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25 foods that give energy and vitality

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It is a reality that certain foods provide more energy and vitality than others. Do you know if you really follow an energetic diet? Do you feel tired and do you think it has something to do with your diet?

In this article we will know 25 foods that give energy and vitality. As we will see, these are foods of all kinds: fruits, vegetables, sauces, cereals, dairy... We will explain in what components each of these foods are rich and why they provide energy.

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25 healthy foods that give you energy and vitality

As we said, The 25 foods that give energy and vitality that we are going to talk about are of many different types, and can be included more or less easily in our diet.

If you want to increase your daily energy levels and prevent fatigue in a healthy way, read on!

The first of the 25 foods that give energy and vitality that we are going to talk about is garlic. This food is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iodine and vitamins (especially vitamin B6). Its nutritional properties increase when we consume it raw.

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In addition, garlic contains a fiber called "inulin", which makes it easier for us to absorb iron. By having more iron in the body, we have less feeling of fatigue during the day.

Ginseng is a plant that has revitalizing and positive properties for memory and for the prevention of certain diseases. In addition, it is good for strengthening the immune system. This food is used mostly in Chinese medicine (in fact, it comes from there). They especially use its root to prepare infusions.

3. Chestnuts

Chestnuts are nuts, although their composition is more similar to that of cereals. Chestnuts are rich in carbohydrates. In addition, they contain very few calories (approximately 190 kcal per 100 grams). If we compare it with some fruits such as hazelnuts or walnuts (which contain between 500 and 600 kcal), they are very few.

4. Dates

Dates are also foods that give energy and vitality, due to their functional and nutritional components (in fact, it is one of the fruits with the highest amounts of them). They contain dietary fiber, antioxidants, and potassium. In contrast, their sodium levels are low. Of course, they contain many sugars (hence their great energy contribution).

Dates also contain vitamin B6, very positive for functions such as memory and attention.

5. Integral rice

Brown rice, if we compare it with white rice, is richer in nutrients. It is a food rich in carbohydrates; This means that it is a good source of energy and fuel for our body.

Its carbohydrates are lower in relation to other types of foods that also contain starch. In fact, a positive characteristic of brown rice is that it contains starch, a substance that is beneficial for diabetics.

Quinoa is another of the foods that give energy and vitality. This is thanks to its high content of essential amino acids (proteins). In fact, quinoa is considered the only plant food that provides all the essential amino acids, and that is why its consumption has become so popular. It also contains large amounts of fiber.

7. Goat's milk and cheese

Thanks to goat's milk, the body can better absorb and use iron and copper. This is due to its high content of triglycerides and amino acids (lysine and cystine).

8. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is another food source of vitality and energy. In fact, cereals are the foods that can offer us the most energy in a diet; This is due to the fact that they are slowly assimilated sugars that are not accompanied by fats (that is why they are also not fattening).

Buckwheat in particular is gluten-free and easy to digest. It also contains rutin, a compound that helps prevent blood from clotting.

9. Shrimp

Prawns are a type of shellfish, rich in iron and protein of high nutritional value. These proteins help us build healthy muscles. Its fat and carbohydrate content is minimal. On the other hand, they also contain calcium and phosphorus, beneficial for the maintenance of bones and teeth.

10. Miso

Miso consists of a typical condiment of Japanese cuisine. It is a fermented paste made from soybeans and salt. Miso is another of the foods that give energy and vitality; its consumption is recommended in people who do a lot of sports.

11. Chicken, ostrich and quail eggs

These three types of eggs have large amounts of vitamins, and they are also low in calories. Eggs are very nutritious foods because they provide: minerals, vitamins and proteins (and in high doses).

12. Raisins

Raisins are a food rich in fiber and carbohydrates. They also provide good amounts of iron, phosphorus, calcium and sodium, and that is why it is considered a very complete and energetic food.

13. Tamari sauce

Tamari comes from fermenting soybeans with salt and water. Tamari sauce is rich in minerals, essential amino acids and trace elements (the latter beneficial to strengthen the immune system).

14. Poultry meat

Poultry is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially omega 3 fatty acids). This product helps keep energy levels high, as well as helping your metabolism burn calories. Finally, it also keeps the blood vessels healthy.

15. Bananas

Bananas are also foods that give energy and vitality. They contain low levels of protein (approximately 1.2%) and lipids (0.3%). They are rich in carbohydrates (20%). In addition, it is a very digestible type of fruit.

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16. Son

Millet is a type of cereal, which provides large doses of energy. More than 65% of its composition are carbohydrates. Its fat content is approximately 3% (of which 4% are linoleic acid).

17. Fish roe

Fish roe contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and large amounts of protein. Its levels of omega 3 acids are also high. It is another food that gives vitality and energy.

18. Red meat

Red meat is rich in non-essential amino acids (such as carnosine or taurine). Taurine is a compound that increases our brain speed and makes us alert and clear. It also provides energy.

19. Turnips

Turnips are a type of vegetable with minimal calorie levels. They contain a lot of water, fiber and few carbohydrates. As for vitamins, they are rich in vitamin C and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6).

20. Sea salt

Sea salt helps us to contract our muscles and our brain to transmit nerve signals (it strengthens our nervous system). In addition, it helps improve concentration. It also provides energy and vitality.

Another food that gives energy and vitality is the carrot. This vegetable is rich in carbohydrates and vitamin A, which helps maintain a good state of vision, skin and mucous membranes.

Chia seeds are rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus…), in antioxidant amino acids, vitamins and dietary fiber.

23. Cured cheese

The aged cheese, the more aged, the more concentration of nutrients it will have (and the more caloric it will also be). This food is very nutritional and energetic, with good amounts of calcium.

24. Honey

Honey helps to strengthen our muscular system (especially the heart). Contains fructose, a sugar with slow digestive absorption. Honey also provides a lot of energy.

25. Chocolate

To finish the 25 foods that give energy and vitality, we will talk about chocolate. This product is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and essential nutrients. That is why it brings a lot of energy and vitality.

In addition, its consumption is also related to improvements in psychological well-being. It contains a large amount of xanthines, substances that stimulate the central nervous system.

Bibliographic references

  • Borja, A. and Satrústegui, M.J. (2000). The energetic aspect of food. A comparison between Hygienism and macrobiotics. Natura Medicatrix: Medical Journal for the Study and Dissemination of Alternative Medicines, 57: 6-12.

  • Conti, P. (2019). Basic food and nutrition guide. Pampia Grupo Editor.

  • López, D. (2017). Awaken the energy within you: Basic manual for a vital change. Mestas Editions.

  • Tamura, I. (1993). Macrobiotic. Health, vigor, longevity. Editorial Kier, S.A. Buenos Aires.

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