Education, study and knowledge

The 20 best Facebook groups to learn Psychology

Psychology is an exciting but also absorbing world. To know how to deal with the challenges faced...

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I can't leave my partner: anxiety for fear of breakup

Unfortunately, the problem of not face the desire to end a relationship because of the fear that ...

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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Jaén

In the clinic Exceeds Psychologists Jaén we can find a professional and comprehensive treatment f...

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Narcolepsy: types, causes, symptoms, and treatment

Between sleep disorders the case of narcolepsy is especially striking due to the specificity of i...

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Top 10 Russian legends (with explanation and meaning)

To speak of Russia is to speak of the country with the largest geographical extension in the worl...

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Obesity: psychological factors involved in being overweight

Obesity: psychological factors involved in being overweight

The obesity it is considered a pandemic in western countries. Unhealthy habits, stress, a sedenta...

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Sigmund Freud's Theory of the Unconscious

Traditionally, scientists and most of the philosophers have considered that human behavior is gov...

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Resentful people: 10 traits and attitudes that characterize them

We have all come across resentful people throughout our lives.. Either by a friend, partner or fa...

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Strategic thinking: what it is, characteristics and how to enhance it

In all areas of life we ​​set goals for ourselves. Whether in the business world, in school or in...

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Differences between criminal psychology and forensic psychology

Differences between criminal psychology and forensic psychology

With the unfortunate increase in recent years of criminal acts in general, and of terrorist acts ...

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The Milgram Experiment and obedience to authority

Can any human being commit the most heinous crimes against humanity just out of obedience to auth...

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The 5 types of dictatorship: from totalitarianism to authoritarianism

Although it seems incredible in the XXI century, in the contemporary world dictatorial government...

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