Education, study and knowledge

Stage of concrete operations: what is it and what characteristics does it have

The stage of concrete operations is the third phase of development proposed by the Swiss psycholo...

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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in Couples Therapy in Getxo

Located on the outskirts of the city of Bilbao, in the Basque Country, the idyllic Getxo is a cit...

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The 10 best Clinics to treat Addictions in Badalona

Alter Psychology is a center specialized in psychology and health that has extensive experience i...

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Derealization: what is it, characteristics and causes of this alteration

Derealization is one of those psychological phenomena that patients who experience it and go to p...

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The 10 personality traits of a leader

What are the personality traits that define a leader? In every organization there are objectives ...

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Help: the most overlooked psychological factor of well-being

We live in a world and society where the word well-being is increasingly common and a central obj...

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The 5 best Psychology Clinics in Les Corts (Barcelona)

The Barnapsico Psychology Center It is one of the most recommended that we can find in Barcelona ...

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The 13 best Psychological Experts in Madrid

The psychologist Fernando Azor He has to his credit an experience of more than 20 years in which ...

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Aída María Rubio: "Online psychotherapy is heading towards its consolidation"

Aída María Rubio: "Online psychotherapy is heading towards its consolidation"

Online psychotherapy is an area of ​​technological development that, despite being in its initial...

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Anxiety in times of COVID: taking care of mental health, a pillar to combat it

A year ago, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. In 365 days a lot o...

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The 10 best academies to prepare for the PIR

The 10 best academies to prepare for the PIR

Not many outsiders may know what these letters refer to, but those who have studied or are studyi...

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The 70 best phrases of Elvis Presley

Elvis Aaron Presley was a celebrated American singer and actor, born in the city of Tupelo, Missi...

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