In Spanish, the words relate to each other from different semantic ties, either because they deri...
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You want to know words derived from BOOK? In the Spanish language, one of the ways to create new ...
In this video I will explain the parts of derived words: lexemes and morphemes. We will remember ...
Image: Slideserve Spanish has tools to change the nature of words. This is achieved by adding to ...
Some suffixes have their own meanings that can help us understand what is meant by a specific wor...
Image: SlideshareWords can count on suffixes and with prefixesThese particles are added to words ...
In Spanish we have the possibility of create diminutives using suffixes. In other languages thi...
Image: SlideshareYou know how to identify the root of a word? This is usually one of the most dif...
In Spanish we find different types of words, these according to their nature will serve to name, ...
Image: IEexamples.comThe language is alive And that is why it changes daily, perhaps these change...
In order to facilitate communication and make it more fluid on some occasions words tend to be sh...
Do you want to know what parasynthetic words are? It is a type of word that is formed in our Span...