Education, study and knowledge

The 6 best Psychology Clinics in Cáceres

The Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Gemma Echevarría She has been running her own psychology center for several years, where she cares for children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may request her services.

Throughout more than 18 years of experience, this professional has specialized in applying various therapies of proven efficacy with the objective of dealing with cases of depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, family conflicts, relationship problems and alcoholism.

Gemma Echevarría has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology from the She ucm, another Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, a third Master in Drug Addiction and another Master in Violence of Gender.

The Psychologist and Coach Pura Cano She has a degree in Psychology from UNED, she has a Master in Neuroinfluence, a Master in Life Coaching, another in Executive Coaching and another Master in Systemic Coaching for Families and Couples.

Throughout more than 20 years of experience, this therapist has specialized in caring for people of all ages. ages, as well as families and couples, through an online therapy service with all the comforts for the client.

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His intervention is based on the integrated application of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Brief Therapy Focused on Solutions and with which she successfully treats anxiety disorders, cases of domestic violence, separations, bereavement, addictions and problems of relationship.

The psychotherapy clinic Auxano It is another of the most recommended that we can find throughout the city of Cáceres thanks to the training of its team of psychologists.

This team is made up of Antonio Tinajas, a psychologist specializing in clinical psychology and expert in psychoanalysis, Carmen Rosado, a psychologist specializing in psychology clinic and Mercedes Casco, graduated in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and an expert in general health psychology and psychological techniques for children and teenagers.

It is interesting to know that this clinic also organizes seminars and trainings and that it collaborates with the University of Salamanca in the training of psychologists offering external internships to students of different masters university students.

In relation to psychotherapy, this clinic cares for children and adolescents as well as adults and the elderly, either individually or in groups, in addition to offer emotional assistance also to couples who are in times of crisis or to families with difficulties and emotional problems due to lack of trust or communication.

Among the mental disorders that this clinic addresses and treats are anxiety disorders, cases of depression, irrational fears or phobias, psychosomatic disorders, situations of low self-esteem and obsessions, in addition to offering cognitive rehabilitation for elderly and affected people neurological.

Mariángeles Cuevas Capote She runs another of the most recommended clinics that we can find in the city of Cáceres if we are looking for high-quality psychotherapy: Mariángeles Cuevas Centro de Psicología.

This professional graduated from a university degree in Psychology and later specialized in three professional areas: clinical and health psychology, education and intervention Social.

The psychotherapeutic current from which this psychologist starts is cognitive-behavioral, which is one of the most endorsed and contrasted by the scientific community. The psychotherapy process is divided into three steps, the first being the evaluation, the second the prevention and the third intervention, always adapting to the needs and characteristics of their patients.

Among the mental disorders to which Mari Ángeles Cuevas offers psychotherapy are anxiety disorders, addictions, cases of depression, low self-esteem or bullying.

In his clinic on Avenida España we will also find a wide variety of training workshops, among which the education one stands out. sexual, social skills and assertiveness, self-esteem, job orientation and relationships workshop affective-sexual.

Psychosolutions It is one of the most recommended clinics that we can find in Cáceres, and is directed by Teresa Bermejo Escobar.

Teresa is a psychologist with a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. She is specialized in the area of ​​clinical psychology, also studying a university master's degree in Narrative Therapy and Community Services from the University of Extremadura. It was in 2005 when she founded Psicosoluciones with the aim of continuing with her work as a clinical psychologist and offering inhabitants of Cáceres a solution to their mental disorders and disorders, in addition to offering psychological tools to facilitate day to day.

Teresa Bermejo offers psychotherapy to children and adolescents as well as to adults, thus offering solutions to common problems such as anxiety disorders, cases of depression, conduct disorders, eating disorders, and cases of job dissatisfaction or vital void.

The Montesol Psychotherapy Clinic It is made up of two of the most recommended professionals in Cáceres. The first is María Fernández Burgos, with a degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, in addition to have specialized in different fields such as EMDR psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis and interaction therapy reciprocal. The second of the professionals that we find in this clinic is Luis Sancho Polo, with a degree in Psychology and a postgraduate degree in Therapy. Systemic Family, in addition to having specialized in family mediation, equal opportunities and quality management in the organizations.

Among the mental disorders that this clinic treats are anxiety disorders, mourning for the loss of beings loved ones, insecurities and cases of low self-esteem, fears and obsessions, family problems and serious trauma in Adults.

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