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Apricot: discover its 8 properties and benefits

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Apricot, also known as apricot or albergero in different regions of the world. There are several varieties, ranging from small apricots like a plum to larger ones, almost like an apple. Its flavor also varies, but it is almost always sweeter than sour.

They can be easily found between May and August. And the best thing is that you take advantage of their season, since they have many health benefits and it is advisable to include them in the daily diet.

Discover the properties and benefits of apricot

Fruits are always a good alternative to snack between meals. In a diet to reduce weight, including one or more types of fruits is an alternative to satisfy hunger in a healthy way and with a sweet taste in the mouth.

The apricot is no exception and can be a good ally for this purpose. But also, this fruit has compounds and properties that do your body good, so do not hesitate to consume it during the spring and summer.

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1. Vitamin A

The apricot has a high concentration of vitamin A. Two apricots a day provide half the daily dose recommended of this vitamin. Remember that vitamin A strengthens the immune system, strengthens eyesight, and also nourishes hair and skin. For this reason it is important to maintain a good level of vitamin A consumption.

Among all the compounds in apricot, vitamin A is one of those that stands out. This is due, as already mentioned, to the fact that it contains it in a high proportion. Some of the apricot variants even offer half the recommended intake for a day in a single serving. So, eating two a day, you will be more than covered.

2. Against constipation

Eating apricot regularly helps prevent constipation. Also work as a mild laxative, so if there is a mild constipation discomfort, before trying other stronger laxatives, you can choose to eat apricot throughout a day and accompany it with enough water.

As long as you do not suffer from chronic discomfort, you can also choose apricot to prevent episodes of constipation. This is because this fruit is an important source of soluble fiber., in addition to containing water in large quantities, so it is efficient to balance intestinal transit without being too strong a laxative.

3. Auxiliary in diets to lose weight

Because it is a low calorie food, apricot is an ally for weight loss. In addition, its soluble fiber and low sugar level make it one of the ideal foods to add to a specific diet to lose weight. As already mentioned, it is also ideal to cover mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.

Even outside the apricot season, you can get this fruit in a dried version. This is also a great alternative to add to a low calorie, low sugar diet. The apricot is one of many fruits that can be eaten dried and even consumed as a healthy snack.

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Apricot benefits

4. Reduce stress

One of the most surprising properties and benefits of apricot is to reduce stress. This is due to the fact that it has an important content of antioxidants that act directly on the nervous system. This, in addition to other benefits such as strengthening the nervous impulse, directly intervenes with stress.

The apricot, thanks to its antioxidants, strengthen the nervous system, and as a consequence contributes to improving the body's ability to react to external stressors of all kinds. So regular consumption of any apricot variant can help reduce stress significantly.

5. Auxiliary in the control of bad cholesterol in the blood

The apricot is an ideal food for a diet that seeks to lower cholesterol levels. The antioxidants and soluble fiber contained in this fruit are an excellent ally in the task of keeping bad cholesterol (LDL) under control. Although it is not in any way a treatment, it is a food that helps in this purpose.

To reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, a joint treatment is required that includes a balanced diet, with foods that promote the elimination of this cholesterol. Among those foods, apricot is a good choice.

6. Supports cardiovascular health

The antioxidants, soluble fiber, and vitamin C in apricot support good heart health. For this reason, people with a history of chronic diseases related to the system cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, certain types of foods and fruits are recommended, such as apricot.

It is advisable to consume this fruit frequently so that its compounds and vitamins help maintain good heart health. In addition, the apricot's support to keep cholesterol levels in check is one more reason why the apricot is considered a fruit that can aid in cardiovascular health.

7. Keeps the kidneys in good condition

Another amazing apricot benefit is that helps cleanse the kidneys. That is, the daily consumption of this fruit contributes to the good work of the kidneys and therefore to the detoxification process of the body, through urine. This is due to the high amount of potassium that the apricot contains.

This fruit helps to prevent the formation of stones in the kidney, and even in the early stages, it helps so that the already formed stones are eliminated. In addition, its fiber content allows the elimination of toxins from the entire organism, thus helping to lighten the work of the kidneys and this keeps them in optimal condition.

8. Healthy skin and hair

The antioxidants and vitamin A in apricots have benefits for hair and skin. They can help keep skin as well as hair healthy. This is due to the fact that the antioxidants in this fruit fight free radicals, which are external agents that deteriorate and accelerate the aging process.

In addition, vitamin A acts directly on the skin, providing a radiant appearance. This, together with the amount of water provided by the apricot, gives moisture to the skin and hair. To enjoy these benefits, it is not necessary to apply in creams or masks. Its intake is enough for the body to absorb these nutrients.

Bibliographic references

  • Gouda, M., Moustafa, A., Hussein, L., & Hamza, M. (2016). Three week dietary intervention using apricots, pomegranate juice or / and fermented sour sobya and impact on biomarkers of antioxidative activity, oxidative stress and erythrocytic glutathione transferase activity among adults. Nutrition journal, 15 (1), 52.

  • Slavin, J. L., & Lloyd, B. (2012). Health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 3 (4), 506–516.

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