Education, study and knowledge
The 8 best sports coaching books

The 8 best sports coaching books

For some years now, coaching has established itself as an area of ​​intervention in people and te...

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What's behind the habit of constantly procrastinating?

Why do people have this marked tendency to leave things for tomorrow? To understand it we must tr...

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I don't like my thinness: how do I deal with this complex?

Body image is a concept that is formed as we evolve, and is specific to each individual. It has a...

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John B. Watson: life and work of the behavioral psychologist

John B. Watson, next to Ivan Pavlov, he was one of the important characters of the classical cond...

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Can we consciously create laboratory brains?

Science advances so fast that we can already imagine scenarios that previously belonged only to f...

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The 5 most important types of tai chi

The 5 most important types of tai chi

Tai chi is one of the most practiced oriental martial arts in the world. It is not only a sport, ...

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Wise people: the 6 characteristics that define them

The typical image that comes to mind when we think of a wise person is an older man, with a long ...

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The 3 most used therapy techniques for anxiety attacks

Anti-anxiety therapy has become common. Data from the Ministry of Health in relation to psycholog...

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The 10 best expert psychologists in neurofeedback in Barcelona

The Neurofeedback It is a non-invasive therapy modality consisting of a brain training that the p...

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The 13 best famous phrases of Anaxagoras

Anaxagoras (500 a. C. - 428 a. C.), also known as Anaxagoras of Clazomene, is one of the most rec...

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The 7 best child psychologists in Marbella

The therapist Itziar Villalba She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada, she ...

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Types of personnel selection tests and questionnaires

Recruiters and recruitment experts use different tests and questionnaires to select the ideal can...

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