Education, study and knowledge

Elizabeth Loftus: biography of this American psychologist

Many believe that the brain is like a computer and as such we store many memories completely and ...

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The Classical Theory of Administration: what it is and what are its key ideas

There are many ideas that have been proposed for organizational management, but the classic one i...

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Classical conditioning: definition and experiments

Classical conditioning: definition and experiments

The Classical conditioning (or Pavlovian conditioning) is one of the introductory topics studied ...

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The 23 best phrases of Herbert Marcuse

The 23 best phrases of Herbert Marcuse

Herbert Marcuse (Berlin, 1898 - Starnberg, 1979) was a German philosopher and sociologist, a key ...

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Nucleus accumbens: anatomy and functions

By all it is already known that the different regions of the brain, although for their functionin...

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The role of Psychology in the process towards death

Undeniably, in many of the fields where the professional of psychology participates, phenomena re...

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Forensic psychology: definition and functions of the forensic psychologist

Forensic psychology: definition and functions of the forensic psychologist

As we have already explained in other posts, Psychology is the science that studies human behavio...

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Why am I afraid of life? Possible causes and what to do

Everyone has big dreams in this life. Regardless of age, gender, culture or race, we all want to ...

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The 3 most important Theories of Love

Love is undoubtedly one of the most intense and complex feelings that human beings can experience...

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The 8 best Yoga centers in Spain

The 8 best Yoga centers in Spain

In recent decades, an ancient practice has become fashionable in the West. We talk about Yoga, a ...

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Cardiac coherence: what it is and what are its effects on the body

Cardiac coherence: what it is and what are its effects on the body

Part of neurocardiology defends the idea that the heart is a very complex system, a sophisticated...

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Why do we feel anxiety?

Why do we feel anxiety?

Anxiety can be considered to be one of the symptoms that most affect people's emotional health to...

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