Modernism in Brazil: characteristics, phases and historical context of the movement
O Brazilian modernism was a cultural and artistic movement that had a great impact on national culture, especially in areas of literature and plastic arts.
Some two main traços will profoundly reformulate the way of thinking to create and to face society, influencing future generations.
Brazilian Modernism: summary
The Brazilian modernism emerged in the first goal of the 20th century and formed an artistic and cultural stream that revolutionized the national scene.
O chegou movement to Brazilian territory through eco das European avant-garde, like or futurism, or cubism and or Surrealism. Challenging and contrary to the traditions and the models of previous generations, the movement seeks freedom and innovation.
Assim as in other parts of the world, or Brazilian modernism was looking for new ideas and forms to breed. Here, not so much, or movement was more além, ha that coincided with a phase in that or country will seek its identity.
Deposits of secular artists and writers hardly reproduce and import European references, or modernism trouxe to attention for or only national. It came to exist uma
greater valorization of culture and of Brazilian povo: your way of failing, your reality, your problems.At first, the criticism was fierce against the modernists, trying to insinuate that they were Loucos, due to their proposals and artistic conceptions. At the same time, it greatly influenced our literature, art and culture.
Find out more about or Modernism: characteristics and historical context.
Characteristics of Brazilian modernism
Rupture with tradition
Contrary to previous schools and traditions, which preserve models, techniques and restricted themes for artistic creation, or modernism wanted subverter as regras. In literature, for example, modernists were abandoning fixed forms and rhyme schemes.
Experimentalist stance
With influences of avant-garde currents, or seeking modernism other ways to explore the human mind, other methodologies and practices to know and raise. For isso, I was always willing to innovate, to experiment, to risk new techniques.
Valorization of daily life
As such, moves are not only a year old, it shapes the aesthetics, but also themes that will be addressed in literature and plastic arts. A criação happens to open and refer the little ones details of daily life, they are still devalued.
Search and reconstruction of identity
Or modernism was also the engine for the search and reconstruction of a national identity, repositories of Portuguese domination and mere reproduction of European influences. To art and to literature of modernism contrary to these tradições, I know focusing, not Brazilian subject.
Assim, try Reflect your culture, your costumes and your linguagem, among other national characteristics. It also demonstrates plurality and diversity that there is no territory, several "Brasis" possible.
Revaluation of culture and indigenous heritage
Na search for identity, or Brazilian modernism focuses on something that has been turned off and belittled at this time: the vast indigenous culture. Assim, the modernists will decide to explore his works.
Let's take, for example, the pictures of Tarsila do Amaral, um dos principais nomes da Brazilian modernist painting:
![Quadro Abaporu from Tarsila do Amaral](/f/2693d8f31c6297a470d803017d1a4fda.jpg)
Find out more about or quadro Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral.
Phases of Brazilian Modernism in Literature
Divided into three phases, or modernism in Brazil assumes several facets and characteristics, a year long two times.
In traços gerais, it is distinguished by the idea of rupture as tradições, establishing new structures, such as free verse. There is also a day-to-day attention, which reflects a simpler language and next to the oral record.
![infographic phases of modernism in brazil](/f/55cbf650013ee3b0a69c3637300b6e89.jpg)
1st Phase: Phase Heroic (1922 — 1930)
In the first phase, known as Heroic, and apontado as the most radical of all, já that claimed or abandonment of all the conventions and to total paradigm renewal.
Irreverent and iconoclastic, this generation decided to destroy all the models, starting in search of something original and truly Brazilian. This process also goes through a revaluation of indigenous culture, so many times it is relegated to the background.
O nationalism was two striking traces of this phase, assuming diametrically opposite contours. On one side is critical nationalism, which denounced the violence against the Brazilian reality. Do outro, we were boastful, like their exacerbated patriotism and extremist ideas.
Magazines and manifests
Among the publications of the time, stood out Klaxon Magazine (1922 - 1923), or Manifesto da Poesia Pau-Brasil (1924 - 1925) e a Anthropophagy Magazine (1928 — 1929).
![Capa da Revista de Antropofagia.](/f/b6f81f929edebc9a5b8b0a65a023a659.jpg)
Find out more about or Manifesto Manifestoby Oswald de Andrade.
2nd Phase: Phase da Consolidation ou Generation of 30 (1930 —1945)
More weighted than the previous one, this is a generation of continuity, which maintains some fundamental principles of modernism of 22, as a free verse and a colloquial language.
Olhar sociopolitical
The second wave of modernism is completed by the destruction of the first phase. Dedicated mainly to poetry and romance, to Generation of 30 começou to be debruçar about sociopolitical questões and philosophical. Adopting a more solene and conscious posture, look for the place of home in the world and reflect on the Brazilian city.
Paying attention to different national realities, in various points of the country, this phase of consolidation began to perceive the inequalities that exist in Brazil.
Assim, or regionalism da epoch (emphasized mainly not Northeast) He denounced practices such as colonelism, to exploration of the working class, to the consequences of scrapping, to precariousness of two retirees, among others.
Besides thematic themes, literature begins to be attentive to its own local languages, reproducing regional expressões and gírias.
The year of 1928 marked the rise of regionalist romance, com To Bagaceira, by José Américo de Almeida, and Macunaímaby Mário de Andrade.
3rd Phase: Phase Post-Modernist ou Generation of 45 (1945 — 1960)
TO Generation of 45 I was also known as Post-ModernistSince she opposes the aesthetic parameters of the initial phase, such as formal freedom and satire, among others.
There are some controversial ones about the end of this period; In the year of 1960, some critics accredit that it was extended to the 1980s.
Literature dates from its primacy to poetry, which was largely influenced by political agitation national and international. The world will come under the name of the Cold War, a series of indirect conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union (1945 - 1991).
During that period, either Brazil faced the end of the Vargas Era, or Populism and also the movements that prepared to establish the Ditadura. The poetry produced in this phase is characterized by being serious, serious and focused on reflection e not individual.
Regionalism focused on Sertão
In prose, however, it is kept in the tradition of regionalism, this time attentive to sertaneja realities. Two major examples of classical Brazilian literature BigSertão: Paths (1956), by Guimarães Rosa.
![Capa do livro Grande Sertão: Veredas (1956), by Guimarães Rosa.](/f/402ffac4446652e519715469b8c733a6.jpg)
Modernism in Brazil: main authors and works
When we fail to do modernism, not Brazil, or not Oswald de Andrade (1890 - 1954) and inescapable. The author was a pioneer of the movement in national territory, leading the agitações da Semana de Arte Moderna.
What Manifesto of PoetryPau-Brazil, I claim a poetic fazer centered on national context and also in popular culture, I propose a "Brazilian rediscovery".
![Portrait of the writer Oswald de Andrade.](/f/35415487e11662b6f9e0c6a9cfdcdad0.jpg)
No Manifesto Manifesto (1928), propõe that the Brazilian "engulfs" the European influences to "digest" them, ou seja, recreate them in another context.
Quem also was not moving from or started and stood out foi Mario de Andrade (1893 - 1945) that, in 1928, publicou Macunaíma, a few major works of our literature.
![Capa do livro Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade.](/f/ea73ebcba6351dd26106c976eae3ffcb.jpg)
Narrating the history of the Indian Macunaíma since his birth, or freely emerged from the researches that the author was doing about the Brazilian culture and its origins.
In 1969, the romance was adapted for the cinema by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, with Grande Othello not leading role.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987), one of the two greatest national poets, was also a great representative of the second generation of Modernism in Brazil.
![Portrait of the writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade.](/f/4af965fb7b9a72f2f908f3c2dd089bae.jpg)
His verses focus on great socio-political questions of the time, not leaving to reflect on the place of the individual in the world.
As a language next to orality and themes of daily life, or poet conquered several gerações of readers and widely influenced or fazer Brazilian poetic.
Finally, we need to mention an author who, together with Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), representing regionalism and Brazilian modernist romances: Graciliano Ramos (1892 — 1953).
![Capa do livro Vidas Secas and portrait of its author, Graciliano Ramos.](/f/36038634ad75932b390c87e541e0eea4.jpg)
Dry Lives (1938) is considered to be his first work, drawing a portrait as a gift of life experiences not sertão. O livro shows poverty, fosters daily struggles of a Northeastern family that tries to survive.
Other notable authors
- Manuel Bandeira (1886 — 1968)
- Cassiano Ricardo (1894 — 1974)
- Plínio Salgado (1895 — 1975)
- Menotti del Picchia (1892 — 1988)
- Guilherme de Almeida (1890 — 1969)
- Vinícius de Morais (1913 — 1980)
- Cecília Meireles (1901 — 1964)
- Murilo mendes (1901— 1975)
- Clarice lispector (1920 — 1977)
- Rachel de Queiroz (1910 — 2003)
- Jose Lins do Rego (1901—1957
- Lygia Fagundes Telles (1923)
Historical context: the origin of modernism in Brazil
Always linked to the social and political context of the time, or Brazilian modernism arises in the wake of the First World War, which occurred between the years of 1914 and 1918.
No national territory, or period also marked the increase in inflation, which was generating a feeling of popular dissatisfaction.
Despite the fact that there will be previous expressions of modernism in Brazil, or a fictional movement eternally associated with a specific year: 1922.
Or what was the Modern Art Week of 1922?
TO Modern Art Week It is appointed as the initial framework of modernism in Brazil, but also has had the participation of breeders from other currents.
![Letter from the last night of the Modern Art Week (February 17, 1922).](/f/58e489f773fac4c4e3b6940faec8bf7b.jpg)
Or event takes place in São Paulo, not Municipal Theater, on February 13, 15 and 17, 1922.
Na data that held o centenary of the Independence of BrazilThe modernists tried to rebuild the country and its cultural panorama through art, music and literature.
![Organizing Committee of the Modern Art Week, with Oswald de Andrade standing out (in front).](/f/5a4eb6262179a1928058528340ad5531.jpg)
Trust tudo about a Modern Art Week e you Important artists of Modern Art Week.
How did Modernism arise?
Or modernism was configured as a cultural and artistic movement in a period that was characterized by big conflicts and changes: or temporary period that separated the First World War (1914 - 1918) and the Second (1939 - 1945).
This tempo was also defined by the rapid process of industrialization, which is translated into the search for progress and innovation.
In 1890, Siegfried Bing opened a loja Art nouveau, in Paris, which gathered pieces that were being produced at the moment and followed a certain aesthetic. As of today, it begins to establish itself or the label of "modernism".
In Europe, the movement was multiplying in countless avant-garde currents such as Surrealism, or Futurism, or Expressionism, among others that echo the whole world.
Conheça also
- Characteristics of Modernism
- Modern Art: movements and artists in Brazil and in the world