Welcome to A teacherToday, continuing with the study that we are carrying out on contemporary phi...
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Image: Contemporary PhilosophyThe contemporary philosophy It is the current period in the history...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief Summary of Berkeley Thought and Empiricism. Th...
Image: Taringa!In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of Rousseau thought, Ge...
Image: YoutubeIn this lesson from a TEACHER, we explain what is sociological positivism, a philos...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of Kant's thought, one of the great ph...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we explain what enlightenment philosophy, as well as the most outst...
Image: YouTubeThis lesson from a TEACHER is dedicated to characteristics of positivism in philoso...
The big ones ages of history They are known for dividing the history of humanity into periods of ...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk to you about the philosophy of María Zambrano ...
Image: SlideshareThis lesson from a TEACHER is dedicated to most important existentialist philoso...
Image: SlideShareIn this lesson from a TEACHER, we will talk about the contributions of Montesqui...