gives life to two patients, profissão, costumes, circumstances of morbid revelation, accidents of infância and da mocidade, doenças de outra especie, antecedents na família, uma devassa, enfim, as a não faria or mais atilado corregedor. Every day he notices a new observation, an interesting uncovered, an extraordinary phenomenon. At the same time, he studied or my regimen, as medicinal substances, curative meios and meios palliative, not only those who vinham us your beloved Arabs, as you who the same descobria, à força de sagacidade and patience.
As a passing time, Dr. Simão Bacamarte building more and more hair absorbed into his life project: he passes more time with the seus doentes, exercises more annotations in the investigations, já quase no slept e I used to eat.
Or the first person to be admitted that surprendeu to the population of Itaguaí foi Costa, a brother of renome. Depois foi a prima do Costa, or Mateus albardeiro, or Martim Brito, or José Borges do Couto Leve, or Chico das Cambraias, or Escrivão Fabrício... Um a um, the foram inhabitants are being diagnosed as unsanded and condemned to or exiled at Casa Verde.
I have been in a rebellion, with about thirty people, led by barbeiro hair. The rebels will go to Câmara. In spite of my protest, I have not been hurt, or more and more movement, I have reached thirty people.
Some two participants of the movement have joined Casa Verde. Gradually, Casa ganhou new residents, including the president of the Chamber. Até D.Evarista, wife of the doctor, locked in the Casa Verde on the accusation of "mania sumptuaria".
A great reviravolta happens, by the end, when all the inhabitants of Casa Verde are placed on the street. On the other hand, he returned to reign in Itaguaí, as the serious inhabitants of ancient volta. Simão Bacamarte, for his time, decides to voluntarily go home.
Personagens principais
Simão Bacamarte
Famous doctor trained by Coimbra, as a foreign career, student of therapeutic novelties.
Evarista da Costa e Mascarenhas
Mulher do Dr. Simão Bacamarte. Twenty-five years old, ha viúva, she married as a doctor, who was forty years old.
Crispim Soares
Or boticário da vila de Itaguaí, friend of the doctor Simão Bacamarte.
Father Lopes
Vigário da vila de Itaguaí.
Meaning of the alienist word
Few people know, more or less thermo alienist and synonymous with psychiatrist. Alienists are only those who specialize in not studying the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions.
Special edition with illustrations by Cândido Portinari
In 1948, a special edition of O alienista com works by the Brazilian plastic artist Cândido Portinari was launched. Or free, with 70 pages, was an initiative of Raymundo de Castro Maya, and I gathered 4 watercolor images and 36 pictures made by nanquim.
![Special illustration by Candido Portinari](/f/45966930903d3e7cc837ab4b63f81b35.jpg)
Learn ouvindo: O alienista in audio format
You have book pages for a TV, an adaptation of O alienista
Chamada de O Alienista e as Aventuras de um Barnabé, a miniseries produced by Rede Globo was in 1993. That was directed by Guel Arraes and the cast was composed by Marco Nanini, Cláudio Corrêa e Castro, Antonio Calloni, Marisa Orth and Giulia Gam.
E a history of Machado também virou film
The film Azyllo Muito Louco, made by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, in 1970, was inspired non-classical by Machado de Assis. Filmed in Parati, or film chegou to be included in the Brazilian selection of the Cannes Film Festival in 1970.
Quem foi Machado de Assis?
Considered the greatest writer of Brazilian literature, José Maria Machado de Assis (June 21, 1839 - September 29, 1908) born and born in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Filho of a painter and artist, he lost my very young man. He was raised in Morro do Livramento and went through immense financial difficulties in order to establish himself as an intellectual.
![Machado 57 years old, 1896](/f/7a263636f8806ecc092afc8c7fa27d1b.jpg)
Machado began his career as an apprentice typographer and became a journalist, a writer, a chronicler, a romance writer, a poet and a theatrologist. In literature he produces all kinds of literary genres. He is the founder of cadeira number 23 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and escolheu as his patron or great friend José de Alencar.
Free reading and available in full
Or alienist It is in the public domain in PDF format.
Conheça also
- The most famous works of Machado de Assis
- Conto Missa do Galo, by Machado de Assis
- A cartomancer of Machado de Assis
- Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics
- Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas
- Melhores contos by Machado de Assis
- Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis
- O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, by José Mauro de Vasconcelos