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6 poems to understand baroque poetry

Baroque poetry began to be produced at the beginning of the XV century, the Renaissance period in Europe. No Brazil, or baroque was implemented by Jesuit hairs, not the beginning of the XVI century.

O major expoente da poesia baroque no Brasil foi o poeta Gregório de Matos (1636-1696).

1. Or poet skim Bahiaby Gregório de Matos

At each song a great councilor,
That cabana e vinha wants to govern us;
We don't know how to govern your cozinha
And I can govern the inner world.

In each porta um bem frequent olheiro,
That life do vizinho e da vizinha
Investigation, squat, espreita and squad,
To or take to praça e ao terreiro.

Many shameless mulattoes,
Traced on the pés os homens nobres,
Posta nas palmas all mischievous,

Great usury us markets,
All of you who do not furtam very poor:
You are here in the city of Bahia.

Gregório de Matos (1636-1696) is the greatest of Baroque literature in Brazil. In his work I counted satirical, religious and lyrical love poems. Or poet skim Bahia He is an exemplar of his satirical creation, where he has a lot of use of irony and demeanor.

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A year long two verses, or little subject reveals a series of behaviors reprovave the city where he lived.

That kind of poetics, that tinha um took from social complaint foi, many times, frowned upon because he apontava fingers for important personalities of the time that were unmasked hair verses.

Here are the first four verses of the poem and it is possible to observe or take sincere, from which it fails to see the functioning of the community revealing incompetent politicians.

Apart from failing over the ruling litter, Gregório de Matos also portrays the daily life of Bahia: either the curious behavior of two vizinhos, or the social abyss between the noble and poor men.

2. Description of Recifeby Bento Teixeira

For part of the South wave a little
Ursa dresses as guards surrounded,
Onde or Céu luminous, more serene,
Tem its influence, and temperate,
Together da nova Lusitânia orders,
To nature, be attentive,
Um porto tão still, e tão safe,
That for the curves Naus serve as a wall.
This is such a port, for being posta,
A band of stones, uneducated, and alive,
Long year gives superb, and long coast,
Onde breaks Neptune to elusive fury,
Enter praia, e pedra decomposta,
Or strange element is derived,
With so much mansidão, that uma fateixa,
Enough ter à fatal Argos aneixa.
Em or meio this alpine work, and hard,
Her mouth breaks or swollen sea,
That in a language two dark barbarians,
Paranambuco, everyone is chamado
From Paraná que é Mar, Puca - break,
Feita em fúria desse Mar salgado,
What do you mean, don't commit my tongue
Cova do Mar is chama em nossa langue.

Bento Teixeira Pinto (1561-1600) is a writer less known to the great public, more than he cares about his importance. by being or author of the first epic poem in Brazilian literature, all constructed from verses baroque.

Baroque verses are characterized by using uma gimmicky linguagem, elaborated, with many details. There is also an undertaking of many figures of linguistic fazendo a true jogo with the words. Nesse case to elaboração da linguagem is to serve the poetic project of louvar a pátria.

The only work that Bento published, girl Prosopopeia (1601), it was addressed to Jorge d'Albuquerque Coelho, then captain and governor of the Pernambuco captaincy. Prosopopeia It was written between 1584 and 1594 and teve as major source of inspiration or classical Os Lusíadas (1571), by Luís de Camões.

Using Camões as a base or poem, Bento created an extremely rigorous poem from a formal point of view, tracing many mythological personages to the tune.

We epic poems - e Prosopopeia não foge à regra - has made an effort to louvar um território. Through verses, epic poems contaminate history of one povo and two major heroes. Nesse case, and as we see I do not reach the top Description of Recife, we find a shameless poetic praise for Recife, for nature and for the Brazilian.

Além de louvar a nossa terra, or poem also functions as a record of the historical time in which it was written, being an important example of literature produced on the colônia during the sixteenth century.

3. O poet at the last minute gives his lifeby Gregório de Matos

Meu Deus, that you are hanging on em um madeiro,
Em cuja lei I protest from Viver,
Em cuja santa lei hei de morrer
Courageous, constant, firm and inteiro.

Neste lance, for being or derradeiro,
Pois vejo a minha life nightfall,
É, meu Jesus, time to see
A brandura de um Pai manso Cordeiro.

Very great is you love, and my crime,
Porém, I can end everything or sin,
E não o vosso amor que é infinite.

This reason forces me to trust
That no matter how small, n this conflict
I hope in you love to save me.

O poet at the last minute gives his life and an example of a religious poem among the many that Gregório de Matos (1636-1696) composed. This type of lyric illustrates or thinks about the Christian era, very present in Brazil with the Catholic Church, yet a strong social and political influence.

Our religious verses or poet frequently declare his love for Deus and try to find a communion as supernatural. Uma das constantes na baroque poetry both in Brazil and in Portugal foram os Religious topics e, many times, profane. This type of lyric was always built on the basis of na duality between homem and Deus.

Em O poet at the last minute gives his life, or little subject goes directly to Jesus and imagines how serious or final he gives his life trying to redeem two serious sins, showing himself deeply devoted. He declares to trust eternally naquele that he considers or seu pai e hopes to find salvação, despite two sins that he condemns for being committed na terra.

4. What love do I follow?by Francisco Rodrigues Lobo

What love do I follow? What am I looking for? What do I wish?
What is this fancy way?
What do you have? That I lost? What did he love me?
Did I face war? Against what pelejo?
Foi by enchantment or meu desejo,
e for shadow passou minha joy;
showed me Love, I slept, or that I did not go,
e eu blinded that I saw, pois já não vejo.
Fez to your measure or thought
aquela estranha e nova fermosura
e that seems to be quite divine.
Ou imagination, shadow or figure,
it is true and true to my torment:
But what I saw, what I imagine.

Born in Leiria in the year 1580 (and died in Lisbon in 1622), Francisco Rodrigues Lobo is two notable names in Portuguese baroque poetry and was two of Camões' greatest disciples. In Portugal, the Baroque period began with the death of the poet Camões, in 1580.

Or stretch What love do I follow? I was retired from work To spring, published in 1601. O amor nesses verses by Francisco Rodrigues Lobo and seen as a source of sofrimento, um sentimento na sua gênese triste recounted from uma dramatic linguagem, typical of baroque production. Or poem comes as a series of generic, successive inquiries and answers, até or eu-lrico begin to narrate or your personal case of apaixonamento.

We observe, a long time ago, two verses, or love as a complex, contradictory and cheio of dualities. We do not know that a beloved in questão and sequer will have a relationship between the two of you, or that we come to know that such anguish of the eu-lyrical, which is amazed as a love rapture.

5. À Ilha de Maré, by Manuel Botelho de Oliveira

Jaz oblíqua long e shape
to terra de Maré all fenced
of Netuno, that I have constant love, I give him many hugs for lover,
and bouncing-lhe the arms inside the
a pretends to enjoy, because she is very beautiful We attend both senhoreia,
and so much to gallantry,
that, do mar, de Maré tem or name, like quem preza or love of your beloved: e por gosto das amorous garments
fica maré of roses,
and living successive dreams,
são do amor marés vivas;
It seems less deadly, maré de saudades it seems.
Seen from outside and little desired, because years olhos by faith and similar; porém inside inhabited
I am very beautiful, I am very unhappy,
It is like a coarse and deslustrous shell, which inside breeds a formosa perola.

We read a little section of the poem À Ilha de Maré, the first work of the Baiano author Manuel Botelho de Oliveira (1636-1711) to be published. Or writer, who was also advocate and politician, is two main names of the Brazilian Baroque.

We see two verses by Manuel Botelho de Oliveira ao long excessive use of style figures - A characteristic of the literature of its own time that carries out an elaborate linguagem consecrated to Baroque aesthetics.

We observe, for example, the use of hyperbole, antithetical, paradoxical, and metaphors, leaving a rather elaborate poetic construction. Esse vocabular preciousness present em À Ilha de Maré é uma central characteristic of baroque poetry.

6. A morte de Francisco de Vasconcelos

That jasmim that arminhos disrespects,
That aurora that enlivens pearls,
This source that aljôfares derives,
That pink that purples unleashes;
Troca in greedy, glossy silver,
It springs up from the ground cruel living purple
Profane in turvous native prata fish,
Muda mourning unhappy smooth scarlet.
Jasmim na alvura foi, na luz Aurora,
Fonte na graça, pink not attribute,
That heroic deity that reposes in light.
Porém fora melhor que assim não fora,
Pois to be cinza, pranto, mud and mourning,
Nasceu jasmim, aurora, fonte, rose.

Francisco de Vasconcelos (1665-1697) was an important Portuguese Baroque poet. Born in Funchal, after finishing the course at the University of Coimbra to become Ouvrier da Capitania do Funchal.

With a sophisticated language and an elaborate poetic construction, or poem A morte de F. Fala on the final challenge gives life from word games e, sobretudo, images. Built in the shape of a sonnet, the creation revolves around the event of life.

We have observed two verses a year dramatic tom e um excessive use of antitheses and figures of linguagem, typical characteristics of Baroque poetics.

If you are interested in the subject we indicate to the artigo leitura Baroque: all about or artistic movement.

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