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Types of seducer: Which of these 10 archetypes are you?

Why do people with such different personalities flirt? What characteristics should a good seducer have? What can it attract from your personality? Are you charismatic and you don't know it?

Types of seducer: which one do you most identify with?

On The art of seduction, the psychologist Robert Greene describes up to nine archetypes of seducers. Or ten types of seducer, if we take into account the figure of the anti-seducer. In this extensive book you will find a historical and psychological analysis of the great personalities of humanity.

It is not enough to know techniques or stratagems to attract and be a great seducer. Sometimes self-knowledge is the key piece for you to know your strengths and how they can play in your favor. We can all be great seducers, we just have to find that inner light that enlivens our charisma and makes us gain confidence and self-esteem. As i said Oscar Wilde, one of the most outstanding seducers in history, “loving yourself is the beginning of an adventure that lasts lifetime”.

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But, first of all, take a look at this article: "10 ways to be more attractive (scientifically proven)"

Then we will discover the 9 (plus 1) archetypes of seduction to start this journey to self-knowledge and Personal development.

1. The mermaid

Inaccessible, divine, charming. There is only one in a group of friends. She is close and at the same time distant. She is the muse of poets, the girl who makes rulers lose their minds. Robert Greene says that Cleopatra was one of them. We will detect a Mermaid by her gestures, her delicacy, her way of dressing very similar to that of goddesses.

2. The libertine

Very associated with the figure of the "pimp", he makes live unique experiences. Among the different types of seducer, the tough guy he never goes out of style. Transgressor and trusting, he knows that his charm is born of the most primal instincts. He lives on the edge, breaking all the rules so that adrenaline runs through your body. If he has to kiss, he kisses safely. If he has to look at you he goes deep into you. He is capable of making you commit all the crazy things that you cannot imagine because next to him nothing can happen to you.

3. The Ideal Lover

Illusionism expert; everything in him is artifice. He creates perfect, seamless romances. He is capable of making women feel comfortable and desired. Everything in it is a function written to seduce the most demanding ladies. He masters the context, he knows how to speak, but above all he can listen. Everything is perfect because he makes it perfect. If he invites you to a dinner he will delight you with his best cooking skills; If he invites you for a walk, he will choose the best landscape, the best decoration.

4. The Dandy

Unclassifiable, androgynous, elegant, ironic... Like the Libertine, he will make you feel free. He is one of the most dynamic and unpredictable types of seducers. He plays with masculinity and femininity. You can never define it because when you think about it, it has already changed. They use his physical appearance to suggest, like the Mermaid. He perfectly masters social skills as the Ideal Lover, but when you try to classify him, he disappears. If you try to understand it, you get confused... Robert Greene says that Rodolfo Valentino he was one of the most important Dandys.

5. The candid

He is a naive and playful boy. Society has failed to tame him. Mozart was one of them. He makes difficult seem easy. Everything seems like a game to him. The candid has the harmless charm of babies and the subversive gifts of the rogue. He possesses a magnetic unconsciousness. It is impossible to be angry with him because he has no malice.

6. The Coquette

This archetype is attributed to girls but there can also be flirtatious ones. When you go, she comes back. He cancels the dates. He appears at the most unexpected moment. He is always late for his appointments if he has not decided to stand you up. The more he manages to get your attention, the less he wants it. If you chase her, you are lost. If you try to ignore it you will despair.

7. The Enchanter

The seduction without sex. He will give you what you want without asking for anything in return. He will know how to flatter you and make you feel comfortable. Master the context and you will feel that next to him you can be calm. He won't do or say anything that might expose you. It seems that sex does not interest him, you will not distrust him. They show themselves as a friend; They understand you, listen to you, help you, know how to advise you and make you happy. All this ploy will help you appreciate them and ask yourself a question: does he like me or does he not like me? Sometimes it will seem like it and sometimes it will seem that you are just friends. But the truth is that if you ask yourself this question you will have already fallen into their networks.

8. The Charismatic

It is the center of attention. Everyone wants to be near him because he is a spring of laughs and fun. Nobody gets bored around him. It is easy to detect because at parties he always has a lot of people around him listening to him and laughing at his occurrences. It is safe and secure. He knows how to thrill. When he speaks he does not inform, he inspires. He would be a great politician or a great humorist or a great storyteller. Master the communication art. It has all those attributes that others do not have.

9. The star

Attractive and stylish. They have a life that others do not have. It is the archetype of celebrities. His singular and unusual life is a magnet for everyone. His life is eccentric and it always surprises you. Go into places where they would never let you in if you weren't with him. But not everything about him is luxury. It is also a passion for her own life and his abilities. Being by his side will make you escape from the mundane and vulgar. He will make you live endless experiences that only he can offer you. The archetype of the Star is synonymous with glamor.

These are the archetypes defined by Robert Greene in The Art of Seduction. You will have to discover which one resides in you. Explore yourself and analyze which one you fit into. We all fit into one of them. And if not, surely we are fitting into this latest archetype.

10. The Anti-seducer

Insecure, egocentric, not very empathetic: repellents. They don't know how to communicate. They are angry with the world. They have little or no command of social skills. They do not know when they are left over. They do not know when they are needed. They are inconvenient. They speak when they shouldn't and are silent when they have to speak. They are overconfident or, on the contrary, they are not confident at all.

Luckily one can escape this archetype. You just have to enhance personal charisma and social skills. A good way to start is work self-esteemovercome shyness. And another way is to take a look at my article on 'How not to flirt'.

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