Venha ver o pôr do sol, by Lygia Fagundes Telles: summary and on the author
Gathered in an anthology Come see or see the sun and other contos, published in 1988, a short narrative by Lygia Fagundes Telles was only two central personagens: Ricardo e Raquel, um o old casal de namorados. Apos or break, Ricardo invites Raquel for a last passeio um as much quanto sinistro, in an abandoned cemetery.
I summarize
Ricardo and Raquel maintained a loving relationship for about a year and, after or break, Ricardo continued to be wowed with the situation. There was a clear unevenness between or pair: while Raquel disliked Ricardo, Ricardo vehemently affirmed that he loved Raquel.
Uncomfortable with the financial situation of the predator and with the future, Raquel was put at the end of the relationship and the troou by a loved one, the more it has happened in life.
With enormous insistence, Raquel met with Ricardo as hidden. Or place suggested ex-lover hair was an abandoned and distant cemetery. A moça estranhou or place escolhido, but finally cedeu to pressão and foi ao seu found. Ricardo promises to show the most beautiful sun in the world.
You two foram conversing in the cemetery and each time more of the few people that haviam you. Raquel used all the opportunities she had to humiliate or ex-companion always sublining to her lack of money.
During the passeio, Ricardo lembrou Raquel that, at the height of their time together, a girl was reading or romance To lady das Camélias, by French writer Alexandre Dumas. It is curious that this specific title has been mentioned because the entanglement of the work revolves precisely around a Parisian courtesy that is turned off by a young student.
Ricardo remains ouvindo, sem reagir, ao long passeio, all the humble ones who came to be feitas pela moça. I attached that I chegou to a quite afflicted place where the haver or burial mound of my own family. O raptor desbafou:
You know, Raquel, I've been around many times around here given my cousin. We have been around for twelve years. Every Sunday minha mãe vinha bring flowers and put away our capelinha where he was buried meu pai. Eu e minha priminha we come with her and we go there, of course, making so many plans. Agora so duas estão dead.
Raquel estranhou or fato da prima do rapaz, Maria Emília, tão jovem, be dead. He argued that his cousin had died barely fifteen years old and that she had some green eyes similar to those of Raquel. She apontou or place where the girl had been buried, an abandoned chapel and with a terrible appearance, descended to the catacomb, where it would supposedly be or portrait of such a cousin.
Raquel estranhou ao read the inscription of the photograph of her supposed cousin, saying: "Maria Emília, born in the twentieth of May of a thousand eighteen years and passed away ...". It was impossible that this young woman had been Ricardo's cousin and walked away with him. For fim, Ricardo trancou a former lover in the catacomb:
- Ricardo, open isto immediately! Come on, immediately! he ordered, twisting or tripping. - I detest this type of brincadeira, you know disso. You idiot! It is not what gives to follow the head of an idiot desses. Brincadeira more stupid!
- A sun stay is going to enter pela frincha da porta, tem uma frincha na porta. Depois vai se devagarinho, bem devagarinho. Você terá or pôr-do-sol mais belo do mundo.
At the end of the tragic story, Ricardo fights every time more local do crime até ouvir ao longe at the voice of Raquel.
Described as esguio and lean, or rapacious, he had curly and unkempt hair and tinha um ar de estudante. He lived with a horrible thought, which belongs to dona Medusa. Pelas present characteristics do not tell us that it is about a young man with few financial resources and that he maintains a rancor at the end of the relationship with Raquel, a girl who loves madly.
Arrogant, self-centered, interested, Raquel exchanges or ex-lover Ricardo for a rich pretender. A young person at all times underlines the financial condition of Ricardo and humble in a row.
Conto Publication
Or he told "Come see o pôr do sol" give me an anthology, published for the first time in 1988, by the publisher Ática. Or I will see it being reissued at the days of the leaflet and it was endorsed in a series of contests.
![First edition](/f/cc4ba475b23d61b4f36e7a0603860acd.jpg)
Quem é Lygia Fagundes Telles?
She was born in São Paulo on April 19, 1923, filha by Durval de Azevedo Fagundes (an advocate and public promoter) and Maria do Rosário (a pianist). Advogada, also as or pai, Lygia Fagundes Telles was attorney of the Institute of Previdência do Estado de São Paulo.
Naked for literature, she began to save 15 years. In 1954, she released some of her great books (Ciranda de Pedra). Since then she has kept intense literary activity. She won the Jabuti prize in 1965, 1980, 1995 and 2001. She was eleita immortal (Cadeira nº 16) of the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 1985. In 2005, she received the Prêmio Camões, the most important prize for Portuguese language literature. In 2016, she was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
![Lygia Fagundes Telles](/f/255fdf33582656509e79dc03ad194765.jpg)
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