Education, study and knowledge


6 Tips to Perform Again in Studies after Vacation

Vacations are normally understood as a period dedicated to rest, in which we can disconnect from ...

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How to face returning to work? 7 psychological strategies

How to face returning to work? 7 psychological strategies

The summer holidays are ending and the reality of everyday life is imposed: pending tasks, confli...

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Research with twins: what they are, how they work and what they are for

For quite some time now there has been an attempt to find out to what extent genetics and environ...

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What is Acceptance in Psychology?

The complexity of the human mind can be understood as a labyrinth of thoughts, emotions and exper...

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Human ethology: what it is and what it studies

The human being is, without a doubt, an animal that entails great mysteries. We observe our speci...

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Ghosting: understanding its nature and how to deal with it

Ghosting: understanding its nature and how to deal with it

In the digital age in which we live, interpersonal relationships have undergone a radical transfo...

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And you, are you true to yourself?

And you, are you true to yourself?

Have you ever stopped to think why we change when we are with other people? Why is it so hard for...

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How can I learn to manage my anger? Psychological strategies

How can I learn to manage my anger? Psychological strategies

All people feel anger at some point. Sometimes for different reasons but anyone feels it. It is s...

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Guilt and its emotional implications: how does it impact our mind?

Guilt and its emotional implications: how does it impact our mind?

Guilt is an emotion experienced when we believe we have done something bad or harmful. Guilt as s...

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What is Gender Fluid?

The social evolutions, the struggles to achieve rights and the social, mental and sexual liberati...

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Psychological Self-Care Routines: what are they and how to apply them?

Psychological Self-Care Routines: what are they and how to apply them?

How are you doing taking care of yourself in the times we live in? With the accelerated pace of o...

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The nervous system and the emotional world: how are they related?

The nervous system and the emotional world: how are they related?

In this article, we will break down how the nervous system relates to thinking and thinking to th...

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