Education, study and knowledge

Construction of polygons inscribed in a circle 1

In this video I'm going to show you a basic problem to find polygons inscribed in circles. These exercises are easy to do if the polygons have few sides.

Polygons are bounded surfaces formed by different finite lines that close a region on a plane. The vertices of polygons they are the point where two segments or lines meet.

If in a problem they tell us to do a polygon that is inscribed in a circle, it means that the polygon has to be inside this circumference and cannot go outside of it.

If we know the radius of this circumference we will be able to find the regular polygons that they ask us, we just have to indicate how many sides the polygon has and with the help of a compass and the ruler we can solve the trouble.

In the video I explain in more detail with the help of a compass, the rule Y pencils, the way to find the polygons inscribed in a circle.

Also, if you have any questions about what you have seen in the video you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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