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15 properties and benefits of cranberry

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Blueberry. The origin of this fruit is in North America. But in recent decades, Spain has become the main producer of blueberries in all of Europe. And it is that from the discovery of the benefits of this fruit in our body, everyone wants to consume it.

The blueberry, in addition, has the advantage of being able to combine with other foods, and in this way be enjoyed in any of the meals that are made during the day. In addition, its price is not high and it can be easily found in any greengrocer or supermarket.

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Cranberry has multiple benefits for the body

The blueberry comes from a shrub with a fine stem and small leaves. When its fruit appears it is white, and as it matures it obtains its characteristic reddish color. This berry is larger than the leaves of the cranberry bush themselves.

It has been called “The superfruit of the 21st century”. This is because the blueberry has many properties and benefits for humans.

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Here is a list with just some of the virtues of this little berry.


1. Anti-inflammatory

One of the main benefits of cranberry is its anti-inflammatory property. Among its properties is proanthocyanidins, which are precisely agents that help reduce inflammation of the body's organs. This is very useful for conditions like fibromyalgia and muscle stiffness.

2. Take care of the skin

Blueberries contain a large amount of antioxidants. This property allows its consumption to help the skin to protect itself from free radicals that damage it and cause premature aging and wrinkles. For this reason its consumption is recommended to maintain a smooth and young skin.

3. Auxiliary in the prevention of Alzheimer's

Another benefit of cranberry is that its antioxidants also help support neuronal functions.. For this reason, frequent consumption of blueberries helps prevent Alzheimer's. Antioxidants function as neuroprotective agents, which help slow cognitive decline, which is closely linked to the development of Alzheimer's.

4. Increase brain cells

Consuming blueberries helps build brain cells. Daily we generate these cells, however the consumption of this berry helps to increase their birth rate directly in the hippocampus. Memory functions are controlled in this area of ​​the brain.

5. Auxiliary against diabetes

According to recent studies, cranberry also works as a protector against diabetes. Although it is not a substitute for any treatment, its consumption can help counteract insulin resistance, one of the main problems that diabetes causes. In addition, this fruit is very low in calories, so it can be included in the diet without any problem.

6. Lowers blood pressure

Its antioxidant properties also help regulate blood pressure. This is because blueberries allow a greater flow of antioxidants in the body, in this way they avoid the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body and as a result of all this process blood pressure remains within healthy parameters.

7. Helps to have healthy hair

Frequent consumption of blueberries helps hair grow healthy. These fruits contain a high concentration of vitamin B, which helps hair grow faster. In addition, all this amount of antioxidants also helps the hair look shiny and vitality.

8. Delays the effects of aging

One of the best known properties of blueberries is that it delays aging. It is a fruit that contains very high amounts of antioxidants, as we have already mentioned. This, together with its anti-inflammatory properties and the amount of vitamins it contains, helps to delay the aging processes of cells in the body.

9. Promotes concentration and memory

Consuming blueberries helps improve concentration and memory. Another of the properties of this berry is that it contains flavonoids. This substance helps to enhance cognitive processes such as memory, concentration and cognitive functions in general. In addition, as already mentioned, it helps in the generation of memory-related brain cells.

10. Improves eyesight

Among the antioxidants contained in cranberry, one in particular helps eye health. It is anthocyanin, which is an antioxidant that works directly in relation to the eye and vision. This organ also suffers the effects of aging, and thanks to anthocyanins this process can be delayed and thus improve vision.

11. It favors the presence of good cholesterol

In the treatment for the reduction of bad cholesterol, blueberries are great allies. This is due once again to the very high amount of antioxidants that this little fruit contains. This property improves the liver function for the synthesis of good cholesterol, and this in turn helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

12. Supports cardiovascular health

Eating blueberries regularly helps maintain good cardiovascular health. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this fruit are highly efficient in protecting the heart. Thanks to the fact that they help reduce bad cholesterol, regulate blood pressure and reduce the oxidation process of the organs, blueberries are an excellent ally to take care of the heart.

13. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's

Among the diseases that blueberries help prevent, is Parkinson's. This disease is closely related to oxidation and brain deterioration typical of the aging process. Blueberries protect the brain from free radicals, which tend to damage healthy tissue and affect brain functions.

14. Prevents urinary tract infections

Blueberries help decrease the incidence of urinary infections. If it is consumed in the form of juice every day you can help prevent the appearance of urinary tract infections. This is because some substances in cranberry prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder tissue. In this way, infections are avoided.

15. Assistant in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

Another great benefit of consuming blueberries is that it can help with erectile dysfunction.. The substances contained in cranberry help to increase endogenous nitric oxide production. This substance is associated with the blood supply, which in turn favors the erection of the penis.

Bibliographic references

  • Flavonoids. (2015). Micronutrient Information Center, Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
  • Hayden RA. (2001). Fertilizing blueberries (PDF). Purdue University, Department of Horticulture.
  • Pirovano, Francisco (2005). Argentina Blueberries. GAIN Report. Foreign Agricultural Service.

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