Education, study and knowledge

4 Parenting keys to prevent Addictions in children

"Should I let him go out with friends, or tell him to stay home?" As children approach adolescenc...

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The 10 best Psychoanalysts in Santiago de Chile

Santiago de Chile is a large metropolis located in the well-known Spanish-American nation of Chil...

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Michelangelo Buonarroti: biography of the great artist of the Renaissance

Michelangelo Buonarroti: biography of the great artist of the Renaissance

Few discrepancies exist about the genius of Michelangelo Buonarroti, better known in Spanish as M...

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The 4 differences between Subclinical Depression and Major Depression

The 4 differences between Subclinical Depression and Major Depression

Depression is a widely recognized mental disorder that affects millions of people around the worl...

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6 types of ABSTRACT art

6 types of ABSTRACT art

The types of abstract art are abstract expressionism, geometric art, op-art, kinetic art, informa...

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5 effective steps to manage your emotions

5 effective steps to manage your emotions

Learning to manage emotions is essential for our psychological well-being. Because not doing so i...

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Learning to end a Couple Relationship: a comprehensive approach

Learning to end a Couple Relationship: a comprehensive approach

The process of ending a relationship can be challenging and painful, both emotionally and physica...

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Overcoming past traumas in Relationships

Overcoming past traumas in Relationships

Past traumas can significantly affect relationships, generating conflicts and difficulties in com...

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Does the Culture of Immediacy include Psychoanalysis?

We live in an age that is absolutely fast and at the same time voracious.; It is a moment where e...

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How does Sports Psychology help in injury prevention?

An injury is not only physical pain, but also interrupts daily life: normal routines are limited,...

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What happens if I take antidepressants without having depression?

In recent years, concern for mental health and its care has increased in our society. In this con...

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Psychedelic Art: what it is and characteristics of this artistic movement

Psychedelic Art: what it is and characteristics of this artistic movement

In the 1950s, the United States government was very interested in knowing the effects that the LS...

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