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14 tips for a man older than you to like you

There are different reasons why a woman seeks a relationship with an older man. As long as this type of relationship is within the legal framework, there is no impediment for it to work as well as a courtship with someone of the same age.

However, even if it seems that all mature men love the idea of ​​someone younger, it's not really that simple. For this reason, if you want a man older than you to like you, we give you these 14 tips to conquer him.

Follow these tips to make a man older than you like you

Do you like someone older than you? Do you think it is impossible for him to notice you? That can change. If you are of legal age and neither of you is in a stable or legal relationship, then there is no reason to stop trying to like a man older than you.

Older men they tend to be more mature than your age. In addition, after the age of 30, they have greater economic and emotional stability. But it is very likely that they have already been married and have children, which you should take into consideration.

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1. Define the reason for your interest in someone older

There's nothing wrong with you liking older men, but it is useful to understand your reasons. Most commonly, boys your age seem immature or childish to you. It also happens that someone older makes you feel more secure and protected.

There are those who they find mature men more physically attractive, and it is that to many of them the passage of the years make them more interesting. However, if your reasons are based on financial issues, you may need to rethink the situation, because being with someone out of interest does not usually end well.

2. Get their attention

Draw your attention it can be a complicated step. Depending on the environment in which they are, you should look for the way in which they realize that you exist. For this you must be subtle but sure of yourself, the first step to achieve a contact.

Introduce yourself "casually" where he is, greet him with an open smile, comment something about their clothes "That shirt is great, did you change your glasses?" or if they share a workplace or school, comment something about their work (I love your class! Hey, what a nice presentation you did.)

3. Find a common topic of interest

Surely there are several things they have in common, so do the task of finding something. In this way you can achieve a more direct first approach. They may already coexist sporadically, but to take the next step you have to find something that they can agree on.

It can be a topic of conversation, a hobby or some work or school situation that makes them coincide. In this way, when you have him in front of you, you will have prepared a topic of conversation that arouses his interest.

4. Don't make him feel old

If you like older men, you should assume their age and not use it to make him feel bad. Sometimes couples' relationships fall into power struggles. But that takes you away from the goal of having stability and harmony.

So forget the age thing and just don't bring it up. It will not be pleasant for anyone if, even before starting a dating relationship, you emphasize the age difference, so you don't have to talk about it too much.

How to get an older man to like you

5. Be yourself

It seems like trite advice But it is the best advice! Do not appear to be older, do not pretend things or tastes that do not suit you. If you are going to attract him, the best thing is that from the beginning it is because of who you are and not because of what you appear to be.

Just as you like an older man, he can also like someone younger. For this reason, it is not worth applying makeup or dressing like someone older than your age. In all relationships, authenticity and personal freedom are important aspects that should not be overlooked.

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6. Approach him naturally

You should feel confident about yourself and approach him naturally. If you already know each other or live together spontaneously, such as at school, work or due to some social circumstance, then make yourself noticed naturally, as you would with someone your age.

You might find it surprising let someone younger than him show interest. Some men are confused by such a fact, while others are excited and decide to take the initiative quickly. Be observant to know how to act.

7. Don't be childish

The fact that young women are attractive to you does not mean you should be childish. Although it can be interesting for them to be with someone younger than them, one point that they do not like at all is immature attitudes.

Excessive jealousy, possessive attitudes, tantrums or dramatic outbursts are something that they may prefer not to experience, even if they are very attracted to the woman. In addition, these types of attitudes are not good for anyone, so better avoid them.

8. Be direct

If you have detected interest in him towards you, there is no need to beat around the bush. Have the confidence to be clear in your feelings and thus avoid any confusion. Many men can be confused by the flirtations of someone younger, so it is better to be direct.

Being direct and honest is not the same as being aggressive. That is, you should not be invasive or hope that simply because of the age difference, he will be interested. It is better to be clear and give him the confidence that your intentions are honest.

9. Physical contact

If you perceive that the interest between you is mutual, initiate some physical contact. Something subtle like a touch of the hands, a caress or a kiss on the cheek. It is probable that he too will begin to "test the waters", doing the same.

Many believe that older men immediately seek intimacy or for women to be sexy more than anything else. Is not always that way. They also prioritize other things, so it is important to move slowly to discover what you expect and what you are looking for.

10. Take precautions not to get into power struggles

A negative aspect of this type of relationship is the power struggles that can occur. The relationship must be equitable. Both have things to contribute and things to learn, so no one should feel that he has something that gives him power over the other.

That is why it is important, for everything to work better, that show yourself autonomous and independent in accordance with your age. That is, do not depend financially or emotionally on him. And on the other hand, do not pretend to use your youth as a bargaining chip to obtain things or to blackmail.

11. Respect his previous life

A man older than you has a story behind that you must respect. Especially if you are over 30, you may have been married or have children. If you are under 30 but have been older than 7 years, you may have already had several important relationships.

That must be respected. When he talks to you about his life, his ex-partner or his children, you shouldn't bother, what's more, show interest and ask questions to know him better. That will surely give you confidence and make you feel accepted.

12. Accept their differences

In every personal relationship there are differencessome mild and some deep. Some of them may be accentuated due to the age difference, but as with a man your age, they are issues that can be solved through communication.

So as you live with him and get closer, think of the differences between you as an opportunity to improve and be tolerant. Avoid thinking and mentioning that it has to do with age.

13. If he doesn't take the initiative, do it yourself

Just because he's older doesn't always mean he'll take the initiative. This is more a matter of personality than age. So if you notice interest, but he doesn't go any further, then consider taking the initiative to ask him out.

At this point there is nothing much more different than with boys your age. Do it like you would any other man. Plan a comfortable and pleasant date for both of you and ask him out.

14. Intimacy on the first date?

Most mature men are more open about intimate matters. It is likely that if everything goes well and there is mutual attraction, from the first date there will be wishes and insinuations to end the day more intimately.

This is not a problem as long as you feel safe and comfortable to do so. You should not feel pressured or allow yourself to be pressured. If you refuse and in response there are phrases such as "I thought you were already a woman and not a girl" then reconsider dating him.

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