Education, study and knowledge

Emotional abandonment: what is it and how can it affect us?

We all want to be accepted and loved, whether by our family, partner or group of friends, since t...

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The 5 psychological effects of Black Friday

As you well know, Black Friday is the last Friday in November and it turns out to be so famous fo...

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How to help shy children: 12 tips

Each of us is different from the others. We have different lives and stories, which make us see r...

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Colors and emotions: how are they related to each other?

There are different colors in nature, and each of them affects our emotions differently. Surely y...

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Being overly concerned with family problems and needs

Many times it is normal for us to feel overwhelmed when trying to mediate between family members ...

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Albert Ellis: biography of the creator of the TREC

Albert Ellis is one of the most influential and well-known psychologists within the world of clin...

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The 12 best Nutrition Apps

The 12 best Nutrition Apps

We all know that eating well is very important to our health. And it is that bad eating habits ar...

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7 examples of famous savants with incredible talents

Imagine a person capable of memorizing a page of a book in 10 seconds, who is also capable of mem...

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Kurt Lewin's 3 Leadership Styles

Kurt Lewin, one of the leading members of the Gestalt School, made great contributions to social ...

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3 signs that an older person is lonely

3 signs that an older person is lonely

Although loneliness does not have to be something negative in itself, it is feeling lonely. This ...

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The effect sexist toys have on girls

For millennia, societies have made boys and girls, those members of humanity that belong to the n...

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How to overcome the consequences of bullying: 8 tips

Bullying is a situation that, unfortunately, many boys and girls have lived through - and do live...

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