The psychologist Juan Amado Martinez He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University...
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Distance psychotherapy is one of the most used therapy methods in recent years.. However, because...
Addictions have been defined as pathologies in which the addicted person feels more and more isol...
Food determines mental well-being and influences our cognitive performanceTherefore, in this post...
Francis J. Martinez He has a degree in Psychology, a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychopathology ...
We have all felt sadness at some point in our lives, something that can be normal in situations t...
How societies are born, grow and die is something that has been studied for centuries, although o...
Psychology is a very broad professional field in which there is room for a large number of activi...
Marc Auge, a French philosopher, refers to places and non-places, referring to them as different ...
World War I is considered the first great war in human history, partly because of the number of n...
The concept of agglutination refers to the the way words are created, that is, it belongs to the ...
Abuse and gender violence they have become two increasingly visible concepts both in politics and...