Education, study and knowledge

Partner abuse: causes and effects

Human beings are relational beings, that is, we can only understand ourselves in relation to othe...

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Sibutramine: Uses and Side Effects of This Drug

Sibutramine is a drug used in people suffering from obesity. It is used, mainly, to generate in p...

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Bulimia nervosa: binge eating and vomiting disorder

The bulimia nervosa It is an eating and psychological disorder with severe consequences on the ph...

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What is creativity?

Many of us have wrapped ourselves in creativity dust at one time or another. We have created, dev...

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Psychoanalyzed compulsive liar: a real case

Compulsive liar and Psychoanalysis: a real caseIn this article I am going to narrate the story (1...

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The 8 keys to emotional communication as a couple

Often there are many couples who come to my office with problems in which an agreement has not be...

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Effect of evocation on learning: what it is and how it works

We have all been students and we know how tedious it can be to study for an exam. It is normal to...

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Sandra García: «In meditation we immerse ourselves in a subtle mind»

Meditation is a reality that has been present for millennia in many cultural practices both in As...

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The 9 best Psychologists who are experts in ADHD in Bilbao

Amaia Amalur Ruiz she has a degree in psychology from the University of Deusto, she is a speciali...

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The psychological impact of masks

Our lives have changed in a rapid and drastic way. As a society we have faced a situation for whi...

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Is Vox really a fascist party?

Is Vox really a fascist party?

Vox. Three letters, one word, a monosyllable. From the Latin "voice". It is the phenomenon that i...

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Stigmas and prejudices against people with dementia

What kinds of thoughts arise when we hear the word "dementia"? And: in what way do these affect o...

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