Education, study and knowledge

History Of Art

Picasso's Guernica - Meaning

Picasso's Guernica - Meaning

In 1937 Pablo Picasso, the best Spanish cubist painter of the 20th century, is commissioned by th...

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The Ladies of Avignon - Short Commentary

The Ladies of Avignon - Short Commentary

The Avignon ladies or in French as it is also known Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, is one of the icon...

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Analytical and synthetic cubism

Analytical and synthetic cubism

Image: SlideshareIt may seem at first glance that it is apparently easy for you identify a cubist...

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Representatives of conceptual art and their works

Representatives of conceptual art and their works

Image: Fahrenheit MagazineWith the conceptual art, an artistic movement that was born in the mid-...

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What is abstract IMPRESSIONISM and its characteristics

What is abstract IMPRESSIONISM and its characteristics

The Abstract impressionism It is an artistic movement that developed between approximately 1946 a...

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The name of Postimpressionism designates a set of pictorial styles that follow one another after ...

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12 main CHARACTERISTICS of BAROQUE sculpture

12 main CHARACTERISTICS of BAROQUE sculpture

The Baroque It is a cultural and artistic period that was lived between the 17th century and earl...

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The 5 most outstanding Romanesque ARCHITECTS

The 5 most outstanding Romanesque ARCHITECTS

The Romanesque is a term that began to be used from the 8th century, being used for the first tim...

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Gothic Art Sculpture - Characteristics

Gothic Art Sculpture - Characteristics

Image: SizeThe gothic sculpture It will undergo a remarkable evolution over the three centuries t...

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Baroque art in Spain

Baroque art in Spain

Image: In Art Class - WikispacesThe baroque in Spain will be characterized ideologically by the p...

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The most important WORKS of DELACROIX

The most important WORKS of DELACROIX

Delacroix (1798-1863) is considered French romantic movement leader, standing out for his concern...

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Al-Ándalus: Muslim Art in Spain

Al-Ándalus: Muslim Art in Spain

The muslim art or also known as Islamic art is the set of artistic manifestations that occurred i...

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