Love and fire that burns you see: Analysis and Interpretation of Poems
Love is fire that burns, I can see It is a sonnet by Luís Vaz de Camões (1524-1580), one of the two greatest Portuguese writers of all times. The famous poem was published in the second edition of the work Rhymes, launched in 1598.
Love is fire that burns you see,
ferida that doi, e not sit;
e um discontented contentment,
É dor that foolish sem doer.
É um não wanting more than bem wanting;
é um to walk alone among people;
é never be content-be content;
I must take care that I will lose myself.
É wanting to be imprisoned by vontade;
é serve who conquers, or victorious;
é ter com quem kills us, loyalty.
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us human hearts amizade,
He is contrary to whether he or she is Love
Analysis and interpretation
Camões unfolds or seu love poem through the presentation of opposing ideas: a dor opposes or does not feel, or contentment and discontent at the end. O poet uses this resource of approximation of things that seem distant to Explain a complex concept like or love.
Love is fire that burns you see,
ferida that doi, e not sit;
e um discontented contentment,
É dor that foolish sem doer.
By meio da approach two oppositesThe poet has drawn us a series of affirmations about love that seem contradictory, rather than inherent to the nature of the love sentiment itself.
This linguistic resource is called antítese. In contrast, what the poet uses to unfold his verses, is a figure of linguistics where there is an approximation of opposing ideas.
Another important point is what the poem of the Portuguese master has been built based on logical reasoning that leads to a final conclusion. This reasoning based on the presentation of affirmations that leads to a final logical consequence is called syllogism.
Not a poem by Camões, as affirmations são feitas us two quartetos and not the first triplet, being the last verse at the conclusion of the syllogism.
In the last stanza, Camões presents its conclusion.
More how to cause power to your favor
us human hearts amizade,
He is contrary to whether he or she is Love
The format of the classical sonnet and the sound is directly related to the content of the poem. At the eleven first stanzas we have or development of a reasoning, and, nessas stanzas, we observe a nearby sound for a few rhymes and pauses in the sixth metric syllable.
Camões, more a poet to talk about or love
Camões uses logical thinking to express a very deep and complex human feeling, or love. The theme of love is very expensive for poetry, being explored by various writers.
Two more points dealt with about love in relation to the loyalty of the person who loves in relation to the loved one. As medieval cantigas constantly talk about this feeling of service, and the author does not deixa to place it, not his poem, always using the opposite to build his argument.
É wanting to be imprisoned by vontade;
é serve who conquers, or victorious;
é ter com quem kills us, loyalty.
Camões expresses duality of feeling in an exemplary way. Reaching or hovering over two more complex feelings that exist; what causes us so much prazer e sofrimento ao same tempo.
Timeless verses
The poem becomes timeless as the theme addressed and universal in the figures used to develop it is complex and beautiful. Camões manages to reconcile many opposing images to explain what it is or love.
O love, assim como tudo na vida, é um game of dualities, of ambiguitiesWhat a face part of being human. There is no human feeling that can be explained clearly and simply. Therefore, some poets manage to express in an uneven way complex feelings such as love.
Camões é um desses poets. His sonnet is one of several examples of fine use of words, of the creation of figures and images, that help us to understand a little bit of ourselves.
Poetic structure
O poem acima de Camões é um Italian sonnet.
Or sonnet is a fixed form of poetry that consists of four stanzas: the first two with four verses (quartet) and the last with three verses (triplets). A structure is customary to be the same: it begins as a presentation of a theme, which becomes unfolded, and, generally not the last verse, contains a conclusion that clarifies the question.
Camões's poetry follows the classic sonnet formula. É decassílabo, or which means that I count ten poetic syllables in each verse. A poetic syllable, or a metric syllable, differs from grammar because it is defined by sound. A contagem of syllables in a stanza ends in the last tonic syllable.
/ é / um / con / ten / ta / men / to / des / con /have/te
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 / x
From the first eleven stanzas we can observe a caesura in the sixth poetic syllable. A caesura is a rhythmic pause not giving me a verse. O poem possui um classical rhythmic scheme, formed by ABBA, ABBA, CDC, DCD.
A = er; B = entity; C = ade; D = or.
Discover the poet Luís de Camões
Luís Vaz de Camões, author of Os Lusíadas He became a two greatest poets of Portuguese literature.
Born in Lisbon around 1524, he was a rapacious assisting the maritime conquests of the great Portuguese Empire in the acquisition of colonies.
As a young man, he studied a convent and later became a professor of history, geography and literature. Camões chegou to enter the theology course, but ended up by giving up the day before. By fim ingressou no Philosophy course.
Camões was boêmio and had a hectic life, full of confusion and love affairs. Uma das suas paixões mais ardentes de el foi com D.Catarina de Ataíde, dama da rainha D. Catarina da Áustria (woman of D. João III).
In two duels that Camões starred in, he ended up being imprisoned and exiled during a year in Lisbon. In order to escape the days he had raised, in 1547, the poet volunteered to serve as a soldier in Africa. During the two years of service in Ceuta, he fought against the deaths, or that he lost him directly.
Back to military performance, Camões returned to Lisbon where he returned to his bohemian life and complications.
During this new season in the Portuguese capital he redigiu or classic epic poem Os Lusíadas - The work considered the greatest epic poem in the Portuguese language. In parallel, he continued to write his verses, many of them dedicated to love poetry.
Camões died in Lisbon on June 10, 1580.
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