Education, study and knowledge

Elements of polygons

In this new video I will explain the basic elements of a polygon. We will also see how to find some of these items.

To show the basic elements of the polygon, let's see it with an example of a polygon, a hexagon. Recall that the hexagon is a 6-sided polygon.

Outline: Set of all its sides

Perimeter: The measure of the length of the contour.

Is calculated:

  • If the polygon is regular: length side x no. sides
  • If the polygon is irregular: we would have to measure each side independently and add the total.

Center: It is the equidistant interior point of all its vertices.

Vertices: These are the points where the sides meet.

Apothem: Line that joins the center of the polygon with the midpoint of any of its sides.

Radio (regular polygon):Line that joins the center of the polygon with any of its vertices.

Diagonal: Line joining two non-continuous vertices.

In the video you can see graphically the basic elements of a polygon.

Also, if you want to practice what you learned in today's class, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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