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15 songs against Gender Violence and abuse

In the last decades awareness has been raised about the problem of gender violence. Until recently, abuse was normalized in some regions of the world, especially of women. It is worrying, since neither men nor women escape this violence.

This situation must be made visible, which sometimes suffers in silence and can lead to a fateful end. For this reason many artists have faced the issue, creating songs against gender violence and abuse. We suggest these 15 themes.

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15 songs against gender violence and abuse

Many are the artists who sing against gender violence. They are deep, thoughtful and undoubtedly very intense songs.. In voices of men and women who have decided to use their art to speak openly about this issue.

Without a doubt, having these musical themes serves beyond catharsis or interpretation. They are a way of reflection and empowerment for those who may be going through situations of violence. We share 14 of the best songs against abuse.

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1. Shadow of the shadow of your hat (Manolo García)

Manolo García, Spanish singer-songwriter, gives us a song about mistreatment within the couple. "Sombra de la sombra de tu sombrero" tells us throughout the song that "I don't want to be your prison" as a call to couple relationships should not imprison, but liberate.

With his unmistakable style and rhythm, Manolo García is the composer of this 2011 song, which does not lose its validity, about all to raise the voice to promote healthy relationships where violence or power play is not allowed.

2. Run away (Amaral)

"Run out" is a composition of the Spanish pop-rock group, Amaral. This theme is strong and forceful, a way to reach out and provide help to those who are in a situation of gender violence.

"If you are afraid, if you are suffering, you have to scream and leave, run away" so says the chorus of this melody that with a smooth rhythm makes our skin turn and puts us in the shoes of someone who suffers and believes that not having escape.

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3. Stop killing us (Miss Bolivia)

"Stop killing us" is a forceful and strong theme that Miss Bolivia brings us. María Paz Ferreyra is a singer, songwriter and DJ of Argentine origin, who uses her voice to talk about strong and shocking themes.

A fragment of the chorus says: "I left for work and did not go, I left for school and did not arrive, I left the dance and got lost, suddenly I was blurred." This song is a call to stop gender violence and the dramatic situation of femicides that is being experienced in Latin America.

4. Bad (Baby)

"Bad" is one of Bebe's most famous and iconic songs. This Spanish singer rose to international fame thanks to two topics that addressed feminine problems very specific: empowerment and gender violence.

Specifically, "Malo" is a song that clearly portrays the anguish and fear that a woman experiences when she suffers violence from her partner. The chorus is a loud cry accusing and evidencing the abuse.

5. Flower power (Stereo Pump)

"Flower power" is a song with the unmistakable rhythm of Bomba Estéreo. This Colombian duet always makes us dance, but on this topic she also speaks loud, hard and clear about the need to recognize the integrity of women.

"I am going to flourish and not disappear", "I am not asking you for anything that I do not deserve", "We are flowers and we came to the world to adorn it with colors" are phrases that shudder when one thinks of the number of women who have died at the hands of their attackers, mostly their partners male.

6. Antipatriarch (Anita Tijoux)

"Antipatriarch" is one of the themes of Anita tijoux on the issue of gender violence. Tijoux is a singer, rapper, feminist and activist of Chilean-French origin. She has used her voice and her music to make her activism visible and she does it masterfully.

"I can be your sister, your daughter... but I am not the one who obeys because my body belongs to me" With her rhythm and strong and firm voice, this theme transmits energy and strength to combat and raise awareness about the violence of gender.

7. Respect (Aretha Franklin)

"Respect" has become a feminist anthem. Aretha Franklin is already a legend, she is neither more nor less than the queen of soul. Her powerful voice and interpretation has crossed the barrier of time. This Respect song is itself a revolution.

In 1965 Otis Redding launched this song with a lyrics in which he asked women to respect their husbands who went out to work. The song was covered by many bands until Aretha Franklin arrived. she who agreed to sing it, but in her way "And then when you get home, I ask you to have just a little respect."

8. Different languages ​​(Chojin)

"Different languages" It is a theme of El Chojin who has spoken about gender violence and respect. This Spanish rapper and composer has taken rap towards human and social issues. He has even collaborated in campaigns against racism and abuse.

This "different languages" theme narrates a toxic and complex relationship, narrating how it becomes entangled because they do not understand each other. It is a portrait of what happens inside many couples, but the. The message is clear: we cannot escalate violence to the point of hurting each other.

9. The violet door (Rozalén)

"The violet door" is a strong theme that shakes us to reflect on abuse. The theme refers to violence within the home, narrates a passage about physical aggression and the feeling of guilt, fear and powerlessness that this generates.

The title of the song refers to the feminist movement as a way to save oneself from gender violence. The color violet has been used as an emblem of feminism and sisterhood, which are a way of relying on a group to be able to get out of this type of situation.

10. If I were a boy (Beyoncé)

"If I were a boy" by Beyoncé, talks about those things that not all women can enjoy. Although she does not speak explicitly of gender violence or abuse, she does portray the marked differences between being a man and a woman in today's world.

Women often go out scared at night, they do not feel free to relate confidently, even to talk to someone. And behind that fear and those impediments, there is the possibility of suffering some type of violence.

11. Zero tolerance (Ender)

“Zero Tolerance” is a song that was part of a campaign called “Ya no”. Concerned about the alarming rise in intimate partner and gender violence, the Antena 3 channel launched a movement to raise awareness about this problem.

The Ender group was in charge of interpreting this song, "Zero tolerance", which with a poppy rhythm, interprets a letter that makes a call to those who are living this situation, to raise their voices and lean on their environment to get out of this terrible situation.

12. Wake up woman (Velvety)

"Wake up woman" is a song by the Colombian alternative rock group, Aterciopelados. It is specifically aimed at women, to take their place, to flee from impositions on their role, and to denounce violence.

Due to the numbers of femicides that are on the rise in Latin America, the message is specifically directed at them. It is a song full of energy and strength. "Women, you have the power, get together, unite, don't fight."

13. Hallelujah in the sun (Fito Páez)

“Hallelujah in the sun” is a song with the unmistakable style of Fito Paéz. This Argentine singer-songwriter has enchanted the audience with his positive and purposeful rhythm, full of airs of hope. With the lyrics of this song she makes a call to seek freedom, happiness and unite to eradicate gender violence.

"Because you are never alone in the dark", "Because no one hurts you and makes you cry", "Because you never stay at night", "Everything the world with flags shouts, let there be not one less, crime is not passion ”Without a doubt, blunt and strong phrases for reflect.

14. I am not that woman (Paulina Rubio)

"I am not that woman" It is a song interpreted by Paulina Rubio. The lyrics of this song are a call to eradicate the traditional roles of women especially in what has to do with relationships.

"You have a false idea of ​​love, it was never a contract or an imposition" is the phrase with which this song begins. reflects the need to rethink couple relationships to make them a safe space for both and not one of violence.

15. I think of your look (Rosalía)

“Pienso en tu mirá’ ”is a song that sounded strong in 2018. Rosalía performed a series of songs divided into chapters, and "I think about your look" is the third part that corresponded to the theme of "jealousy".

The lyrics of the song in the voice of the singer, is actually the narration from the perspective of an abusive man. It is like a way of entering her mind to understand that a macho person has no limits when trying to impose her strength and domination on someone he claims to love, for fear of losing her.

Bibliographic references

  • Mannell, J., & Hawkes, S. (2017). Decriminalization of gender-based violence is a global health problem. BMJ global health, 2 (3), e000438. doi: 10.1136 / bmjgh-2017-000438.
  • Huecker MR, Smock W. Domestic Violence. (2019). Taken from: on 08/30/2019.
  • Krantz, G., & Garcia-Moreno, C. (2005). Violence against women. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 59 (10), 818–821. doi: 10.1136 / jech.2004.022756.
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