Audrey Kathleen Ruston, better known as audrey hepburn, she was a famous British actress, commonl...
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"Music calms the beast". Surely you have ever heard this popular saying. It may seem like an exag...
The representatives of medieval philosophy They are Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint Thomas Aquina...
The Last Judgment in the Bible is the decisive moment in which Jesus Christ values human beings...
When an individual relates to a group of people, he usually feels that he is part of a group that...
Generations are groups of people who were born during the same period, lived through the same his...
Psychologist and CEO of the group 'Psicólogos PsicoAbreu' (founded in 1995) has extensive experie...
Ancient Egypt is one of the most important cultures of the Ancient Age, being one of the civiliza...
High-calorie foods are those that are designed, as the name suggests, with a multitude of fats an...
The connections between surrealism and psychoanalysis are, in general, quite clear. André Breton ...
We start from the error that consists of believing that "I am my thoughts". Convince your mind of...
Despite its bad reputation, fear is a natural and necessary emotion for human survival. Thanks to...