Education, study and knowledge

How to overcome insecurity: 5 psychological tips

Many people suffer from insecurity problems. Feeling that you are not up to the task, that everyo...

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The 4 main branches of Christianity (with explanation)

Christianity is the largest monotheistic religion with the largest number of followers in the wor...

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Depression in Teens: Risk Factors and Warning Signs

Depression in Teens: Risk Factors and Warning Signs

Depression is a fairly common psychological disorder in adolescents, since 1 in 5 adolescents suf...

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Coping with loneliness in confinement: 5 tips

Coping with loneliness in confinement: 5 tips

It is clear that the situation of forced confinement that the global pandemic has dragged us into...

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How to Sleep Soundly: 9 Helpful Tips

Sleeping is a fundamental aspect and practice in our lives, which allows us to live in a healthy ...

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Creative thinking: characteristics and ways to enhance it

Creative thinking consists of the ability to break out of conventional ideation patterns and to i...

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The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: What Is It About?

Self-esteem is a construct that refers to the subjective assessment that people make of themselve...

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Need for approval: what is it and how can it become a problem?

Feeling approved and accepted by others is a human need, totally natural and necessary for our su...

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The differences between effectiveness and efficiency (with examples)

In business it is very common to use the terms of effectiveness and efficiency as if they were sy...

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The 11 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Las Palmas

Guillermo Orozco he is one of the best psychologists we can find to treat depression situations.T...

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The 9 stages of human life

The 9 stages of human life

Although many times we consider that "life" is a single thing that we all experience, the truth i...

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80 great phrases of The Little Prince (unforgettable)

"The little Prince" It is the most famous novel by the French writer Antoine de Saint Exupéry. It...

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