Education, study and knowledge

Therapy in Las Palmas: the 10 best options

The first name that we must take into account in this selection is that of Guillermo Orozco, a ps...

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How to treat an autistic child? 6 key ideas

Do you have a boy or a girl diagnosed with autism in the classroom, and you don't really know how...

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Savant syndrome: unusual cognitive abilities

The mechanisms that make the brain work are not only revealed through deficits caused by injurie...

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Mandalas: the Buddhist wheels used in meditation

Mandalas: the Buddhist wheels used in meditation

Mandalas are one of the artistic and cultural elements associated with meditation. They are used ...

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Friedrich Ratzel: biography of this German geographer and ethnographer

Friedrich Ratzel was a German geographer and ethnographer whose knowledge in biology and zoology ...

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How to remove crow's feet? 8 effective methods

The wrinkles that appear on one side of the eyes are known as "crow's feet." Its appearance may b...

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Take advantage of boredom to encourage creativity

Today, we live in a society in which we have normalized being constantly active, constantly doing...

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The 9 best Geriatric Residences in Tarragona

The 9 best Geriatric Residences in Tarragona

Tarragona is not only the capital of the province; It is one of the most important coastal cities...

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The 12 best Coaches in Barcelona

The therapist Ana Isabel Marin offers a professional Coaching service in its Barcelona practice, ...

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Anxiety about eating sweets: why it appears, and what to do

Chocolate, apple pie, candies of all flavors, muffins, muffins and frappuccinos are just some of ...

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The 12 most recommended Apps to improve your intimate life

The 12 most recommended Apps to improve your intimate life

Applications for smartphones and other devices have changed the lives of millions of people in a ...

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The 8 best Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Clinics in Madrid

Advance Psychologists is a Madrid psychotherapy center located right in the center, and has more ...

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