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Goddesses of egyptian beauty

Beauty is a recurring element in most of mythologies that have characterized a large number of cultures since the beginning of time, since it is still a key element in what we consider a culture. To talk about the main goddesses that to a greater or lesser extent are related to beauty in one of the most important mythologies in history in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the goddesses of egyptian beauty.

Before talking about the Goddesses of Egyptian beauty, we are going to make a brief introduction to the culture of Ancient Egypt. The egyptian mythology is how we call the set of religious beliefs that made up the egyptian religion, affecting all sectors of their society and life, causing the relevance of their mythology to be enormous.

The influence of Egyptian mythology remained for more than 3000 years, since Egypt continues to be one of the civilizations that have remained the longest. This enormous period of time caused Egyptian mythology to evolve over the years, adding new gods or changing depending on many factors, an example being the changes introduced after the conquest Roman.

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Characteristics of Egyptian mythology

To fully understand what Egyptian mythology consisted of, we must talk about its main characteristics, in order to understand what differentiates it from other similar ones. The main characteristics of Egyptian mythology are the following:

  • They were polytheists, that is, they believed in the existence of many gods.
  • They believed in the existence of life after death, being the reason that the dead were buried with riches.
  • The main deities they varied throughout the centuries, depending on the evolution of the culture.
  • Some animals they were considered as representatives of the gods in the world and treated like them.
  • They had a very interesting conception of the soul, since it could survive death and she was regarded as a kind of proof after death.
  • The iconography she was key to representing the gods.

We begin this list of the Goddesses of Egyptian beauty talking about Hathor, since she is one of the most relevant deities of all the Egyptian mythology and being between the many attributions of her those of the beauty.

Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of the sky, music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, femininity, childcare, and of course the deity that it represented beauty. The large number of roles of her shows how important the Egyptian culture was, having some of the key elements for the Egyptians.

Hathor was considered the mother or wife of the gods Ra and Horus, being the two gods who occupied the position of pharaoh of the gods, and therefore for much of Egypt's history was regarded as the mother or wife of all the pharaohs who ruled over Egypt. It was not until the New Kingdom that Hathor lost her position as a member of Egyptian royalty, although her role as her key deity remained that way for years.

Her role as egyptian goddess of beauty can be easily observed by the large number of references that exist in Egyptian myths on issues related to their beauty and sexuality. There are many stories about the reaction of human beings to their beauty, to the fights between their consorts and other gods for their love and especially important are the stories about her hair, since it is said that her beauty was based on her hair, there being the thought that her beauty was given by her hair as a kind of Samson.

Egyptian Goddesses of Beauty - Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty

Image: Docsity

To continue with this lesson on the goddesses of Egyptian beauty we must talk about other deities who have aptitudes related to beauty, being goddesses that they do not have as their main attribution, but being part of their essence. We must also bear in mind that these goddesses may not have always had these attributes, since the constant evolution of Egyptian myths cause great changes in the characteristic elements of the gods.


Anat or Anut was a original deity of the Semitic people and that little by little it was gaining prominence in Egyptian mythology. In many stories it is confused with the goddess Hathor, since they have some similarities in terms of the representation of her and they are still two goddesses related to the beauty and fertility. Her beauty caused that on numerous occasions she was represented nude, being representations similar to those of certain prehistoric peoples and that on many occasions have been confused with the bodies of other goddesses.


Goddess related to love, beauty and sexual desire. Like Anat a Qadesh, she has been confused with Hathor on numerous occasions because she has similar characteristics and especially because of her relationship with beauty. Over time, her beauty made her one of the most popular Egyptian deities, undergoing an evolution in her appearances and being increasingly represented.


Goddess represented as a cat she was one of the main deities protectors of Egypt, but he was also a deity that can be spoken of in the fields of fertility, beauty or sexuality. Although, unlike other gods named in this lesson, his role with respect to beauty was not so noticeable, we should not leave him out.

Egyptian Beauty Goddesses - Other Important Egyptian Beauty Goddesses
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