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The 10 keys to being happy, according to science

Scientists have been trying for decades to decipher the keys to be happy.

Travel often, surround yourself with positive people, listen to music or practice exerciseare some of the conclusions that can be drawn from the scientific studies that have been carried out so far. If you want to be happy, apply in your life the list that we present below.

What science says: 10 keys to being happy

The science is very clear: there are activities, behaviors, attitudes and gestures that can make us happier. What are we waiting for to start putting these keys into practice in our daily lives?

1. Travels often

Traveling always brings us new experiences and moments to remember, but According to scientists, traveling also makes us happier. A study by Dr. Jeroen Nalwun, a professor at the University of Breda (The Netherlands), "People who travel frequently are happier". According to the study, planning vacations causes a higher degree of happiness due to the effect of anticipating the good times that await us.

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On the contrary, it is important to note that the study subjects did not show significant differences once they had returned from their vacations. This seems to indicate that one of the keys to being happy is planning the trip, not the trip itself.

2. Send thank you messages

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that causes us psychological benefits. Being grateful by sending an email, text, or letter to someone who has helped you in some way is positive. Also, being grateful is quick and easy and a study has found that practicing gratitude can increase happiness by 25%.

On the other hand, another study showed that just three letters in a three-week period was enough to reliably increase the happiness and life satisfaction of the research subjects.

3. Live the present

We have already commented in our article “What is Mindfulness? The 7 answers to your questions”The importance of living in the present. According to a study by Sciencemag, people who ruminate all day lose 47% of their time. Constantly living in the future creates expectations that can make the person who is not in the present moment more unhappy.

What's more, fantasizing or worrying about things that haven't even happened yet is unnecessary suffering. But living in the present does not mean that you should not have goals, but that you have to be realistic and go step by step to achieve them. A study from the University of Wisconsin found that working toward a goal suppresses negative emotions, in addition to activating feelings positive.

It may interest you: "25 short positive phrases to better focus the day to day"

4. Spend more time with friends and family

Spending time with family and friends is one of the keys to being happy that we should always keep in mind. In fact, not spending enough time with friends and family is one of the main regrets most people express before they die. Therefore, spending time with those we appreciate and appreciate positively affects our mood.

An investigation that collects the book The Longevity Project, concludes that relationships with others are essential to live a long and happy life.

5. Listen to music

Number four on the list of keys to being happy is: listening to music. In our article “3 curious effects of music on your behavior”We have already commented on some consequences that listening to music has on our mind and our behavior. In addition, the world of science has investigated how music will influence our mood. A study by Saarikallio and Erkkila in 2008, concludes that listening to good music positively affects our mood and our state of mind.

Other study de Lonsdale and North (2010) affirm that listening to music provides us with multiple psychological benefits, including: managing and controlling negative emotional states.

6. Live happiness and stop looking for it

One of the keys to being happy, and one that is important to keep in mind is: stop looking for happiness. There are several experts who warn that the obsessive search for happiness produces the opposite effect, that is, unhappiness.

According to a study by Yale University, constantly seeking happiness can generate anxiety and anguish. obsession with being happy at all costs seems to produce little tolerance for frustration if results are not achieved immediately. Happiness is moments, and "unhappy" moments should not be viewed as failures.

An extra help: "20 phrases about life that will help you be happy"

7. Practice exercise

Practicing exercise is one of the keys to being happy that we have already discussed in previous articles. The continuous practice of physical exercise will make you feel better, it will increase your energy levels and it will reduce your stress levels. What's more, physical exercise will help you release brain chemicals such as endorphins, which will make you perceive reality in a positive way. You can read more about this in our article “The 10 psychological benefits of practicing physical exercise”.

On the other hand, you don't have to run a marathon to benefit from physical activity. For example, practice yoga It will also provide you with psychological benefits and it will help you improve your mood.

8. Surround yourself with positive people

According an investigation from BMJ Group, the happiness of one, depends in large part on the happiness of the people with whom it has constant contact. In other words, happiness can be contagious. Being with people who breathe a positive and enthusiastic attitude on all four sides, produces a positive effect on your well-being.

9. Live close to work

The time it takes to get to work shouldn't take more than 20 minutes. According to a study by Yeo Valley, the happiest subjects in his research were those who did not take more than 20 minutes to get to their workplace. This study affirms that spending more than 20 minutes to go to work has a negative effect on the physical and psychological well-being of people.

10. Go to the street

Many studies show that Going outside, especially on sunny days, is positive for our body and mind. The sun is a fantastic natural antidepressant, stimulates endocrine functions and increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to mood.

A study from the London School of Economic and Political Sciences concluded that spending time outdoors to increase joy and good humor. Passing a study revealed that spending 20 minutes on the street in good weather not only encourages a good mood, but can also improve memory.

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