Education, study and knowledge

Workaholic: Causes and Symptoms of Work Addiction

Do you spend most of your time working? Do you usually take work home with you?, Do they call you...

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The 75 best famous phrases of Adam Smith

Adam Smith was a celebrated Scottish philosopher and economist Born in Kirkcaldy in 1723. He is c...

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Symptoms of agoraphobia (physiological, cognitive and behavioral)

Symptoms of agoraphobia (physiological, cognitive and behavioral)

Can you imagine being afraid to go out alone? Experiencing constant worry and fear about the poss...

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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Santander

Mª Teresa Fontecha Y Sonia Gayoso They are a team of psychologists specialized in Applied Behavio...

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The 10 best apps to improve habits

The 10 best apps to improve habits

Join a gym, start a diet, stop smoking, sleep the hours that play... We start almost every year m...

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The 5 kingdoms of nature

Nature is made up of a great diversity of living beings, among which we humans are. Inside of her...

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How to help a child who feels rejected? 7 useful tips

Unfortunately, nowadays there are many children who feel rejected. They feel this way when they p...

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Kurt Koffka: biography of this Gestalt psychologist

Kurt Koffka: biography of this Gestalt psychologist

The German Psychologist Kurt koffka is widely known for helping, along with Wolfgang Köhler and M...

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Asch's conformity experiment

How many times have we heard that someone has no personality because he ends up doing exactly the...

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The 8 phases of meiosis and how the process develops

Something wonderful in life is how a single cell can give rise to an entire organism. I am talkin...

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The 4 main branches of Anthropology: what they are like and what they investigate

Anthropology is a science that arises from the need to understand, on the one hand, the diversity...

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Participant observation technique: types and characteristics

Psychologists have always tried to study reality, either from the inside or from the outside, in ...

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