Castile and Aragon had very large Jewish communities, until in 1492, under the reign of the Catho...
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Each job profile requires certain characteristics, but there are a series of skills that are idea...
If you have been interested in a job, and when you submit your Curriculum vitae you have managed ...
It has always been said that "the more we read, the more we will learn, and the more we learn, th...
Work is the place where we spend a large part of our day to day and where we can feel more intens...
It is now almost a year since Putin and his government invaded the Ukraine. We live again, with a...
Relationships are never easy. Many times what seemed like it could last a lifetime stops working,...
Many people believe that the human mind is what gives identity to each of us, something that ulti...
It is not at all uncommon for multiple words in our language to end up being used as if they were...
New technologies have changed the way we interact with other people and this includes, of course,...
Hosea Ballou was an American Universalist clergyman, as well as a theological writer. He became t...
Happiness, well-being and tranquility are states that the common bulk of mortals want to have. Ma...