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The 90 best phrases and reflections on Politics

Nothing can remain stable through chaos for long and therefore it is necessary to have a government to guide its settlers with order and wisdom to create people of integrity who can give favorable contributions to society and thus build a best place. In addition, thanks to politics it is possible to have laws that allow us to elucidate the limits between the things that are correct and those that are punished for their index of evil.

Although politics does not always enjoy good references according to its own people, due to all the failures, acts of corruption and dictatorships that arise after taking advantage of power. Even so, politics is undoubtedly necessary.

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Great phrases and reflections on politics

To remind us of the benefits of politics, but also its failures, we have compiled in this article the best phrases and thoughts about politics.

1. In politics it happens as in mathematics: everything that is not totally correct is wrong. (Edward Moore Kennedy)

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Politics must be for the benefit of the people.

2. In politics the important thing is not to be right, but to give it to you. (Konrad Adenauer)

It is the people who put their trust in the leaders.

3. No man is too good to rule another without his consent. (Abraham Lincoln)

A critique of the abuse of power.

4. Politics is the art of looking for problems, finding them, making a false diagnosis, and then applying the wrong remedies. (Groucho Marx)

The personal opinion of the American satirical comedian.

5. If you fail to develop all your intelligence, you always have the option of becoming a politician. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

A negative view of the capabilities of politicians.

6. In politics you are in contact with dirt and you have to wash to avoid smelling bad. (Enrique Tierno Galván)

A reference to corruption within the system.

7. The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you can vote before obeying orders. (Cahrles Bukowsky)

Nothing ensures that an elected president can become a dictator.

8. By dint of granting rights to everyone, democracy is the regime that most surely kills goodness. (Albert Guinon)

Democracy is a delicate right, since there are many risks that everything will go wrong.

9. The dictatorship has armored because it has to overcome. Democracy is presented naked because it has to convince. (Antonio Gala)

The strong point of democracy is that all voices are heard.

10. Politics is the art of preventing people from getting into what does matter to them. (Marco Aurelio Almazán)

Many politicians dismiss the voice of their people.

11. It does not drain power; what wears out is not having it. (Giulio Andreotti)

Perhaps that is why the leaders become expensive creatures?

12. I am determined to fight against everything and everyone with no other bulwark than the trust and support of my people. (Emiliano Zapata)

This is the general feeling that every public figure must possess.

13. For those who have nothing, politics is an understandable temptation, because it is a way of living quite easily. (Miguel Delibes)

Perhaps this is the origin of so much corruption in politics.

14. With the laws it happens as with sausages, it is better not to see how they are made. (Otto Von Bismarck)

Not all laws apply equally to everyone.

15. To the most perfect of dictatorships, I will always prefer an imperfect democracy. (Sandro Pertini)

No one ever wants to live in oppression.

16. Politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

We should all know about politics to know what the leaders are talking about.

17. The politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, next month and next year, and then explain why it did not happen. (Winston Churchill)

Every politician should have a favorable action plan and an equally good backup plan.

18. A good politician is one who, after being bought, is still affordable. (Winston Churchill)

An interesting insight from the former British Prime Minister.

19. A nation that spends more money on military weaponry than on social programs is approaching spiritual death. (Martin Luther King)

A lesson that every government must learn.

20. The more sinister the wishes of a politician, the more pompous, in general, becomes the nobility of his language. (Aldous Huxley)

It must be remembered that dictator dictators were once promising leaders.

21 When he was young he had decided to be a pianist in a brothel or a professional politician. To tell the truth, there is not much difference. (Harry S. Truman)

Both limit between what is allowed and what is prohibited.

22. Politics is the art of making use of men by making them believe that they are being served. (Louis Dumur)

Not all rulers seek the welfare of their people.

23. I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious to be left to the politicians. (Charles de Gaulle)

Is this the reason why we can elect anyone as president?

24. Powerful states can only be sustained by crime. Small states are only virtuous because they are weak. (Mikhail Bakunin)

A rather obscure fact that it may be true.

25. Politics is a balancing act between the people who want to get in and those who don't want to get out. (Jacques Benigne Bossuet)

A phrase that is self explanatory.

26. In a well-governed country poverty should inspire shame. In a badly governed country wealth must inspire shame. (Confucius)

Wise words of the Asian philosopher.

27. When the most animal of all is not elected, it seems that it is not really democracy. (Albert Guinon)

There are times when people don't know how to use democracy.

28. Vote for the one who promises less. He will be the one who least disappoints you. (Bernard M. Baruch)

This applies to the law of not expecting much from anyone so as not to be disappointed.

29. A ballot is stronger than a rifle bullet. (Abraham Lincoln)

Reference to the power of democracy.

30. In a truly free state, thought and speech must be free. (Suetonius)

Everyone should have freedom rights in a democratic country.

31. For those of us who have no beliefs, democracy is our religion. (Paul Auster)

Democracy must be the end of all government.

32. Being president is a lot like managing a cemetery: there are many people below us and no one pays any attention to us. (Bill Clinton)

Words derived from the experience of the former US president.

33. There is only one rule for all politicians in the world: do not say in power what you said in opposition. (John Galsworthy)

Politicians should stay true to their essence from campaign to victory.

34. Artists lie to tell the truth while politicians lie to hide it. (Alan Moore)

It is a fact that there are state secrets that we will never know.

35. Politicians are the same everywhere. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. (Nikita Khrushchev)

Just to win votes, leaders can use any empty promise.

36. It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. (Voltaire)

They can label you as a traitor or a spy in the worst case.

37. In politics, good sense is not answering questions. The ability, in not letting them do it. (André Suarès)

Demonstrating the power of politicians over communication.

38. People must hold public office and then go back to business and live under the laws they passed. (Mike Curb)

This is a great truth that should become law.

39. There are times in the life of every politician when the best thing to do is not to open your lips. (Abraham Lincoln)

Knowing how to keep silence is a wise thing to do.

40. Man is by nature a political animal. (Aristotle)

Politics is ingrained in us.

41. All mothers want their children to grow up and become presidents, but they don't want them to become politicians in the meantime. (John F. Kennedy)

There is always a fear that politics will corrupt even the kindest souls.

42. It can be said that there are no underdeveloped countries but poorly managed ones. (Peter Ferdinand Drucker)

All underdeveloped countries have one thing in common: terrible administrative government.

43. Politics is the art of obtaining the money of the rich and the vote of the poor under the pretext of protecting one another. (Anonymous)

A sad reality that applies in many places.

44. Democracy is the name given to the people whenever it is needed. (Marquis de Flers)

Every leader must remember that he needs the power of the people to reach the top and stay there.

45. The world is fed up with statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians. (Benjamin Disraeli)

There must be a strict regime as to who may or may not be elected.

46. The promises politicians made yesterday are today's taxes. (William L. Mackenzie King)

A sample of the discord between promises and facts.

47. I believe that it is not too late to build a utopia that allows us to share the land. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

It will never be too late to have good governance.

48. A great democracy must progress or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Progress is inherent in every new government.

49. Under capitalism man exploits man; under communism it is just the opposite. (John Kenneth Galbraith)

A vision that reflects that communism is nothing more than capitalism in disguise.

50. The politician thinks about the next election; the statesman, in the next generation. (Otto Von Bismarck)

A significant difference.

51. When those who rule lose their shame, those who obey lose respect. (Georg C. Lichtenberg)

That is why coups d'etat occur.

52. Congress is so strange. A man starts talking and says nothing. Nobody listens to him... and then everyone disagrees. (Boris Marshalov)

A sample of the discordance of the congress.

53. He who serves a revolution works the sea. (Simon Bolivar)

Talking about how revolutions don't always bring something good.

54. He who does not dare to be intelligent becomes a politician. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

Are there politicians who are not intelligent?

55. Dictatorship is the system of government in which what is not prohibited is mandatory. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

The way the dictatorship operates.

56. The upright politician risks nothing along the way and he has little to fear in the term. (Benito J. Feijoo)

Every politician should follow a transparent and honest path.

57. A dilemma is a politician trying to save both of his faces at the same time. (Abraham Lincoln)

Rulers do not always show their true essence.

58. A state where insolence and the freedom to do everything go unpunished, ends up sinking into the abyss. (Sophocles)

Freedom is not the same as debauchery.

59. If there were a nation of gods, they would be governed democratically; but such a perfect government is not suitable for men. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Unfortunately, too much freedom can bring problems.

60. A politician will do anything to keep his job. He will even become a patriot. (William Randolph Hearst)

To keep his position it may only be enough to act correctly with his people.

61. Political triumph is the sum of common sense and leadership skills. (Enrique Tierno Galván)

All triumphs should be like this.

62. A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot. (Thomas B. Macaulay

In the end, it is the constitution that dictates our actions, as well as the duties and rights.

63. One of the biggest mistakes is judging politicians and their programs by their intentions, rather than their results. (Milton Friedman)

An excellent proposal is useless if it is left halfway.

64. If a political party takes credit for the rain, no wonder its opponents blame it for the drought. (Dwight W. Morrow)

Mistakes that they themselves assure they will never make are pointed out.

65. If there were more politicians who knew poetry, and more poets who understood politics, the world would be a slightly better place. (John F. Kennedy)

One of that may be true.

66. In political arithmetic, two and two are never four. (Francisco Romero Robledo)

Talking about the disagreement about facts and truths.

67. How nice a world would be in which no one was allowed to trade unless they had passed a Greek economy, and in which politicians were required to have a solid knowledge of history and the novel modern. (Bertrand Russell)

Perhaps it is what it takes to have good politicians.

68. Socialism is the long and winding road from capitalism to capitalism. (Marlene Moleon)

A phrase that shows us the hidden face of socialism.

69. Totalitarian tyranny is not built on the virtues of the totalitarians but on the faults of the democrats. (Albert Camus)

The way in which dictatorships arise.

70. If universal suffrage existed in the plant republic, nettles would banish roses and lilies. (Jean-Lucien Arréat)

A metaphor to refer to abuse and inequality in power.

71. Politics is the art of disguising private interest as a general interest. (Edmond Thiaudière)

Many politicians know how to convince their people of unnecessary interests.

72. No one can terrorize an entire nation, unless all of us are his accomplices. (Edward R. Murrow)

If the people do not act to defend themselves, any tyrant takes advantage of it.

73. My political ideal is democratic. Each one should be respected as a person and no one should be deified. (Albert Einstein)

The correct way to observe and appreciate any leader.

74. The government's view of the economy can be summed up in a few short sentences: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate yourself, and if it doesn't move any more, give it a subsidy. (Ronald Reagan)

Vision of the former president on the economy.

75. In politics the winner is the one who is right. (Alphonse Karr)

And everyone does everything to have it.

76. Politics is almost as exciting as war and no less dangerous. In war we can die once; in politics, many times. (Winston Churchill)

Interesting similarities from a former military man and politician.

77. Democracy means government by the uneducated, and aristocracy means government by the poorly educated. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Unmistakable differences according to the journalist.

78. The mission of politicians is not to please everyone. (Margaret Thatcher)

No politician will win the unconditional support of each one of the people.

79. In politics, evils must be healed, never avenged. (Napoleon III)

Having an ideal towards violence only creates further destabilization.

80. All governments die from the exaggeration of its principle. (Aristotle)

Every politician must focus on what his tools allow him to act.

81. No one can suspect how many political idiocies have been avoided thanks to a lack of money. (Charles Maurice Talleyrand)

The benefits of having a limited budget.

82. A nation without free elections is a nation without a voice, without eyes, and without arms. (Octavio Paz)

There is no other way to name it.

83. Great politicians owe their reputations, if not to sheer chance, to circumstances that they themselves could not foresee. (Otto von Bismark)

Various politicians are remembered not for what they did well, but for their mistakes.

84. Whoever makes politics pacts with the diabolical powers that lie in wait at all powers. (Max Weber)

Every politician is constantly haunted by temptation.

85. In politics all victories are fleeting, and all defeats are temporary. (Manuel Fraga Iribarne)

Nothing is assured in this world.

86. When it is possible to speak of freedom, the State as such will cease to exist. (Frederick Engels)

Apparently, two aspects that do not coexist quite well together.

87. Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. (Albert Einstein)

The scientist talks about the evil that destroyed his country and its inhabitants.

88. A politician divides people into two groups: first, instruments; second, enemies. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

A harsh view of the interests of the leaders.

89. In politics, every fool is dangerous as long as he does not demonstrate his innocuousness with facts. (Santiago Ramón Y Cajal)

That is why perhaps it should be contributed by someone calm.

90. In politics, experiments mean revolutions. (Benjamin Disraeli)

It is up to the leaders to give rise to what kind of revolution is ruling the nation.

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