Education, study and knowledge


5 representatives of the MEDIEVAL philosophy: the most important

5 representatives of the MEDIEVAL philosophy: the most important

The representatives of medieval philosophy They are Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint Thomas Aquina...

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3 contributions of PRESOCRATICS philosophy

3 contributions of PRESOCRATICS philosophy

The contributions of presocratic philosophy more important are that they created a rational way o...

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4 representatives of CYNICISM in philosophy

4 representatives of CYNICISM in philosophy

In the class of a Professor we will meet the main cynical school representatives. Founded by anti...

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7 representatives of the PRESOCRATIC philosophy

7 representatives of the PRESOCRATIC philosophy

The representatives of the pre-Socratic philosophy were Thales of Miletus, Anaximander, Anaximene...

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7 characteristics of the CONTINENTAL philosophy

7 characteristics of the CONTINENTAL philosophy

The characteristics of continental philosophy They are subjectivism, hermeneutics, the value of t...

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8 CURRENT philosophical currents

8 CURRENT philosophical currents

In today's class we are going to study the main current philosophical currents. Those that are lo...

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4 differences between continental and analytical philosophy

4 differences between continental and analytical philosophy

The differences between continental and analytical philosophy they are the context in which they ...

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8 steps of the scientific METHOD

8 steps of the scientific METHOD

The steps of the scientific method are observation, approach, hypothesis, experimental design, da...

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5 characteristics of the scientific METHOD

5 characteristics of the scientific METHOD

The characteristics of the scientific method They are conceptual analysis, logical reasoning, cri...

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5 differences between ANCIENT and MEDIEVAL philosophy

5 differences between ANCIENT and MEDIEVAL philosophy

One of the main differences between ancient and medieval philosophy It is that Greek and Roman ph...

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I think therefore I am by Descartes

I think therefore I am by Descartes

In today's class we are going to study and analyze the phrase I think, therefore I am of Descarte...

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Origin of medieval philosophy

Origin of medieval philosophy

Medieval philosophy developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, a period that spanned approximate...

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