Education, study and knowledge

Contemporary Age

Find out who won the Cold War

Find out who won the Cold War

The big winner of the Cold War was the Western bloc or Western bloc led by the United States. But...

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Who won World War I

Who won World War I

World War I is considered the first great war in human history, partly because of the number of n...

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Eastern and Western Front World War I

Eastern and Western Front World War I

The First World War It is considered as such because during the conflict it covered the entire wo...

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Causes and consequences of World War I

Causes and consequences of World War I

The First World War It's one of the most relevant conflicts in the history of humanity, being key...

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4 Spanish colonies in AFRICA

4 Spanish colonies in AFRICA

For much of its history, Spain has been a great empire, counting on numerous colonies and territo...

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Origin of the COLD War

Origin of the COLD War

The origin of the Cold War must be sought in the Russian Revolution, the position of the USA and ...

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Causes and consequences of the Industrial REVOLUTION

Causes and consequences of the Industrial REVOLUTION

Throughout history, certain events have occurred that have changed the world, some of these event...

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AXIS Powers in World War II

AXIS Powers in World War II

The Second World War is considered as the greatest war conflict of the history of humanity, and t...

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Emergence of the WORKER class

Emergence of the WORKER class

The emergence of the working class is closely linked to the Industrial Revolution, a period in wh...

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What is UTOPIAN socialism and characteristics

What is UTOPIAN socialism and characteristics

Utopian socialism is a political ideology that arises in the Industrial Revolution as a reaction ...

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Origin of the conflict between ISRAEL and PALESTINE

Origin of the conflict between ISRAEL and PALESTINE

He conflict between Israel and Palestine has its roots in historical and territorial claimss on t...

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