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The 11 most beautiful poems written by Brazilian authors

Brazilian literature has a wealth of beautiful poems, many of them written by women.

Unfortunately, literary criticism often neglects great writers who end up passing out of the public eye.

In our attempt to mitigate this great failure, we gather here some two more beautiful Brazilian poems by feminine authorship.

1. Portrait, by Cecília Meireles

Eu não tinha this face of the leaf,
Assim calm, assim sad, assim lean,
Nem estes olhos tão vazios,
Nem or bitter lip.

Eu não tinha these mãos sem força,
Tão stops and cold and dead;
Eu não tinha this heart
That nem was shown.

Eu não dei for this move,
So simple, so certain, so easy:
- What a spell I am lost
a minha face?

Os verses acima são de autoria by Rio de Janeiro writer Cecília Meireles (1901-1964). O poem traça a kind of self-portrait, focusing mainly on the questão da transitory life.

Cecília's poetics is characterized by a simple language, marked by orality, as can be seen in "Portrait". Ao long two barely twelve verses we can observe how or present it is marked pela solidão, pela sadness, pela

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melancholia, hair tired and peel marks of passage of time.

The name of poetry seems to be a question of what happened not past to justify the present condition. We have hard questions: where or wrong path? Quem sou eu agora?

"Portrait" is two of the most celebrated poems of Brazilian literature and is found recited:

Portrait - Cecilia Meireles

Discover also 10 imperdíveis poems by Cecília Meireles.

2. Aninha e suas pedras, by Cora Coralina

Don't let yourself be destroyed ...
Adding novas pedras
and building new poems.
Recria your life, always, always.
Remove stones and roseiras plant and face doces. Recomeça.
Face of your mesquinha life
a poem.
And you will live not heart two young people
in the memory of the gerações that you have to live.
This fountain is for the use of all those who sit.
Take your part.
Go to these pages
I have not used it
years that you have been headquarters.

Cora Coralina (1889-1985) was or pseudonymous escolhido by the Goian author Anna Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto Bretas to enter the universe of Brazilian literature. This late entry - your first book was published 75 years ago - it does not compromise your production that was prolix, consistent and guaranteed the author a place among the great writers of literature Brazilian.

We have found two verses and contos by Cora Coralina a long time ago on the interior language, a written marked by orality and informality. É como se o eu-lrico (or narrator) approaches do leitor e contasse um segredo ao pé do ouvido. Via de regra, as words revolve around banais events, do everyday domestic and vulgar feelings.

"Aninha e suas pedras" addresses the reader with an offer from um conselho of how to lead to life. As somebody, full of experience, he turned to the youngest and confessed that he really had value.

He sublimated, a year long two verses, in the need of recrivating to life and of remaining permanently in a state of deep reflection and learned.

O title of the poem Faz da Pedra, a metaphor for the difficulties of life, the escort certainly alludes to the famous poem No meio do caminho, authored by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, published years before.

Confira "Aninha e suas pedras" recited:

Aninha e suas pedras - Cora Coralina

Take the opportunity to unveil também or artigo Cora Coralina: essenciais poems to understand the author.

3. Casamento, by Adélia Prado

There are women who say:
My husband, he wants to fish, fish,
more than clean you peixes.
Eu não. At any hour of the night I get up,
Help to scale, open, retalhar and salgar.
É tão bom, only people sozinhos na cozinha,
from time to time when the cotovelos slipped away,
ele fala coisas like "this was difficult"
"Prateou not giving slices"
e face or gesture com a mão.

Or silence when we saw each other the first time
through cozinha like a deep river.
By fim, os peixes na travessa,
let's sleep.
Espocam prated coisas:
we are noivo and noiva.

A mineira Adélia Prado (born in 1935), another great one does not give me Brazilian literature. O poem acima, um dos seus masis consecrated, was published for the first time in 1981, not released. Terra de Santa Cruz.

You verses transdam extreme compliance between the two protagonists of the story: husband and wife. Or title ("Casamento") we believe that it is a relationship between the past and the present.

A beauty is that we see, a long time ago two verses, how a marriage was effectively built, based on partilha two little moments e two sacrifices to dois. When her husband comes home from fishing, a woman gets up-at any time later than she does-to be by her side and to see her stories.

Depois two completed ficarem afaze, you voltam, together, for bed. The last verses are configured quase as a journey no tempo: they turn to the beginning of marriage, to youth, and to revive the feeling of unity.

Discover also 9 charming poems by Adélia Prado.

4. Poems aos homens do nosso tempo, by Hilda Hilst

Enquanto faço or verse, your decerto you live.
You work your wealth, and your work or sangue.
You will say that sangue é o não teres teu ouro
E o poet told you: buy or teu tempo.

Contemplate or teu viver that runs, squat
O teu ouro from within. É outro o amarelo que falo to you.
Enquanto faço or verse, you don't read me
Sorris, I know my burning verse somebody misses you.

Or being a poet tastes like ornament to you, you disconverted
"My precious time cannot be lost like poets."
Irmão do meu moment: when I die
An infinite coisa also dies. It is difficult to say:

E isso é so much, that o teu ouro does not buy,
It is rare, that or minimal piece, so vast
No fit, I don't sing.

A controversial author from São Paulo, Hilda Hilst (1930-2004) made famous hairs of her erotic and dull verses. O escolhido poem acima, no entanto, não é um exemplar da lyrical love.

Published in 1974 I do not free Jubilee Memories Noviciado da Paixão, num period of full military ditadura, "Poemas aos homens do nosso tempo" is debruça on or own written office e on a condition of the poet.

The verses are built as an opposition between those who dedicate themselves to literature and those who guard a life not dedicated to words.

You talk to each other about the delicacies and delicacies of each option, I added that, my gesture of touche finale, or eu-lyrical expresses that to his condition of him or eternal face, ao birds or two others, that we collect coisas you buy and perish.

Take the opportunity to get to know me too 10 melhores poems by Hilda Hilst.

5. Fagulha, by Ana Cristina César

I opened curious
or ceu.
Assim, removing light curtains.

Eu wanted to enter,
heart before heart,
less hair move-me um little,
as that parcimônia that characterized
as agitações me chamando

I wanted to tie myself
know how to see,
e num round movement
how do you wave
that surrounds me, you will invisive,
hug with retinas
every bit of living matter.

Eu wanted
perceber or invislumbrável
not very light that it overflows.

Eu wanted
apanhar uma braçada
infinity in light that was mixed with me.

Eu wanted
grasp or imperceived
our minimum moments of space
nu e cheio

Eu wanted
at least keep the curtains closed
na impossibilidade de tangê-las

I didn't know
what to turn hair birds
It was a deadly experience.

Ana Cristina César (1952-1983) was one of great promises of Brazilian literature that left the world precociously, barely thirty-one years old, committing suicide after a long historical depression. A young author from Rio de Janeiro, however, left behind a very rich legacy that has been created since then.

The poem "Fagulha" was published for the first time. To your pés, launched in 1982. Its lyrical is marked pela intensity, pela originality e pela paixão. Deeply poetic, "Fagulha" begins with a very strong image: é como se o eu-lrico fosse capable of seeing - and that knows how to enter - no ceu.

A curiosity e o descoberta descoberta daquilo that is além face like or eu-lyrical I perceive that there is a high custodian to be collected.

6. Amanhecimento, by Elisa Lucinda

Of so much night that I slept with you
I did not agree on two loves
all the way we end up in love
aurora ended up turning the process.
Same agora
when nossos poentes accumulate
when our destinies are tortured
not perhaps sunset you give escorts
as triads folhas roçam
hard wall.
our headquarters is hiding
behind the tree trunk
e geme mutes so
só nós ouvirmos.
Vai assim following or parade of attempts of children
or cheep of all asneiras
all the beasts accumulate in vão ao pé da montanha
for um day partirem em revoked.
Ainda that anoiteça us
tem manhã nessa wintering
Violões, songs, inventions of alvorada ...
No repairs,
nossa noite is used to it.

Elisa Lucinda (born in Espírito Santo in 1958) invested in the creation of a lyric turned for the everyday, for the affections and for the small day-to-day situations.

A linguagem entrepreneurial and informal and based on oralidade, trying to remove any possible barreira between the poem and the reader.

No poem above we see described a relationship of a house that is still attached to it has apparently a lot of time. TO comunhão e a partilha It became quase a habit in life two dois. The verses, however, dealt with a moment of crise do casal, rather than the eu-lyrical accredits that it will be fully surpassed.

7. Rabo de baleia, by Alice Sant'Anna

a huge cock of baleia
I would cross to sala nesse moment
sem barulho algum or bug
afundaria nas tábuas cumshots
and sumiria sem that we perceive
no sofa for lack of subject
or what did I want more, I didn't tell you
embrace baleia mergulhar as ela
I felt terrifying after days
of standing water accumulating mosquito
despite the agitation two days
it takes two days
or body that chega exausto at home
com to me esticada em looking for
of um copo d’agua
urgently to continue for uma terça
ou quarta boia e a vontade
é de abraçar um enormous
tail of baleia follow her

A young author from Rio de Janeiro Alice Sant'Anna (born in 1988) has created some perolas capable of appearing among the great poems of Brazilian literature.

"Rabo de baleia" provavelmente is the highest editorial success in terms of public and critics, was two works that gave the author a greater visibility.

Or poem is characterized by being deeply imaginary, mixing situations of real life with a fantasy of eu-lyrical, that I would like to win or everyday life as a boa dose of fantasy.

An unexpected imagination during the monotonous day-to-day is an engrenagem that faces moving or short and simple poem by Alice.

8. Tem os que passam, by Alice Ruiz

We fear that passam
e everything happens
with past passes

fear that partm
da pedra ao vidro
deixam all party

e tem, ainda bem,
what deixam
vague impressão
of ter fied

Alice Ruiz was born in Curitiba in 1946 and married Paulo Leminski, as she has three filhas. Foi or writer who discovered that Alice wrote, has encouraged you to continue producing poetry. Além dos haikais, the author also writes brief poems, in case two verses acima, inserted I do not free Dois em um (2008).

Em "We are afraid to passam", Alice fala da transitory life, gives passage of time and two types of people that will cross or their destiny: so passam, so partm e so ficam crystallized in memory.

In the first part of the poem, we are aware of those passing figures, who pass through us and do not deixam great brands. Not the second stretch is planted with those who impacted us, not necessarily no sense: those that are going to be done and left behind. Not the end of the poem, which is enclosed in a solar way, we discover those who, even obrigated to leave, deixam a piece of them within us.

9. Submissão Vows, by Fernanda Young

If you want to be able to pass the seu terno, the one that you do not use because you are tied up.
Sewing as suas meias for or long winter ...
Wear a chuva cape, don't want to be molded.
I know of noite fizer that the expected cold will be able to cover it as my internal body.
And you will see how minha a minha pele de algodão macio, agora quente, it will be fresh when janeiro.
Our months of outono eu varro a su varanda, to deitarmos under all the planets.
O meu cheiro will cover you with touches of lavender - In my case with other women and some nymphs - Depois plantarei para ti Margaridas da spring and there I do not have a body of some kind and light dresses, to be pulled with total hair from the wish of a chimera.
I will go to see you refletted you.
But when it's time to get wet and go embora I know that, I fry, I deixarei você longe de mim.
I would not be ashamed to ask for your love esmola, but I would not like to see you or your garden.
(Nem vou deixar - mesmo querendo - nenhuma photography.
So cold, the planets, nymphaetas and all a minha poetry).

Mainly made up of her sentimental and autobiographical verses, a poet, romancist and roteirist Fernanda Young is a young writer born in 1970 in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro).

"Votos de submissão" is a beautiful poem that tells about love and about a surrender to beloved. Or eu-lyrical apaixonado offers itself of corpo e alma que escolheu to dedicate to its devotion. We see two small gestures for years, like affection and transmitted through the daily partilhado.

The last verses of the poem, not so much, the one who loves before or the day that she will go back and so that her decision of departure is respected as much as her vocation for delivery.

Or poem found recited by the own author and is available online:

Submissão Votes

10. O dia inteiro, by Claudia Roquette-Pinto

Or inteiro day pursuing an idea:
foolish vagalumes against teia
you speculations, and nenhuma
floração, nem ao less
an incipient botão
do not trim da janela
company focus on hypothetical garden.
Longe daqui, from mim
(more for inside)
Desço no poço de silêncio
that em gerúndio vara early mornings
now white (like lips of fright)
now black (like blind, like
half tied to throat)
safe only because of a cold, fragile and fissile,
infinite year or infinite,
minimum wave or superlative is bar
I have everything I have
Até dispense or dream of um chão provável
I tied my pés to cravem
I do not face this last flower.

A poetics of Claudia Roquette-Pinto é marked pela forte presença da nature e two little animais. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1963, he is a poet - with five books published -, a literary translator and always interested in the miudezas da vida.

Many two verses of her are dedicated to flowers and to present two animais do jardim as well as gender questões e as worries com a construção do own poem.

"O dia inteiro" contemplates verses that represent quite beautifully Claudia's lyric. On the one hand, the poem shows great concern with his own language, peeling or process of breeding behind two verses, on the other hand, eles trazem para o leitor oiverso da beauty da small natureza (a flor, or vagalume, or garden).

11. Eu-Mulher, by Conceição Evaristo

A drop of milk
I run between you signs.
Uma stain of sangue
He shaves me between the legs.
Meia palavra bitten
I foge gives mouth.
Vague desires hint at hope.
Eu-mulher em rios vermelhos
I inaugurate life.
Em low voice
violent to the eardrums of the world.
Before - agora - or what has to be done.
Eu fêmea-matrix.
Eu força-motriz.
coat gives mind
the world.

Much known in the universe of Afro-Brazilian literature, Conceição Evaristo, born in 1946 in Minas Gerais, has two great names from this list.

As criações da poeta andam muito as voltas das gender questões e da social and racial affirmation Mainly from her experience of her as a black woman and a native of a less favored social class.

In "Eu-Mulher", published no livro Poems of remembrance and other movements (2008), we see a sample of poetry deceived by the author, turned to valorization and for a corporate affirmation It gives mulher in all its peculiarities. Extremely strong and powerful, the verses militate in favor of feminine potential.

Conheça also

  • Fundamental Brazilian poets
  • Saber viver: commented poem by Cora Coralina
  • Melhores poems from Brazilian literature
  • The imperdíveis poems of Fernanda Young
  • The most famous poems of Brazilian literature
  • Black writers that you need to read
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